“Because I want to say fuck the scene, and the brat plan, and instead tie you down and fuck your mouth, pussy, and then ass.Not necessarily one after the other, because while I fucked your pussy, I’d probably put a nice, thick plug in your ass.”
She shivered with arousal, and once more swallowed the urge to murmur an obedient “Yes, Sir.”
Laney opted to instead slip her arms out of the sleeves of the robe and put her hands on his shoulders.She pushed up on her knees, leaning in until her bare breasts were in his face.“It sounds like a good plan to me.”
His hands slid under the fabric of her robe, still bunched around her middle, and palmed her ass.He tugged her closer, and buried his face between her breasts, inhaling deeply.
“Please,” she whispered, hands sliding to his neck, then the back of his head.She wasn’t quite bold enough to grab his hair and force his mouth to her nipples, but she wanted to.
“So polite,” he murmured against the inner curve of her breast.Then he nipped her with his teeth.“Too bad I know what a naughty girl you are.”
Laney moaned.
“You like being naughty, don’t you?”
“I do.”It was true, she did enjoy being naughty.
“And I like it when you’re naughty.”
“Because you like punishing me?”
“Because it’s fun.And it’s…you.When this pretty mouth gets going, I know I’m talking to the real Laney.”
She reared back a little, shocked by his words.
Peter frowned.“I’m making an assumption, and I shouldn’t do that.”
“No, you should.I mean…I think I like that you care about the real Laney.”
His gaze held hers, and it was the most intimate thing they’d done all night.She fought the urge to drop her gaze submissively.This was about more than submission.This felt like healing, and acceptance.Not his acceptance, but her accepting something new about herself.
Laney took a deep breath, letting it out on a contented sigh, and then leaned down, resting her forehead on his.
“My father was emotionally neglectful,” she whispered.“He ignored me, and when I did speak up, or ask for something, he always made it seem like such an imposition.I tried everything to both be good so he wouldn’t be bothered or interrupted by my behavior, and to never ask for things.”
“I’m sorry.”He wrapped his arms around her.“You deserved better.”
“Thank you.”
“And if you’re done for the night, and need to stop, and process, we can do that, either together or separately.”
“No, I…want to be with you.”
His arms tightened.“I won’t leave you.Ending the scene doesn’t mean we part ways.We could go have a drink, or go find some alphabet-filled kinkery.”
“Alphabet-filled kinkery?I like that.”
“Point being that the club is full again this weekend, and there’s something to see in every public space.We don’t have to scene tonight in order to spend the evening together.”
“But aren’t we only paired together for tonight?”she said, stomach clenching with anxiety at the idea of tomorrow.
His hands went back to her hips, squeezing gently.“If we have to use tonight as prep or processing time then we’ll scene together tomorrow.”
That calmed the anxiety biting at her, but didn’t completely get rid of it.It was stupid?—
She probably never use that word again without thinking about Peter.
—but she had feelings for Peter.They barely knew one another, and yet their conversation, the spanking, and now this raw honesty, had woven together, creating something that was far stronger than it should be, given the brevity of their acquaintance.