Page 99 of Something like Love

Of course he would have a soft spot for her.

She is, after all, my half-sibling. Just like Tristan is Quinn’s. I still can’t get my head around that and doubt I ever will.

I can’t help but wonder when Quinn will tell Tristan the truth. But this is his decision to make, and I know it’s one he won’t make lightly.

“I should find Tristan.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, I better do this alone. I should have done this a long time ago.”

I nod in understanding because I know he’s referring to us being honest in the first place.

But what we were doing, and who we were back then, doesn’t even skim the surface of how far we’ve come.

I wish I could take away Tristan’s pain, but do I regret finally telling him the truth?

No, I don’t.

“I just wish this was all over,” Quinn says, looking utterly exhausted.

His comment reminds me that I have yet to tell him about Tabitha’s text message.

“It will be,” I say with a smile and stalk over to the dresser to fetch the phone. “Abi messaged me.”

“She did?” Quinn pipes up, standing and storming over to me. “Holy shit, I forgot we had this phone. We can call Chandler.”

I’m still tinkering around on the cell, but it won’t turn on. Suddenly, I know why. “Dammit, the battery is dead.”

Quinn reaches for the phone and tries pushing a few buttons, but he quickly confirms my fears.

“What did Abi say?”

“She said we’re days away from this being over. We’re nearly free,” I reply, reaching for Quinn and placing my hand on his cheek.

“Thank fuck.” He sighs, leaning into my touch. “The fact we no longer have a link to Abi is a problem, though.”

I look at him, as we both know what needs to happen.

“I’ll go into town tonight, give Chandler and Abi a call, and hope one of them can give me some good news.”

I hate how fatigued he sounds.

“It’ll be over soon.” I smile, but we both know that soon can’t come soon enough.

As much as I hate that Quinn has to do this on his own, he’s right. I’m probably the last person Tristan wants to see at the moment. I’ll most likely make things worse, so I told Quinn to come find me when he’s done.

That was two hours ago.

I fight the urge to go looking for him because I know this can’t be rushed.

However, I’m bored out of my mind and antsy as hell.

There’s no way I’m going to talk to Polly because after today, she can go to hell. I’ve tried my best, but I’ve accepted the fact that we will never see eye to eye. And messing with Tristan was the last straw.

I know she doesn’t like him, and Tristan deserves better than that.

Kicking off the bed, I decide to take Lucky for a walk, and if I happen to stumble across Quinn in the process, then so be it. Reaching for his lead, I vaguely hear a small whimper coming from the room next door—Cynthia’s room.