And we fucking won. Of course we did. Never was that a doubt in my mind, even after the brawl and penalties. We are on a winning streak for a fucking reason. We are the best. The numbers and stats don’t lie.

After the game, we showered and changed quickly. We needed to get to Grange Manor before she did.

Banks Lewis.

Bitch fucked with the wrong family. Plus, she kept the cash. Did she seriously think we would do nothing about it?

I am the captain of the team. I have a responsibility on my shoulders that the others don’t. According to Coach, I have to lead by example on and off the ice. After hours, what Coach doesn’t know won’t hurt him. If he only fucking knew.

And after tonight, Landon is even more on the shit list than I am. Along with Raiden. Even though it was kind of epic. Highlights are definitely going to make the rounds. Coach will be mortified, while the guys will be lapping up the attention. Then we will all get punished for it. I’m sure Raiden will be bag skated just as hard as we will be once we are all back from break. Theguy has been itching for a fight. I’ve felt it on and off the ice. So when this one presented itself, he took it. So did Landon, the guy has some pent up frustration. It’s usually a shock to people. Not me, though.

I’m his twin. We are weirdly connected. He is as fucked up as I am. Just not as loud about it. As the Spawn of Satan, I am very loud about most things I do. The more I know that what I’m doing would piss my father off, the louder I get, the better it feels and the more I don’t give a fuck. Soulless. Heartless. Heathen. Are a few terms I have heard thrown my way.

I fucking love it.

And I don’t fucking care.

“Bro. She's here.” Landon whispers.

I rub the palms of my hands together,it’s go time baby.

I’ve been working hard on this. Finally made use of our basement, too.

Landon got Flynn to text naughty Banks Lewis. Inviting her to an end-of-year-party. So naïve. She played into our plan perfectly. Just as predicted.

We cut the lock and drove right in. We aren't the first to break in, we won’t be the last. They have to relock the gate monthly. Oddly enough, they have never installed cameras. But I won’t question it. It’s working to our advantage tonight. The old Grange Manor is made of large tan brick blocks, and is two stories tall. The peaked roof is black, along with the front door. The lights from her car beam across the abandoned property.

Once her headlights turn off, Landon and I unbuckle our seat belts. The click breaking the silence and anticipation. We are both wearing head to toe black. Landon disconnected his interior lights when we got here. She won’t see us coming.


It’s pitch black out.No sign of anyone else being here.

No cars. No fire. No people.

Pulling out my phone, I check the text. It says tonight. Looking at the time, it’s nearly 11pm. Maybe I’m early? Like in high school or even college, if someone says the party starts at 9pm, they really mean midnight.

Slipping my phone back in my pocket, I decide to kill some time and explore this old place. I’ve heard stories about it. The family just left. Leaving this place locked up and never to return. It’s bizarre.

I chuck my keychain lanyard onto my passenger seat, no one’s around to steal my car anyway. I'm not worried. Getting out, the crisp winter air sends a chill over my body, I close the door and set off to explore.

Using my phone flashlight to light the way, I shine it in front of me as I walk from the driveway to the front door. Dead leaves and fallen branches crack beneath my feet. A large archway covers the front door, and my hand reaches out, making contact with the cold metal handle. I try turning it, but don’t make much progress. It’s locked.

The air smells of winter. Until it doesn’t.

My nose picks up a faint smell of a musk. Before I can turn around, a deep voice whispers, “The party is just about to begin, Banks.” Their warm breath on my ear causes me to freeze. Then, I feel a tiny sting on my neck. Raising my hand to it, I find nothing is there.

There’s a whisper in my other ear, but it sounds like a mile away. “Enjoy the ride.”

My vision doesn’t seem right. I blink several times, trying to regain my focus, but it only gets worse. Vibrant colors begin to invade my peripheral. Beautiful pinks, blues and greens. The crashing of my phone hitting the pavement catches my attention briefly, until I am mesmerized by the colors again. Shifting myeyes toward the direction of the color, it pulses away from me. Reaching out I try to grab them. Instead, they evade me.

Laughter echoes behind me. It sounds like it's bouncing off the house and trees. Each individual laugh gets louder as it bounces closer to me. Covering my ears and shutting my eyes, I shake my head, whispering to myself, “Please make it stop.”

No matter how tightly I close my eyes, it doesn’t stop. The colors are still there. My eyes want to chase them. I stop shaking my head when I start to feel more dizzy.

My body lowers itself to the cold ground, loose rock and gravel crunch beneath me as I kneel. Bringing my body into itself as I slightly rock back and forth.

“Please make it stop. Please make it stop.”