“Hey, lil’ mouse.”

She huffs again, throwing in a noise of disgust. “You’re really not going to drop that, are you?”

“Nope.” I grin.

She tips her head back with a groan and looks seconds away from bailing when something stops her.

Her hands clench into two little fists and she takes a quick breath, like she’s trying to win some internal battle before smiling up at me. “So, I bought you a coffee the other day. Think it’s about time you return the favor.”

Wow. Talk about blunt.I can’t let that shit slide.

“Uh… that was an apology coffee. Shouldn’t it be a plain freebie with no strings attached?”

She flicks her arms up like I’m impossible and ends up snapping, “Do you want to have a drink with me or not?”

“Oh, wait, is this you trying to be friendly? Because if you’re asking me out, I don’t tend to date mice.”

Her right eyebrow arches as she crosses her arms and hits me with a challenging glare. “From what I’ve heard you don’t tend to date women either.”

“Excuse me?”

“Yeah, Mr. Hockey, I know all about you now. You think I’m allergic to sharing information, but I’ve heard that you’re allergic to sharing anything more than your dick.” She points at my pants, and I have to force out a scoff.

It’s forced because okay, maybe she’s right.

That kind of assumption has never bothered me before, but for some reason, hearing her sum it up in that derogatory tone kind of stings.

“So why would I waste my time asking you out on a date? All I’m trying to do is score myself a free coffee.” Her eyes start to sparkle with a grin, and damn if I can’t resist it.

“Okay, mouse, come on, then. I’ll buy you a babyccino.”

She struggles to contain her laughter, biting her lips together and shaking her head. “If you don’t buy me something loaded with caffeine, you’ll be in danger of bringing out my inner bitch, and I really wouldn’t risk that if I were you.”

I hiss. “Your inner bitch. Man, she must be a piece of work, because your outer bitch has got some bite.”

She laughs like she can’t believe I just said that but manages to compose herself enough to play along. “See? Why risk it? I’m doing this for your own health and safety.”

And now I’m laughing too. Turning in the direction of Java Jean’s, I set a slower pace than usual so she can keep up with me. Although, I get the feeling those short legs can probably run pretty fast when they need to. She seems like an athletic kind of chick.

The hoops in her ears bounce around while she’s walking, and she keeps adjusting them, her eyebrows dipping like she’s not used to wearing such big jewelry. Maybe she’s trying something new with the whole T-shirt knot thing and the lip gloss. It’s kinda cute, definitely shows off her figure a little more. Those frayed shorts she’s wearing make her butt and legs?—

Don’t look!

My loyal brain starts reminding me why while my cock gives a little stir.

I clamp my lips together, forcing my gaze the other way… out across the green lawn to the smattering of sunbathers who will have to give up soon enough. Temperatures are already dropping, and within a couple months, this place will be covered in snow.

“You ski?” I ask. Yeah, it’s random, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

“I’ve done a little boarding, nothing too spectacular. I’m more of a water baby.”

“Oh yeah? Where’d you grow up?”


“Nice. LA?”

“Fontana. It’s about an hour east, but easy enough to get to the beaches.”