I chuckle. “Articulating how you make me feel in just a few sentences is impossible; the words don’t even exist. But I’ll try. A life without you isn’t a life worth living, and I promise you,” I lean in and whisper in her ear so only she can hear, “with an X over my heart”—I nibble on her ear—“that I will be with you through thick and thin, through the good and the bad, through all the messy love. A lifetime isn’t enough. I promise to never let you buy yourself flowers, to love your hair whether it’s short or long, and, yes, I’ll always watch those corny rom-com movies with you, with hopes that I can continue to give us our own movie moments. Princess, you’re my everything, my forever person, my BFF, and my soon-to-be wife. Being with you is proof that dreams come true, and I will always be Team Grace. Oh, and here’s your big, fat ValentineI told ya so.”
“The Kiss of Death,” she whispers with a laugh, and I wipe more happy tears away.
“I love you.”
“I love you. We’re getting married,” she whispers, smiling.
I reach forward and brush my thumb across her cheek. “Don’t ever change.”
The smile on her face doesn’t falter as she tries to hold back laughter. She holds her hand out to the audience. “Sorry, I’ve got the giggles.”
As soon as she looks at me, I cross my eyes at her, and she snorts, and then I start laughing with her. Right now, it’s like no one is here but us. I’ve completely blocked out everything other than her. A light breeze blows in her hair, and I twist one of her curls around my finger, just like I used to do when we were kids, sitting in front of each other, coloring. Now, she’s going to be my wife.
“Grace,” Cash whispers, bringing us back because, right now, we’re love drunk. It’s the only way I can explain it.
“Yes?” she asks, grabbing both of my hands and squeezing them, not giving a fuck that we’re waiting on her.
It’s just me and my girl.
I meet her eyes, barely lifting my brow, wearing that smirk she loves.
“That was ten out of ten.”
“Really?” I chuckle.
Cash clears his throat, and Gracie smiles wide.
Something flashes in her eyes, and she says, “I’ve tried to think about a time when you weren’t in my life, and it doesn’t really exist. But I remember the moment you told me I was going to be yours. First grade. Mrs. Bailey’s class. Our mothers dressed us up in matching costumes for Halloween and you were Prince Charming, and I was Cinderella, and even though I was six years old, you swept me off my feet. And you’ve been doing it every day since.
“I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. I didn’t know this feeling was possible, and I never want it to end. I promise to be your best friend for the rest of my days. I’ll be your annoying roommate too. And I promise to love you so deeply andfearlesslywith every inch of my being.
“When we crossed the line, I wasn’t sure about us, but I was always afraid of losing you, and right now, I’m promising you that I will never let you go. Never again. As I am standing here right now, getting ready to be your wife, there ain’t a single doubt in my mind that we were always meant to be. Just like this. Me and you. G and H—our initials are even next to each other in the alphabet. This is the way it was always supposed to be with my best friend forever. I love you and can’t wait to beyourValentine for once.”
“Always were,” I whisper.
Then, we hold a silent conversation as emotions soar through me. I can see the pulse in her neck quicken as she smiles, and all I want to do is pick her up and carry her away from this, from the attention, and be alone. Because the reality is, she’s all I need. She’s all I want. My forever. And today, I kept my promise to her, just like all the others we’ve ever made.
“It’s time for the ring exchange,” Cash whispers, handing Grace one and me the other.
Since we filled him in on what was going to happen, we also gave him the rings. I’d already had Grace’s set, but we had driven to El Paso and found a jewelry store and picked out mine.
When Grace is asked if she’ll take me as her husband, she meets my eyes and a silent conversation streams between us.
“Yes.” It comes out like a whispered prayer, but there is no hesitation.
“Harrison, do you take Grace to be your wedded wife?”
“Yes,” I say with a promise, not able to remove my gaze from hers as we exchange rings. A magnetic force nearly pushes us together and it feels like we’re the only people in the room.
Cash smiles at both of us and continues, “Harrison and Grace, you have publicly promised your love and commitment. I call upon all gathered here to witness that you are now wed. I’m so honored to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Valentine.”
I don’t even wait for him to give me permission before I’m removing the space between us.
“You can kiss your bride,” he announces and begins clapping.
Excitement and joy as I’ve never felt before rush through me as I gently nibble on her lip before she claims my mouth right at golden hour, and it feels magical, everything glowing yellow. I’m so desperate to be close to her as my tongue gently slides against hers. We almost lose control.
I dip her, and she holds on to me as I softly laugh against her lips.