He snorts at that. “Yeah, right, old man.”

I clench my fists at my side, moving my gaze back to Eva, who Dimitry is fawning over. He leans forward and whispers in her ear. “Dimitry,” I bark his name.

He straightens, eyes wide. “What?”

“Did you forget what happened the last time you whispered something inappropriate to Miss Carmichael?”

His face pales, and his eyes dart to Gav, who is observing on his feet, arms crossed over his chest. I notice the way his gaze fixes more than once on Camilla Morrone. Perhaps my friend isn’t so immune to the beauty of eighteen-year-old girls.

“I haven’t said anything that Eva doesn’t want to hear,” he says, glancing at Eva. “Have I, Eva?”

Eva’s eyes dart between him and me a few times before she stands. “I need to get some air.” She pushes past Dimitry, who tries to grab her hand.

“Do you want me to—”

Eva shakes her head. “No, I’ll be back in a minute.” She rushes off, her hips swaying from side to side, and she walks elegantly away on her mid-height heels.

My cock throbs at the sight of her from behind in that dress. An image that should be for my eyes and my eyes only. I notice Dimitry watching her in the same way, licking his lips like a hungry animal as she disappears out of sight.

I grip the edge of the table to stop myself from launching over it and knocking him out. He’s a pupil, after all. I can’t go around knocking out pupils because he touched another pupil. He has more right to touch her than I do—I’m her fucking teacher.

I glance over at the bar, noticing the round of drinks I ordered still hasn’t arrived. “I ordered everyone drinks. I’m going to see what the holdup is.” I stand and head toward the bar, clocking the server. “Where are we on those drinks?”

Her eyes widen. “Working on it. It’s a big order.” I nod in response. “I’m going out for some air. Deliver them anyway.”

The server smirks. “Sure, I’m almost due my break if you’d like—”

“Not interested, sorry.”

Her face falls, but she nods. “Of course, just the drinks, then?”

“Yes,” I say.

I turn toward the exit of the club, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. It’s reckless of me to go out there—to chase the girl who haunts my waking thought and my dreams.But there is no stopping my legs. Eva is like the center of my universe, pulling me right to her with such force I can’t resist.

I march out of the club and onto the street, inhaling a deep gulp of the fresh air, as the club is sweaty, overcrowded, and stinks of booze. I glance around, searching for Eva, until I notice a small frame leaning against the wall of the club, head tilted upwards, her face gently basked in the moonlight.


She looks like a vision standing there like that, making my stomach flip over at the thought of kissing those thick, pouty lips again.

I march toward her, hurrying as I get closer. Seeing Dimitry’s hand on her was enough to make my resolve snap. I’ve had enough trying to keep away from her. It’s about time I took what I want.

Eva’s eyes snap to mine as I stand on a broken bottle, alerting her of my presence. Her eyes widen, and she folds her arms across her chest defensively, taking a few steps to the right as if scared of me.

A gentle growl vibrates through my chest as I move toward her, closing the gap. There’s fear in her eyes, as there should be. If Eva has any sense, she’d run far away from me and never look back, but there’s a desire in her eyes too, which tells me she has no intention of moving.

Eva will be mine, so help me, God.



Imade a big mistake coming out here alone.

Oak followed me. And now, he’s staring at me like an angry, hungry predator ready to tear me to shreds. His beautiful blue eyes look almost silver in the dim streetlight and pale moonlight creeping through the clouds.

As he approaches, I take a few back steps, only to find myself caged in against the club’s wall.