Page 68 of Lonely for You Only

The next six weeks of my life are completely booked. I’d planned on traveling all over Europe in the fall, but that’s now been postponed. I wasn’t planning on attending school, which is a good thing. As Simon told Tate, “Scarlett going to college would’ve really cramped your style.”

Guess Simon isn’t big on higher education. Especially when it interferes with his new star client.

“Where to now?” Tate asks once we’re standing outside on the sidewalk. It’s quieter where Simon’s office is located. Not so many people trying to push past us as we stand next to each other facing the street.

I turn toward him. “I guess I should go home and get ready for dinner.”

He frowns. “You won’t let me come with you?”

“Oh.” I’m surprised he wants to tag along with me, but... “Okay. If you really want to.”

“Are your parents home?”

“I don’t know. They were gone when I left the house.”

“They won’t care if we’re there alone?” A single brow lifts.

“Why should they care?”

“I think most overprotective parents would have an issue with their beautiful daughter being alone with her new boyfriend in their house,” he drawls.

I didn’t even think of that because when I look at Tate, I don’t think of him as my boyfriend.

And I really, really need to start thinking that way.

This relationship is live and ready to be put on display for all the world to see. Time for me to dig in and do the work.

“My parents trust me.” I flash him a smile. “They know I wouldn’t do anything that might put me at... risk.”

“They don’t know me, though. Not really.” He flashes me a villainous smile, and I can’t help but laugh. When he joins in, his deep, rich chuckle touches places deep within me that I didn’t know existed.

Yikes. Pretty sure I’m in over my head.

We climb into our family’s hired car and head back to my apartment, the both of us on our phones most of the time, so not much conversation is happening. This doesn’t make me feel bad or think that we’re acting awkward together. This is actually the most normal I’ve felt in Tate’s presence since we started this entire thing.

“You always have someone to drive you around the city? Anywhere you want to go?” he asks at one point. He sounds amazed.

“Yeah. I always have.”

“Do you have your driver’s license?”

I shake my head. “What’s the point? I have my driver’s permit, but I haven’t gotten around to taking my driver’s test yet. I always have someone to drive me around, or there’s public transit.”

“I doubt very much that a precious baby girl Lancaster would be seen on the subway.”

“Hey, I’m not a baby. And I’ve taken the subway before.” A couple of times with my parents when traffic was too heavy and we urgently needed to get to our destination. On a field trip once when I was in middle school and we went to a Broadway play. A couple of times with my cousins.

Just... not very often.

“I’d much rather take the private car around. This is nice. Though I think you should definitely get your license. With all the money your family has, you could own any car you want, which would be totally badass.” He glances around the interior of the car, running his hand over the soft leather seat, a chuckle escaping him. “I’ve fucked up a few limos in my day.”


He shifts in his seat, his gaze focused on the window as the city passes us by. “Not my most shining moments, but yeah. When I was younger, I was pretty destructive.”


His head jerks toward me, his brows lowered. “Why?”