Page 88 of S is for…

Shaving (body hair)

Sleep sacks

Slutty clothing (private)

Slutty clothing (public)

Spandex clothing


Speech restrictions (when/what)

Speculums (anal)

Spreader bars

Standing in corner

Strap-on-dildos (penetrated by)

Strap-on-dildos (wearing)


Strapping (full body beating)

Suspension (upright)

Swallowing semen

“We got a lot done,” Peter pointed out.“And that strap-on scene was hot.”

When they’d first started reviewing the list, they’d gotten stuck on the strap-on items.Luckily, Lihn already had a plan, and within ten minutes he had Joni in pegging shorts with a dildo in her pussy, her new bright green cock (that was all he could find) sliding in and out of Laney’s ass, which had easily taken the small dildo thanks to the plug Peter had had her wearing.After the pegging, he’d left her ass free of plugs, but hadn’t stopped touching her or teasing her since.

Lihn had licked Joni to orgasm while Julen held her wrists as a reward for her good strap-on performance.

“Technically,” Julen said, studying the paper copy of the list he held, “I did suspension, parenthesis inverted, just not with any of us.I helped with Nomi’s scene, and she was head down enough for it to be considered inverted.”

“I say we count it.”Lihn rubbed “suspension (inverted)” off the “to do” list, rewriting it under “finished.”

The middle list, between “finished” and “to do” was just titled “no.”Everything on it was either a hard limit for too many of them, or they’d collectively decided the item didn’t apply to them.

Except for saran wrap.That was on the no list because they all agreed it was a horrifying waste of single-use plastic, and a latex body suit would be far more environmentally friendly.

Serving other Doms, unsupervised was on the list because they decided “unsupervised” was too ambiguous—did it mean the first Dom wasn’t watching?Wasn’t in the room?It if meant the first Dom should have no idea what was happening to their sub…in that case, it was a hard no.

Serving, just serving, was on that list because it was too broad a term to be useful.

Sleep deprivation was a war crime.

Supplying new partners for Dom they decided was only really something a bonded couple could pull off with any emotional weight.

Spitting turned out to be a hard no for all three women, not just Joni, as was straitjacket.

There was one universal no, for all six of them, and that was the last item on the no list—sexual deprivation, long term.

That left only five items on their to do list.