My mom and dad meet up with us, and what can I say? We’re huggers in our family.
“So excited about this, sweetie,” my mom says as Grace’s mom walks over.
Kathy is over-the-moon excited. “Okay, so now, work on those grandkids,” she says.
“I agree,” my mom adds.
“We’re goin’ the traditional route. Gotta get married first,” I remind them, then meet Grace’s eyes with a smirk as she chats with Remi.
They seem to be having some sort of important discussion, and Grace places her hand on her shoulder. I want to eavesdrop but continue occupying our folks.
Remi smiles at me, then walks away. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I excuse myself from the conversation and go to Grace.
“It’s time, princess.” I place my hand on her elbow and lean in. “Everyone is here.”
She nods then meets my eyes, clearing her throat. “Attention y’all!”
The crowd hushes and turns to us. I stand back with my hands in my pockets, loving to see her in her element, like this. When my eyes trail over the crowd, I see a smile on every face.
“So, hi. Wow, you all look so gorgeous out there,” Grace says.
Then, she looks at me, and I pull my phone out and start recording.
All eyes flick to me. “Sorry. Don’t mind me. I just want to remember this moment for the rest of my life. Because tonight, we’re not here,justcelebrating an engagement.”
I can barely hold back my laugh.
“Surprise! We’re getting marriedtonight. Right here, right now!” Grace says.
The crowd gasps and bursts into applause as she grabs my hand and interlocks her fingers with mine. I nearly piss myself; it’s so funny. My ma is holding her hand over her chest, but she’s crying and thanking Jesus, I think. Cash was on the back porch in the rocking chair, chatting with Remi. He smooths his hands down his black tailored suit and stands. Then, he coolly makes his way to the front, and I’m so glad I’m recording their expressions. See, everyone thinks I don’t listen to them when they talk about random shit. Beckett told me years ago that Cash had gotten his certification to marry people. It was good information to lock away, something I never forgot in a pinch. If it wasn’t for him telling us to go apply for our wedding license before the courthouse closed, it wouldn’t have been legal.
I take Grace’s hand and kiss her fingers as we wait for Cash.
When he’s close, he reaches his hand out and gives me a firm shake. “Congrats, man. Real happy for you. Love like this is hard to find.”
“Thank you,” I tell him as he stands in place.
I suck in a deep breath, listening to the faint sound of the crickets in the background as I face Grace. She’s fucking glowing with her curls and red lips, and that’s when I notice the tiara she’s wearing in her hair.
My queen.
“You wore a crown,” I whisper.
She nods. It takes everything I have not to bow down and unapologetically worship her right here. That’s what she does to me each time I smell the warm vanilla on her skin; it drives me wild. Or maybe it’s just being with her in general. Together, we’re a runaway train.
Cash clears his throat and raises his voice so everyone can hear. “So, we’re gathered here this evening to celebrate two people who were so clearly meant to be together …”
He continues, and I don’t hear anything because I’m lost in the dark depths of Grace’s chestnut-colored eyes, smiling, and wiping away her happy tears. I can’t help but notice how her lips slightly tilt up anytime Cash sayshusband and wife.
“The couple decided to write their vows,” he continues. “Harrison, you’re first.”
“Gracie …” I clear my throat, holding Grace’s hands, and smile. I didn’t need to write down a damn word, knowing what I want to say to her by heart. Adrenaline rushes through me because I’m minutes away from having the only thing I’ve ever wanted, dreamed, prayed, or wished for—having my best friend as my wife. “I promised you I wouldn’t get married before you. I just want to say, you get to sayI dofirst.”
Everyone chuckles. But Gracie looks like she hasn’t taken a breath since I started talking.
“Breathe, princess,” I whisper, and she smiles.
“You stole my breath away,” she whispers.