Page 75 of Loved Enough

The strangest sensation swept over me, and I had to rub at my chest to ease the sudden anxiety. Grabbing the bag, I quickly made my way back downstairs to meet up with Mom. The drive to Brock and Lincoln’s house was quiet as we were both lost in our own thoughts.

Halfway there, I looked over at my mother. “I need to get your advice on something.”

“Of course.”

I looked down at my hands that I was twisting into knots. “Last night, Maverick had a nightmare. It was heartbreaking, Mom. He cried out and sounded like a little boy, begging someone not to leave him. Then, he cried out he didn’t want to go, like someone was making him leave someone or some place. And then…”

I had to fight to keep the tears at bay. The memory of last night still felt so raw.

“Then what?” she softly asked as she reached for my hand.

“He said ‘they left me.’ I think he was talking about this young couple, Mindy and Justin, whom he had lived with for a bit. They were going to adopt him. They died in a car accident the very day the adoption was supposed to go through.”

She gasped. “That is so sad. Poor Maverick!”

“I know. It’s really sad. But when I asked him if he had nightmares, he told me he didn’t. Do you think it’s possible he doesn’t remember having them?”

Mom looked at me quickly. Her face wore a concerned expression. “I do think it’s possible. Has he ever spoken to anyone about his childhood?”

“You mean like a therapist?”


I shook my head. “I don’t think so. I’m not sure he would talk to anyone now. And I don’t want to push him. But, because of his past and the abandonment issues I think he has, I don’t know if he’ll ever fully allow himself to commit to me. I mean, he wants to be exclusive, of course, but I think he’s afraid to admit there could be a future for us. I told him I loved him, and he kissed me. That kiss said he loved me, too, but he hasn’t said it out loud.”

Mom smiled at me. “I see by the way he looks at you that he loves you, Lily. And your father has seen it for months now.”

“What?” I asked, completely shocked by her statement.

“Your dad said the moment Maverick first saw you, he was pretty sure he fell in love with you on the spot. And since you’ve moved back home, he’s more sure than ever.”

My hand came up to my mouth, and I choked back a sob. “Mom!”

“I know, sweetheart. But I can see where the fear for Maverick is coming from. Have you told him you want a future with him?”

I chewed nervously on my lower lip. “Yes. His eyes lit up, so I know he wants that too.”

“What if you suggested he go speak with a counselor at Brock’s community center?”

I wrung my hands together. “I’ve thought of that, but I don’t want to push him. Or make him think something’s wrong.”

“Why would he think that?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I only want him to be happy. I mentioned looking into ancestry sites to see if he has any siblings, and he has no desire to do that.”

“If he doesn’t want to look up family, Lily, then he has the right to refuse, and you have to respect that.”

“I know. I know. And I will.”

Mom got quiet and looked at me. “I’m going to ask a random question.”

Drawing my brows in, I replied, “Okay.”

“If Ben showed up on your doorstep and said he changed his mind, that he realized he loved you…what would you do?”

Before I could answer, my phone rang, causing me to letout a small shriek. Mom did as well. We both laughed—until I looked to see who was calling.

I gaped at my mother. “Holy shit. It’s Ben.”