But Abi gets it. “It was beautiful.”

A tear slides down my cheek, and Quinn is instantly at my side, wrapping a hand around my waist.

“Be safe,” Abi whispers, and I can hear she, too, is crying.

“I will.”

“Tell Quinn I say hello, and he better have done what I told him to,” she says, half laughing, half sniffling.

I laugh, which comes out muffled as I’m still crying.

I know she’s referring tohim taking me out in New Orleans, and I wish I could tell her all about it.

“He did.”

Abi claps her hands happily. “Based on that response, it’s safe to say you had fun?”

“You wouldn’t believe how much,” I reply, smirking at Quinn, as he so knows we’re talking about him.

“I can’t wait to hear all about it. I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too. I better go,” I say unhappily, hating to cut it short.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Bye, Mia.”

“Bye, Abi.” I hang up, wishing I could talk for hours.

“Everything okay?” Quinn asks when I remain in the phone booth, my hand resting on the receiver, wishing I never had to let go.

Shrugging, I let go and step out into the cool breeze.

“Well, the good news is, Tristan is out of the hospital. I think he was being a pain in the ass, so they discharged him early.”

The relief is clear as it passes over Quinn’s features, and he fists his long hair.“That’s my boy,” he says with a smirk. “So what’s the bad news?”

I bite my lip. “Abi said my dad is always a step behind us.”

“Fuck. How does he know where we’re going?”

“Because he knows me, Quinn. No matter what, I’m his daughter, and he knows I’ll eventually end up in Canada to find my mom.”

And that fact depresses me. He knew before I did where my heart would lead me. And that is to my mom.

“So we won’t go to Canada. We’ll go to Mexico instead. It’ll buy us some time.”

“No, we’ve got to go to Canada. Abi’s dad told us to go there until he figures out what to do,” I reply, and suddenly, I’m so tired all I want to do is sleep.

Quinn clenches his jaw. “I hate that he’s so close to you.”

“Me too. But now that we’ve got some direction on where we’re headed, we can play it smart.”

“What do you mean?” Quinn asks softly, raising my downcast chin with two fingers to meet his questioning gaze.

Giving him a small smile, I reply, “Tabitha said not to listen to my gut to throw my dad off. If I feel like I want to go left, then I should go right.”

Quinn nods, sucking on his piercing in thought. “That’s pretty good advice.”

However, as his face contorts and his chest heaves, I know what he is thinking.