I drop my paper to the ground and raise both my middle fingers high, no one can stop us now. We have officially claimed her, and she has claimed us.


Five Years Later

“Leave my Papa alone! Right, Mama?” The tiny voice shouts, sitting next to me. Smiling, I look at him, decked out in San Jose gear. “That’s right, baby. You tell them, leave your Papa alone! Right, Daddy?”

“That’s right, or we will have to send them into a time out, wouldn’t we buddy?” Landon leans over, encouraging his crazy.

Our four-year-old son, Pax, sits between us at a home game, acting as crazed as his mother when anyone gets near Hudson and the puck.

We got pregnant pretty quick after moving to San Jose.

Hudson signed with San Jose the afternoon after graduation, also hired his ‘not an agent’, as his actual agent just before that.

The guys wanted me barefoot and pregnant in our beautiful home immediately. Being older than them by ten years and my biological clock ticking, I couldn’t disagree. I found a really great doctor here, and we got my IUD out. Once my cycles becamemore regular, we started trying. With a lot of practicing done too.

A couple months later, I was taking tests, and one came out positive. I took four more to be sure, which were all very positive.

After graduation, Landon and Hudson rushed me to my office in the rink, helped me clean it out and when we were in the Rover, I sent my resignation email. Later that night, I went to a couple of graduation parties with them. No longer having to hide our relationship. When the team noticed, they were so excited. It reassured me that they were making the right decision. I couldn’t live without them.

Pax was an easy pregnancy and birth. Terrible baby. He hated sleep. He had to have taken after the guys, because never once did my dad mention me being a terrible baby. But we managed. Thankfully, it was Hudson's off season, so he could help out more. During the season we don’t like adding extra stuff on him. Landon and I run the house during that time.

Speaking of, Landon opened his own tattoo shop a couple miles from the house. It's a perfect location, a lot of foot traffic and it doesn’t hurt being Hudson Cooper's brother.

He called it Muse Ink. Apparently after me, which was such a sweet surprise and completely unexpected. The first person he inked in the shop was me. Over the grafting scar. It hurt more than I thought it would, but it turned out perfect. I got Pax and Paisley’s names there in a beautiful fine line script. It symbolizes how I met and fell in love with their fathers and the beautiful family we have created after all the evil. If they ever ask, naturally we would lie, as parents do, about certain things.

Paisley is just over two and is at home with our part-time nanny. She’s still too young to come to a game with us. Pax doesn’t normally, but it was an early game, so we didn’t see the harm in it. We don’t know who fathered who, but I have my own thoughts, which I keep to myself.

The goal buzzer sounds, followed by the goal song. “Yeah! Papa!” Pax is on his feet, bouncing up and down, so excited to see his dad score. Landon grabs Pax and lifts him on his shoulders, so he can see his papa better, while we celebrate the goal.

Hudson looks over at us. We sit here each home game, instead of the wives suite, he points directly at Pax, then waves. Our little boy is so excited that I am convinced he is going to jump off Landon, trying to get to him. Hudson winks at me, before rejoining his team and the game.

I fucking love that man. Landon moves next to me, as he puts Pax back down, I look up and he kisses me. “Love you, Mama,” he whispers against my lips, desire filling his eyes. We are going to have fun after the babies go to sleep tonight.

I often wake up in disbelief that this is our life. The team has been so supportive and accepting of our dynamic, never questioning it. Hudson signed a two-year contract initially, then resigned for five, we still have two years left and I hope we stay. We have placed our family's roots down here. We love our community. And the team is like our family now.

The final buzzer sounds, the game is over.

Despite Hudson scoring, the team still lost. Which is ok. We are already in contention for the playoffs. This loss won’t hurt that.

“Alright little dude, let’s go.” Landon scoops Pax up. He is so fucking handsome with our son in his arms.

“If you are a good little girl, I will fill your pussy up with another one,” he looks back at me and whispers. This man knows. Well played. I smile in response.

We wait for Hudson in the family waiting area. Pax races around with some of the other kids, and Landon has me in his arms. This will never get old. I can’t wait until we can bring Paisley to a game.

The doors open, and Pax spots him first, shrieking, “Papa!” I look over, Hudson is already bent down with his arms out ready to catch our crazed demon child.

Once he scoops Pax up, he walks over to Landon and I, he notices my smile.

“What are you two up to?”

“Landon promised he would put a baby in me later tonight,” I whisper into Hudson’s ear so no one can hear us.

He chuckles. “We would be even numbered.”

That’s his way of agreeing.