“What about Justin…the jockstrap?” He smirks at his clever pet name.
Biting my lip, I attempt to contain my smile. “Quinn, that’s not nice.”
“I never said I was trying to be nice,” he rebukes, pulling me toward him by my belt loops and kissing the tip of my nose.
“Well, he did say he’s going to Canada,” I reply, biting my lip, afraid of Quinn’s response.
Quinn shakes his head in sheer defiance, and by the repulsed look in his eye, I’m certain that will not happen.
“There is no way I’m driving all the way to Canada…withhim.”
“I know, but with my dad and the police breathing down our necks, any stolen car or suspicious sightings will draw attention our way,” I plead, hoping to appeal to his rational side, as his irrational side is being a total ass.
“Red…Iwillkill him,” Quinn plainly says, and I believe him.
“What other choice do we have?” I ask, knowing if I had to ride with someone who I felt threatened by, I would probably be behaving the same way as Quinn. “But if you really don’t want to do this, then I understand. We can do it your way.”
Quinn looks as if I’ve just told him unicorns are real. “Did I just hear you correctly?”
I slap him on the arm lightly. “Stop being such a smart-ass. If riding with Justin makes you that uncomfortable, then we won’t do it. Simple.”
Quinn smirks sweetly. “He’s the one who will be uncomfortable when I stick my foot so far up his ass he can’t sit down.”
“Red,” he parrots with a grin.
“I mean it. If we’re not going to ride with Justin, then we need to come up with another plan,” I reply, hoping to God we don’t need to think of something else because I’m fresh out of ideas.
Quinn sighs, finally seeing reason. “You’re right. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
Leaning forward, I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head into his welcoming chest.
“It’s only till we get to Canada.”
“Well, Canada can’t get here soon enough.”
And I couldn’t agree more.
Day two of our road trip is no better than day one.
Quinn has decided the only person he wants to speak to today is Lucky. He seemed to be angry with me the moment we packed our bags and hit the road early this morning, as Justin said he didn’t have to stay in town after all.
I’m not sure what I’ve done, but I’m hoping once we stop, he’ll tell me what the hell crawled up his ass and died.Justin was thrilled to have us accompany him to Canada. Sadly, Quinn was not.
We’ve been on the road since first light and headed to a town just outside of Missouri to stay for a couple of days because Justin needs to stop over for work. I’d rather not stay in a place for longer than a few hours.
But what other choice do we have?
We travel in silence for many hours, only stopping for gas and food, but thankfully, once we finally pull up at our hotel, I’m grateful for two reasons. The first is my butt is asleep, and second, I need to separate Quinn and Justin, who are seconds away from killing each other.
The silence in the truck has been deafening, and if I hear Quinn huff one more time, I’m going to gag him.
Justin has caught on to the fact that he gets under Quinn’s skin whenever he touches me or his eyes linger on me for too long. And previously, those actions were innocent, but now he seems to be doing it to piss Quinn off.
But I could just be reading into things.
Justin turns to address me and only me. “Just going to check us in, Mia Mouse,” he says with a grin. “Remember I used to call you that in high school?”