“That’s right!” Jen exclaims.

Anthony shoots me a death glare then turns back to Jen. “I usually don’t recommend doing an entire house on your first flip. Maybe something that just needs some light cosmetic work would be better for your first effort.”

“Too late, I already bought it.” Jen shrugs. “Besides, why would I need to do just cosmetic work when I have the best contractor around? You are the best right? That’s what Chris says.”

I stifle another laugh. This woman is priceless. If she didn’t have the same excitement in her eyes that Lisa has when she talks about writing, Anthony probably would have walked away by now. Instead, he just stares at her with a mixture of awe and confusion.

“I’m good at my job, yes,” Anthony says warily.

“Great, so you can help me,” Jen declares.

“We’ll let you two figure out the details while we grab a bite.” I nod in Lisa’s direction and pick up our plates to carry them to a nearby table. Jason excuses himself to go find Charlie.

“Are you sure Anthony will be able to help Jen?” Lisa asks. “He seems a little hesitant.”

“Of course he’s hesitant. Jen probably doesn’t have any idea what she’s doing, and he’s going to have to teach her the business while doing all the work. It’ll be a nightmare.”

“And that’s a good thing?” Lisa asks, horrified. I feel guilty about it, but I’m glad she’s focusing on her friend and not what she overheard a few minutes ago.

“I think so, yeah.” I spear a piece of pasta salad with my fork and take a bite.

“How can you possibly think that?”

“Well, for one, I saw the way they looked at each other, and for two, it’ll be good for Anthony to be around a woman who infuriates him.” I sip my beer.

“You are making no sense.” Lisa shakes her head.

I can’t help but laugh. “Anthony’s a single dad who’s constantly bombarded by single moms that want him to take notice. They’ll do anything to please him. Sounds like a dream but it gets old. I get the impression Jen has more conviction than that. She won’t give in to what Anthony says unless she agrees. He needs that.”

“Why?” A cute little crease forms between her brows.

“That’s the kind of woman he’ll respect.” I shrug, taking another sip of my beer.

“But you said she’d infuriate him.”

“Probably.” I reach for my burger. “But the more she challenges him, the more he’ll respect her.”

“I hope you’re right,” Lisa mutters. “I want this to be a good project for Jen.”

“Anthony really is the best. He’ll make sure she’s taken care of.” I clasp her hand and give it a gentle squeeze.

“Speaking of taking care of people, what burden are you carrying for Engage?” Lisa pushes her pasta around her plate, averting my eyes.

Well, shit. I was hoping this could wait until we got home. I sigh and give her the best answer I can under the circumstances. “That’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while now, but not here.” I look deep into her eyes, hoping she’ll recognize the sincerity in my gaze. “Can we talk about it tonight?”

She smiles softly, and this time it does reach her eyes. “Of course.”

“Good. Now, there’s one other person you need to meet before we leave.” We throw our plates away, find some drinks, and approach the chairs seated around a firepit. A thin, clean-cut man with dark hair rises to greet us as we approach.

“Erik, I want you to meet Lisa,” I tell him after we share a brief hug.

Lisa extends her hand, but instead of taking it, Erik sweeps her up in giant bear hug and lifts her off the ground.

“It’s about time,” Erik growls. “Chris talked about you for an entire week on the boat, which I couldn’t escape from by the way, and then kept you hidden until now. I’d be offended except I’ve never seen such a goofy grin on his face, so clearly keeping you hidden has improved his personality. I like Chris’s new shoes, by the way.” He winks.

Lisa smirks in my direction. “They are an improvement, aren’t they?” she says. “It’s amazing the effect a good pair of shoes can have.”

Erik throws back his head and laughs.