Something touches my back, causing me to jump in place.

“Banks, be a good fucking girl and face the consequences of your actions. Your recent choices are now defining how you spend the rest of the semester. But most importantly, the next two weeks.”

A deep voice taunts me. Even with my hands covering my ears, I can hear him clearly.

“Banksy, welcome to hell.”



The chick is tripping balls. Maybe we dosed her a little too much?

It’s not like she can overdose on it, Venom is top tier shit and death is not included. This morning Hud filled me in on his little plan.

It’s turned into a big fucking plan, actually. A lot of moving parts and with some help from Raiden and Flynn, we have been able to execute part one flawlessly. Trick the bitch here, get her alone in the dark, and drug her with Venom. We liquified it, put it in a syringe and popped it in her neck. Now she is on the ground in a pathetic display, ‘make it stop, please make it stop.’

How fucking embarrassing.

“Bro, it’s fucking cold. Open your trunk and I’ll toss her in before jumping into her car.” Hud barks at me.

Tonight was our only opportunity to do this. Rumor has it she has no family, so Christmas break is the perfect time to do what's in store for Banksy.

My face remains expressionless. I’m disgusted really by what I am witnessing. Weak. She is so fucking weak.

If you are going to fuck us over, you need to be stronger than this. She had to have known consequences were coming.

Without responding, I turn around and make my way over to the Range Rover. Opening the hatchback and turning my cell phone flashlight on, it is casting the only light on this dark property.

I turn when I hear a grunt behind me. Hudson has thrown her fireman style over his shoulder and makes his way over.

“She hasn’t a fucking clue what she’s in for. If she thinks this is bad…” Hud smiles and starts chuckling. I’ve not yet seen the basement. He’s wanted to keep it a surprise, the guy has been working on it for days. His dedication has been impressive. Only taking periodic breaks for practice, the game tonight, and pussy. After we drop Banksy off, we are heading out to the frat party being held in the team's honor to celebrate our win. It’s not like we can do much with her tonight while she's like this. Tomorrow, once she's come down, the games will begin.

Hud throws her in the trunk. Banks’ body is limp with her eyes shut as she positions herself in the fetal position. Her body is shaking slightly and her breathing is heavy.

“I’ll take her car back to her place. Follow me there. Make sure to turn your headlights off when we hit her street so people don’t see you, bro.” Hudson turns around and begins walking toward her car whistling.

“Bro, do you have her keys?” I question him.

“She left them in her car, it’s fine. Just go.” He shouts while waving his one hand in the air. He loves this. Lives for it. This is just the appetizer for him, he’s already craving the next course. Needing to see and feel the hurt and pain he is inflicting.

I’m all about the long game. Psychological torture. My play time will come.

“Let’s go!” Hud yells before slamming her car door and starting her engine. Tires spin against the pavement as hehightails it out of here. Closing my trunk, I walk around the Range Rover to the driver side and hop in.

Before turning the car on, a small whimper comes from the back, “Can you please make it stop? I don’t like this. I’m so dizzy.”

Not responding, I shake my head while glancing at her in my rearview mirror. So fucking weak. No one is coming to help you. No one is going to save you.

Following my brother, I peel out of the abandoned manor, keeping my headlights off for about a mile down the road to not draw attention. One set of headlights in, one set out. No questions asked. My hood is still on, which falls slightly over my forehead. Some guys wear hats, I wear hoodies. I’m my most comfortable this way, in the shadows. I get more attention because of it. Chicks like the mysterious hockey player who's into art, gives them a challenge I suppose. I couldn’t give two fucks about them. If I need to get my dick wet, I have a rotation of chicks who aren’t clingy and don’t ask questions. They know what they are good for. No emotions or you're out.

Fuck, I need to pack my machine still. A few guys on the team want some ink done before break. I told them I would hook them up at the party tonight. That shit calms me. The buzz of the machine, needles packing the skin with ink, with art. It’s fucking beautiful.

Before I know it we are pulling up on the street where Banks’ apartment is. I stop down the street as Hud parks her car in her spot. Once the lights are off, he gets out and casually walks toward me. Unless you were looking for him, you wouldn't notice him. The lights on the street are dim, not at all safe for someone like Banks at night, but it’s working to our advantage tonight, so who am I to care?

My passenger door opens and Hudson jumps in, giggling like a fucking school girl.

“Dude. What’s so funny?” I ask while doing a U-turn and start driving toward our place a few minutes away.