I fought this. My mind was conflicted. Not sure what to do with these feelings. If my mom was around, I could have gone to her about this. But our bastard father took that away from us. The opportunity to have a female help mold us, guide and shape us into better fucking men.

I shake my head, trying to rid my mind of those thoughts. It’s irrelevant now. She is gone. Both Hudson and I know what he did to her, even if it’s never been proven.

Karma is real.

I lean back in my desk chair, the table lamp is on, and my sketch pad is open with a pencil in my hand. Drawing her delicate body, tangled in my black silk sheets, her black hair hanging slightly over her face. What started as afuck youover Christmas has turned into something much deeper.

At first, I was confused. When I connected with her in the basement, it wasn’t something I thought would happen, it just did. I have been battling my feelings ever since.

Thinking about her, not wanting to think about her, wanting to bump into her in the hallway, and not wanting to be anywhere near her. She pried into my life, and she fucked with my brother’s future.

But all that shit has fallen to the wayside now. We had a taste, saw her cry, and we became immediately protective of her. She is ours now.

No one at school can find out. She will lose her job. Hudson would lose any chance of going pro if a scandal like this hit the headlines or scout reports. This would be the one time father would actually be proud of us.

Banks shifts in bed, her slender leg wraps around the sheet, exposing her bare hip. I adjust the sketch to reflect her current state. She is stunning.

How are we going to make this work?

“Landon. Are you drawing me like one of your French girls?”

My brother is a fucking idiot.

“I’m sketching Banks.” I whisper-shout at him, not wanting to wake our girl. Hud rubs his eyes and looks at his phone, it’s past eleven in the morning. Getting up, he heads to the bathroom, I hear him pissing into the toilet.

“Why does he have to be so loud?” Banks groans, burying her head in my pillow.

“It’s the only volume he has.”

Dropping my pencil, I stand up and crawl onto the bed, pulling her close to me. She snuggles against me.

“You have to get up. We have to take you home today. Coach has us bag skating tomorrow.” I whisper into her hair. She smells like me from using my shampoo and body wash. I love it.

Her fingers brush over my scars, my ink. “We haven’t talked about how this is all going to work. If it’s going to work?” My skin goosebumps. At the same time, Hudson comes back and hops back into bed.

“We will figure it out. This is only just the beginning. I don’t know what it is exactly, but it’s not something we can just stop.” Hud rakes his fingers through his messy hair, his face conflicted. There aren’t any right answers right now, at least not while we are still in school and she is our advisor.

“Hudson, I would never want to jeopardize your future. Or yours, Landon. And if Groveton found out about this, I’d be fired. This is a major policy violation. I’d be blacklisted until the end of time. I’d have to move and find a new career. We all have a lot at risk, just in different ways...” Banks adds. Her voice shows parts of worry and sadness.

“We are all fucking adults. What does it matter? This is bullshit. We already work the drug tests, and professors. What’s one more thing?” Hudson adds.

My brother is such an idiot. “Jesus Christ. So, Banks,” I close my eyes, blowing out a deep breath before continuing. “Our father is useful for one thing, he knows the people who do our random drug tests. We let the guys know once we find out, and we only use Venom because it is undetectable.”

She doesn’t say anything for a moment, absorbing the latest bomb of information we are trusting with her.

“Ok. So… Ok. Is there anything else?” She questions.

Hudson wastes no time. “Raiden and his crew, including Flynn and Adams, make Venom. They call themselves the Noxious Boys.” Banks sits up, and her brows furrow.

“No, Adams is a recovering addict.”

“Venom isn’t addictive. It’s the world's greatest drug, and they invented it. It’s what we drugged you with at the old Grange Manor.” Banks looks at Hudson.

“I don’t think I should know anything else. Unless it directly affects me. I feel like this is good enough for now.” I laugh at her, bringing her back close to me.

Banks whispers into my chest, “What have I gotten into?”

“So much fucking trouble, and you love it.”