I clear my throat and try to look as though I’ve given Ethan more than a fleeting thought this weekend.

Actually, that’s true. I gave him lots of thought this weekend, but every time he came to mind, I quickly shut the images down. And not once did I think about how I’m supposed to woo him.

“Well, I… should probably…” I leave the sentence hanging, hoping Teah will bail me out with a solution.

Which she does.

“Go on a date with him or something.”

“Yeah, totally. That’s what I was gonna say,” I rush out the lie and force a smile.

Teah tucks a lock of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear and looks to Bella, who is typing up notes.

Seriously? Why?

“So, how are you going to do that?” Her expectant look makes my stomach writhe, and I’m about to shrug when Teah saves my ass again.

“She’s going to casually approach him as though she hasn’t been hunting the campus for him and ask him out for coffee. She’ll charm him over a cup of joe and then ask for his number. Right?”

Coffee!My body starts humming for its caffeine kick.

“Yeah.” I nod. “That’s the plan.”

“Great. So, you’re doing that today, right? Because time is ticking by, and we don’t want you to run out of it.” Teah steps forward, pulling the tie out of my hair and obviously trying to give my fine brown locks more body. She fluffs them around my shoulders, then frowns and starts combing her fingers over the front to create this side part that I’m not used to before stepping back and nodding. “Wait. Take those studs out of your ears.”

I frown at her, reluctantly doing what I’m told, while she hands me her hoop earrings and then extracts a tube of gloss from her bag. She fusses over my face, and I just have to stand there not complaining while Bella gathers up my loose T-shirt and ties it into a knot near my left hip.

“That’s better,” she mumbles.

They both stand back and peruse their handiwork with satisfied nods.

“Vast improvement.”

I bob my head, forcing my tight lips to stretch into a smile, resisting the urge to tell them how freaking insulting this all is. They’re basically telling me I’m not good enough the way I am. The way I’m most comfortable with.

Smacking my lips together, I choke out a thank-you and am about to head to the library when Bella grabs my arm with a gasp.

“Timing,” she singsongs.

My stomach dips as I follow her line of sight and notice Ethan loping along the path. He’s thirty seconds away from doing a walk-by. Thankfully, he’s texting and hasn’t even spotted me yet. I nearly tell the girls that I have this plan to catch him later, but I get no chance because they shove me onto the path, and once again I’m tripping near his feet.

His hand shoots out to steady my arm. “Whoa, careful,” he murmurs, glancing up and then back to his phone.

He obviously hasn’t recognized me yet, and this would be the perfect moment to slip away, but I can feel two laser beam stares between my shoulder blades, so I stand there until he looks up again and realizes it’s me.

I flash him an alluring smile. At least that’s what I try to do.

The move makes his head jerk back with a confused frown until I huff and roll my eyes.

As soon as I do that, his hazel gaze starts to twinkle with a grin… and here we go again.



I didn’t even see her until she was right beside me. I thought I was just steadying some random stranger, but then she stopped and waited for me to finish texting.

I figured it was just another chick trying to catch my attention, and I was getting ready to put on my polite smile because Get Some Ethan is on lockdown right now. But then she rolled her eyes, and I realized this girl with the lipstick and the hoop earrings is none other than…