The guys droppedme off back at home an hour ago. I went straight to the bath and loaded it with epsom salts. My kitty is sore from the pounding it’s taken all week.

Soaking in the tub, I think about when it changed from a game to actual feelings and deeper emotions.

It had to have been that day when the guys found me crying with Coach. They defended me without hesitation, no questions asked. I saw them in a different light then. From vindictive and vengeful to protective and caring.

I was scared at first. Not sure if I should even trust myself after that first night during spring break. Was it only because my brain was full of lust and running on endorphins? But as the week went on, it proved to be real. The three of us fed off one another, needing more and more with each waking moment. Even with that, I think it’s only natural to have your mind wander.

I haven’t heard from them since we separated. Maybe I am overthinking, but maybe not. None of us know what’s going on, but we are going with it. Seeing where it takes us.

I submerse myself under the water. Why am I even entertaining this? My dad would be mortified by my behavior. My chest tightens, and I bring myself back up above the water. My breathing increases rapidly.

My phone is on the bathmat next to me. I reach for it and open our group chat the guys made before leaving.

You both drugged and kidnapped me. How is this not fucked up?

Three dots appear immediately . . .

Hudson replies

It’s hitting you now, isn’t it? You are freaking the fuck out, now that you are alone?



Breathe. Stop overthinking it. That was then, this is now. You know that.


You’re right. I am just freaking out.

Banksy. Just think of my cock pounding into your pussy. It’ll help. It’s what I am thinking about right now as I jerk off in my bedroom.


Dude. How is your dick not raw?


LOL. Night guys…

GN Banksy


Night ;)


I dropmy phone to the ground, resting my head against the edge of my tub and relax. One more day until I’m back in the real world.



Between classes, hockey and keeping up regular appearances at parties, it’s been hard seeing Banks outside of school, but we manage. If Coach calls me in his office for some shit, I take the long way around so I can walk by her office first, sneaking in for a kiss if her door is open.