Hudson rushes me, grabbing my face and kisses me. I don’t fight it, he deserves this. He is a champion. He pulls back slightly, still smiling, and places his forehead against mine. “Banksy, we did it.” His eyes water and I love that.

“I am so proud of you, baby.” I whisper against his mouth. He looks deep into my eyes and then confesses, “I love you, Banksy.”

My eyes water alongside his for the hundredth time tonight.

“I love you too.” I respond without hesitation.

“How do you like San Jose?”

“I don’t know? I have never been.” I say, confused, still overcome with emotion.

“Get packing, Banksy. We are going to play with some sharks.” He winks, kissing me once more before stepping back. I am speechless. What does this mean?

Before I can question him, Landon takes his spot, wearing his sunglasses. Poor boy.

“I’ll be wearing sunglasses inside for a while. No tv, minimal phone time, and loads of headaches and concussion testing. They don’t know how long it will last, but I don’t have any regrets. They also said no strenuous activities either, so you will have to ride my cock like a good little girl.” I slap his tee shirt clad chest, but instantly feel bad.

He notices and laughs at me. At the same time, I see the place where his scar used to be is covered with a new tattoo. A green eye. I look at it, puzzled. Whose eye does he have on him? He doesn’t have any colored ink on him, so this is all very odd.

Flynn is still blocking the view in the hallway for us when Landon leans forward. “It’s yours.”

My hands fly over my mouth, and I step forward, closing the gap between us as I take it in. I am speechless. It’s stunning. It’s my eye.

“I love you, Banks.”

My eyes look up at him. He moves my hands away from my face and kisses me softly. As our lips separate, I whisper back, “I love you, Landon.”

“I wish you could come celebrate with us, Banksy.” Hudson chimes back in. It’s not worth the risk.

“I know. Me too. It’s ok. You guys go have fun. You deserve it! Maybe Flynn and I will hang out?” I joke.

He turns around and immediately squashes that idea. “No.”

The three of us laugh at his response.

“I won’t be out long anyway. My nurse should come by later to help me though. What do you think?” Landon winks. I roll my eyes, but obviously will swing by once he gets home.

Then I remember Hudson mentioning San Jose. “Hudson, what do you mean San Jose?” He grabs my head and kisses me again, “If anyone can figure this out, it’s you, Ms. Lewis.”



The conference championship we won was at the end of March. We went to the Frozen Four in April, but sadly lost. But it was an honor to even be there. I didn’t play, concussion and all, but I still went and supported. Banks went too, watching every game. She is a part of the team and I would like to see anyone say otherwise.

We haven’t brought up San Jose again, it’s more fun this way. She seriously doesn’t get it. Or if she does, she isn’t the type to assume if we don’t straight out ask her. Hudson verbally agreed to sign with San Jose following graduation, which is today. Then we’ll have a couple months to settle into the city before training camp starts for him. And Banks is sure as fuck coming.

Over the loudspeaker, I can hear them call for Hudson Cooper. He is in his cap and gown next to me as he stands and walks across the stage, taking his degree. Next they call me, and I follow suit.

Banks is in the crowd cheering us on. Father didn’t bother coming, he knew it was pointless. All our ties are officially severed the moment the ink hits that pro contract. Hudson didit, he got us fucking out. I will never know how to thank him properly for this. But when I figure it out, I will.

Hud is there waiting for me when I walk off stage with my degree. Banks is next to him in a black crop tee, and a high-waisted black skirt that has a slit in the front, the hem is slightly below her knee and she is in her classic converse shoes. Her hair is curled and in a high pony, light make-up with the biggest fucking smile on her face.

I grab her head and push our lips against one another. I devour her, wrapping my other arm around her waist, bringing her closer to me. We kiss a moment longer before she pulls back. “What are you doing?” Banks scolds me.

I wink at her as Hudson grabs her, doing the same thing. Looking away from them briefly, I notice we have a group of eyes on us. Moving my focus back to my brother and our girl, Hudson pulls back and says, “You are coming to San Jose with us, Banksy. Fuck ‘em.”

He can't, but I can and will.