“Now, before you start defending him…” Quinn stops, stunned. “What did you say?”
“Okay,” I repeat with a smile.
“What? That’s it? No fighting me on this?” Quinn asks, arching a brow, watching me as I kick off my boots.
“Nope,” I reply because Quinn is right.
With our plan of attack set in motion, finding out what, or if Justin knows anything,doesfall low on the priority list. But I’ll give it one last go, and if tonight nosedives, then so be it. Justin is the least of our worries.
Lost in thought, Quinn leans forward, catching me off guard and scooping me into his arms. I yelp in surprise as he settles me on his lap, turning my face from side to side, his brow furrowing.
“What are you doing?” I ask with a chuckle, convinced he has gone insane.
“You’re so obedient, and it’s freaking me out. I wanted to make sure it was you.”
This man is the only man who would make light of this fucked-up situation, which is our lives.
“Well, I can always argue if that would make you feel more comfortable.”
He runs his fingertips along my cheek, the gentle movement causing goose bumps from head to toe.
“I kind of like you submissive,” he confesses softly, playing with his lip ring.
My face heats as my mind conjures up how submissive I could be. This really needs to stop, as surely this can’t be good for my heart.
“Oh, Red,” Quinn whispers, his face inches from mine. “You’re a bad, bad girl.” He claims my mouth as his.
Our plan to get Justin drunk still stands, but first of all, I want to visit Lucky. It’s on the way to the bar, and I figure if my dad is watching me, then he’d be watching this vet like a hawk.
The tension can be cut with a knife between us three, and I really can’t wait to get tonight over with and cut ties with Justin ASAP, who begrudgingly agreed to come out with us.
As we enter the clinic, the smell of antiseptic burns my nostrils, and I cannot wait to get Lucky out of this sterile environment. The vet nurse, a young student, offers to bring Lucky out.
The door swings open, and out comes a groggy-looking Lucky with a bandaged paw extending up to his armpit. But he’s alive, and that’s all that matters. As he sees me and Quinn, his three good legs skid on the linoleum floor, frantically trying to get to us.
The sight warms my heart, and I drop to one knee, opening my arms. “C’mon, boy,” I coo, waving him forward, but he stops midway, his hackles rising as he drops low and snarls, looking over my shoulder.
“Lucky?” I ask, looking up at Quinn.
Quinn shrugs, appearing just as confused as I am.
Lucky takes a step back as he raises his lips, showing teeth, and as he commences barking, I notice he’s backing away from…Justin.
Justin shuffles uncomfortably behind me, and I don’t understand.
“Is this normal?” I ask the nurse. “I mean, he’s never done this before.”
“I’m not sure. The meds could have worn off, and he’s a bit sore and grumpy. I’ll take him out back,” she says apologetically, yanking on Lucky’s lead.
“I’ll just wait outside,” Justin says and turns quickly, leaving me and Quinn staring at one another, baffled.
I don’t want to express the thought churning through my brain because it’s too hard to digest without wanting to be sick.
“Those drinks can’t come fast enough,” Quinn says against my forehead as he wraps me into a tight embrace.
I couldn’t agree more.
The random bar we’ve chosen serves cheap beer, which suits us just fine, as I’m planning on getting Justin toasted so he spills the beans.