Page 67 of Lonely for You Only

Mom: Of course, darling. We love Rachel.

Me: It’s not Rachel.

Dad: Who is it then?

Mom: Oh is it Ian?

Is she going to be disappointed I’ve moved on from Ian? Maybe not. She seemed frustrated with him that night during the infamous dinner. She even told me I should see Tate to make Ian regret his decisions.

Me: I want Tate to come over for dinner.

There are no texts for a few seconds. Maybe even thirty.

“What did they say?” Tate asks, rubbing at the back of his neck.

“Nothing yet.” I chew on my lower lip, nerves making my blood run a little hotter.

Or maybe that’s from the way Tate is looking at me. I can’t tell yet.

Dad: Tate Ramsey?

Mom: We’d love to have him.

Me: Are you sure?

Mom: Absolutely. We’d love to get to know him.

Dad: Maybe we should go out. Take him to our favorite restaurant.

Oh God. Dad’s favorite restaurant is also one of the busiest restaurants in our neighborhood. We go there a lot as a family, though my brothers are still at their various sports camps, so they won’t be around.

Thank God.

I lift my head, my gaze locking with Tate’s. “They said yes.”

“Perfect.” He rubs his hands together, reminding me of Roger. Or was it Simon who did that? I can’t keep track of these men trying to control our relationship. It’s intimidating and more than a little misogynistic. “We’ll try this new relationship of ours out on your parents. If they believe us, anyone will.”

A knock sounds before the double doors swing open to reveal Simon standing there in his pin-striped three-piece suit, a smile on his face, and my lawyer standing directly behind him along with a woman with a stern expression.

Thank God I went with another attorney, one that Rachel helped me find that her dad works with. The only lawyer I know is Ian’s dad, and that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

“The lawyers are ready if you two are,” Simon announces as he strides into the room, rubbing his hands together just as Tate did only moments ago. “Damn, there is nothing better than putting together a sweet deal, don’t you think?”

The amused look Tate sends my way makes me smile.

Makes me feel like we’re sharing a secret.

* * *

Once all the necessary paperwork is finished, Tate and I leave Simon’s office together. Ride down the elevator together. We even exit the building together, because where else am I going to go? He’s by my side the entire time, his tall, broad frame making me feel small. His warm, delicious scent making me want to lean into him and take a deep sniff, like he’s a drug I’m desperate to inhale.

I need to get used to this. Spending time with this man, talking to him. Looking into his deep-blue eyes and bracing myself against the intensity of his smile. It won’t be a hardship because he’s just so pleasant to look at.

Then he opens his mouth and says things, and I sort of want to sock him in it.

Maybe that’s normal? Is that what being in a relationship is actually like?

Well, that’s what we are, officially. At least according to all those legal documents we just signed.