Quinn is at the bar, getting drinks, but he’s done this so I can milk some information from Justin, who is nursing his sixth beer.

“So you never told me what you did for work.” I playfully smile, hoping he won’t detect my ruse.

There isdefinitelysomething up with Justin. After Lucky’s reaction to him today, I’m starting to think he may have had something to do with Lucky being hurt. If I find out that’s true, then I’ll return the favor and breakhisleg.

“Oh, it’s boring,” he says, waving me off and taking a long sip of beer.

“C’mon, try me,” I tease, trying my best to appear flirty without gagging.

Justin laughs, totally buying it. “You could say I’m into repossession.”

“Huh? Like cars?” I question, raising an eyebrow.

Justin smirks like a shark and replies, “No. More like possessions. Think of me as a repo agent.”

I have no idea what that means, but I’m not stupid, and I know he’s lying. I can see Quinn over Justin’s shoulder, watching our exchange closely, waiting to attack if I give him a sign that I’m in trouble. But I subtly shake my head because I’m not giving up just yet.

I try another angle and fiddle with the coaster underneath my untouched beer. Justin picks up on my fidgeting and asks, “Everything okay?”

Looking up at him and faking the best innocent look I can muster without looking ridiculous, I say, “I wanted to talk to you.”

“What’s up?” he asks, giving me his full attention.

Feeling the repulsion slide over my skin as I begin flirting, I purr, “You didn’t look too surprised when I told you…about my dad.”

Watching Justin under hooded lids, I look for changes in facial expressions, mannerisms, anything. But he has the perfect poker face.

“Yeah, well, nothing you do surprises me, Mia Mouse,” he replies, confidently leaning back into his chair.

“What do you mean?”

“You were always a rule breaker.”

“Shooting my dad is a little more serious than breaking the rules. I mean, it’s breaking the law.”

Justin scoots his chair closer to my left, and I can clearly see Quinn watching us from the bar. But he looks like he’s seconds away from charging. Again, I subtly shake my head at him, as I’m sick of playing these back-and-forth games with Justin.

I want answers.

“Mia, I’m sure you had a good reason, right? I mean, we do everything for a reason. And at the time, shooting your dad was the right thing to do. I’m not here to judge you…I’ve got my own demons to deal with than pass judgment over others.”


“What demons?” I question, reaching forward and lightly resting my palm over his clenched fist.

“A man’s gotta have some secrets,” Justin says, leaning forward, his lips inches from my ear. “And besides, I don’t think yourboywould appreciate me telling you my deepest, darkest secrets.”

Quinn takes two furious steps forward, but I gesture with my hand for him to stop, beseeching him with my eyes for him to allow me to handle this. He clenches his jaw, and his nostrils flare in pure rage, but he does as I ask.

“He’s just someone to have fun with,” I whisper, the words feeling like venom as they pass through my lips.

Justin’s breathing accelerates, and as his warm, desperate breath heats my exposed neck, I have to stop myself from throwing up.

“He looks as if he wants to have more than ‘just fun’ with you,” he spits, his lips still inches from my ear as he burrows into my neck.

“Not my problem,” I whisper, my gaze never leaving Quinn’s.

“Really?” he says, pulling back, and I meet his predatory stare.