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All Diann felt, after the shock wore off, was relief.She hadn’t imagined everything that lay unspoken between them.

“It’s been an intense night,” Lihn said slowly.“We could always go get some sleep and meet back here after lunch.”

“No.”Julen shook his head.“I shouldn’t have said anything.And I’m fucking this up again, aren’t I?”

There was a tense sadness in the air, and Laney snuggled against Peter, who held her close and kissed her hair.Then Peter bent, scooping Laney up in his arms.

Diann assumed he was going to carry her out of here, or maybe take her somewhere to do aftercare.Instead Peter took four steps…

And dumped Laney into the pool.

She shrieked as she splashed down.

Peter was being playful.What the hell had he and Laney been doing?They both seemed like new people.Better people.Happier people.

Laney surfaced, sputtering.

“Time to wash my brushes,” Lihn said, and then he herded Joni to the edge and pushed her in.

She managed not to go all the way under.“I thought I was the canvas, not the brushes.”Joni pointed at her breasts and pussy, both covered in paint.

“Yeah, that didn’t really work, did it?”Lihn seemed unrepentant.

A hand on her hips had Diann going still.Julen pressed against her back, his lips at her ear.

“I’m sorry for what I said.It wasn’t appropriate.”

That hope and relief she’d felt started to wither.Was he sorry because it wasn’t true?Or sorry because he’d said it in front of others?

“But,” he went on.“I’m not going to toss or push you into the pool.”His hand slid down her belly, and as quick as flicking on a light, her body heated with desire, her thoughts calming with submission.“You’re going to walk over and slide into that water because I’m telling you to.And once you’re in the water, you’re going to spread your legs, then reach down and spread your pussy lips so the cold water touches your clit.”He cupped her sex, spread her labia with his fingers.“Understand?”

She nodded.Mouth dry.

He released her.“Into the pool.”

Silently, Diann walked over and slid into the water.

Lihn stepped backand examined the list he’d been writing.Peter had found a cleaning staff clipboard with a laminated list and dry erase maker.They’d confiscated the marker and started writing a list on the glass wall to help them keep track of their items.

Peter had stripped naked and joined the girls in the pool half an hour ago.He was sitting on the steps, Laney between his legs.He was casually playing with her nipples as they talked, Laney’s parted legs floating in the water.Joni and Diann floated closer to the edge where they had a better view of the three sections of their list.


Serving as art

Serving as furniture

Serving as a maid

Serving as waitress/waiter

Serving orally (sexual)

Serving other Doms (supervised)

Sexual deprivation (short term)

Skinny dipping