Gav’s already on his feet, fists clenched as he glares over at the table of delinquents. “Ready?”

I nod. “Follow my lead.” I step toward the table, moving through the crowd toward the table of students. My steps almost falter the moment I set eyes on Eva Carmichael. She’s wearing the sexiest dress I’ve ever seen, in cream fabric and cut low to stress her perfect breasts. The sleeves are long, which adds an elegant touch to the outfit.

A soft roar claws up my throat as I notice Dimitry sitting next to her with a hand resting casually on her thigh.


I march toward the table and take the seat directly opposite Eva. The moment she notices me, her face pales. “Shit,” she mutters.

Her exclamation draws Dimitry’s attention as he lets go of her thigh, inching a little further from her.

I clear my throat. “I didn’t realize all of you had clearance to leave the grounds,” I say, my voice calm despite the chaos blazing inside of me.

Anyone who hadn’t noticed me does then, as Arch kicks a guy off one stool and sits down, crossing his arms over his chest. I notice he keeps his attention solely on Adrianna Vasquez.

Gav remains standing, but most of the students watch him warily. It’s insane how much fear the Russian professor can inspire.

It’s Elias Morales who speaks. “I did.” He lifts his chin and levels his gaze at me. “After all, we’re eighteen years old. We can do what the fuck we want.”

I raise a brow. “That may be so, but you are all too young to be here legally.”

Elias laughs. “Who the fuck gives a shit about legal? The academy is about teaching everything that isn’t legal.” He gets a few snickers from his classmates, but most of them are too fearful of Gav to laugh.

“Touche,” Arch says. “How about we join you?” His eyes still don’t move from Adrianna, who’s looking anywhere but at him.

“If you think you can handle it, old man,” Rizzo, a new kid who started this semester, says.

He’s as cocky and stupid as Elias. Archer, however, is always one to see the humor in anything. “You know I could kick your ass even after sinking two bottles of scotch, Rizzo.”

Rizzo laughs and passes him a bottle of vodka. “Help yourself.” He sits back in his chair, a cocky smirk still plastered on his face. Either he’s fearless or plain stupid, as Gavril is staring at him like he’s ready to tie him to a torture rack.

Archer pours himself a large glass of vodka and leans back, sipping it.

I remain still, eyes focused solely on Eva. If I don’t control my anger, I might launch myself over the table, pummel Dimitry into a pulp and claim Eva over the fucking table in front of her classmates.

My cock throbs at the mere thought, which shows how fucking far gone I am. The forbidden aspect only adds to my desire. Eva should run for her fucking life.

The server I’d tipped earlier finds me and sets her hand on my shoulder at that moment. “I had to track you down,” she whispers before placing the glass of whiskey in my hand.

A few of the boys at the table wolf-whistle, but I straighten and nod in thanks. I’m painfully aware that Eva’s eyes are on me now, even though she had another man’s hand on her thigh moments ago. I grit my teeth and glance at her again to find she’s glaring at the server with similar angry jealousy.

I smirk at that and lean toward her again, realizing that my actions will annoy Eva. “Why don’t you get everyone a round on me,” I whisper into her ear and give her another fifty-dollar bill. It’s childish, as if I’m fucking eighteen again, but I can’t help it.

She nods and winks before heading off to get more drinks.

It’s an irresponsible move. As their school principal, I shouldn’t be buying these underage students drinks. However, Eva’s presence here only hazes my judgment and makes it hard to think of anything else.

“So, how the fuck did you lot sneak off campus?” I ask, glancing between every pupil at the table.

A few of them pale, most grin in drunken pride.

“I’m afraid if we told you that, professor, we’d have to kill you,” Elias says, grinning at me with that cocky smirk I’d love to punch off his face.

To my surprise, he has his arm lazily draped over Natalya Gurin’s shoulder. The same girl he has spent years tormenting. Natalya looks a little uncomfortable, suggesting that perhaps she’s not here by choice, or at least not in Elias’ arms by choice.

Elias has a lot to prove. He may be part of the Estrada Cartel family, but he’s only a cousin and doesn’t share the Estrada name. It means that while he’s a big fish at this school, out there in the real world, he’s not such a big deal. He’s ninth in line to lead the Estrada Cartel, behind his six cousins and two older siblings.

“I’d like to see you try, Elias,” I say evenly, holding his gaze. “A few have tried, none have succeeded.”