Page 74 of Loved Enough

“We didn’t want to worry Mom.”

It was then that I realized why Maverick had been acting so strange. My hand flew up to my mouth. “Oh my God, Maverick—”

“Will be fine,” Dad interrupted as he walked over to me and took hold of my arms. “Hopefully, this incoming rain will help things out.”

“But the wind! Dad, it’s so windy outside right now, and that’ll make it spread faster.”

My mother turned off the oven. “I’m going to Brock and Lincoln’s to be with Stella.”

I nodded. “I’m going with you.”

“Okay,” Dad said. “If you hurry, you can ride with us. Nathan and I need to get going.”

“You go on ahead. Lily and I will go straight to Brock and Lincoln’s place.”

Walking over to my mother, Dad kissed her. “Be careful, and do me a favor?”

She rested her hand on his chest. “Of course.”

“Don’t let my dad try to go out and help.”

With a concerned look on her face, my mother nodded. “We won’t. Go. Lily and I will be fine.”

Once my father and brother were gone, I turned to my mother. She smiled at me and straightened, standing tall. “We might be there for a while, so pack a bag for overnight.”

“Overnight?” I asked.

“The last fire took them two days of fighting it to keep it off the ranch.”

My knees felt weak, and I reached for the counter to balance myself. Everyone I loved was out there fighting this thing.

“Maverick,” I whispered, fighting to hold back tears.

“Hey, hey—look at me.” Mom rushed over and tilted my chin to meet her gaze. “They’re all going to be okay.”

“What if he’s never done anything like this before? What if he doesn’t know what to do?”

She took hold of my shoulders. “Lily, take a deep breath. Maverick has worked on plenty of ranches, and I’m sure he’s had to deal with a wildfire before. The key is to stay calm and be ready if we’re needed. Right now, Lincoln needs us to help her with your grandparents. Go pack a bag with anything you might need in case we have to stay a night or two.”

I nodded. “Okay. Right.”

Without another word, I rushed up the steps and to my room. Once inside, I pulled out my phone and sent Maverick a quick text.

Me: My father is on his way to help with the fire.

I rushed and grabbed an overnight bag and filled it with clothes. Some of my bathroom necessities were at Maverick’s place, but I dug through the drawers and found an extra toothbrush, some toothpaste, and deodorant. I tossed in a few hair ties and an extra phone charger. I was sure Lincoln had plenty, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.

As I zipped up the bag, my phone beeped with a text alert.

Maverick: I figured your dad would tell you. Please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t want to scare you. I’ll be fine. I’ve done this before on a ranch in Utah. Promise me you won’t worry.

I scoffed.

Me: I can’t make that promise. Be careful, Mav.

I wanted to tell him I loved him, but didn’t want to pressure him into returning the sentiment.

Maverick: I will. Talk soon.