“It’s nice to be seen. Except you’re the reason I haven’t been seen recently. By Lisa, anyway.”

Damn, she’s brazen, but endearing in her own way. I can see why Lisa likes her. “I apologize for monopolizing Lisa’s time,” I say. “I’ll try not to, but I have to warn you I have a hard time staying away from her.”

“Well, she is sweet and caring and totally hot, so I understand your position.” This time it’s Jen on the receiving end of Lisa’s pinch. “Stop that,” Jen hisses. “I only have a few hours of reprieve and I have to make the most of them so no time to waste. Tell me the latest. I hope it’s all about him, so you turn even redder!”

I chuckle and put my arm around Lisa’s shoulders. “Actually, I think she does have some news she’d like to share, don’t you?” I prod.

Lisa narrows her eyes a fraction—I’m totally ignoring her request not to brag about her—then turns to Jen and grabs her hands. “I got contacted by a children’s agent. She wants to talk more about my book.”

Jen shrieks and throws her arms around Lisa, forcing me to take a step back before being taken out. “That’s amazing!” she says. “I can’t wait to see your name on a book cover!”

“It’s still too soon for that, but maybe one day.” Lisa smiles. “So, why the reprieve?”

“Sawyer has the afternoon with her dad. He just got back from his trip, so he graciously offered to take her to lunch as a mea culpa for leaving her home. Because every teenage girl wants to go to lunch with her dad instead of Paris on spring break.” She rolls her eyes.

I’m not sure what the ladies are talking about or what to say to that, but Lisa seems to empathize and puts her hand on Jen’s arm.

“At least that gives me the opportunity to be here and see you,” Jen says as she hugs her.

I know Jen was kidding, sort of, about me taking up Lisa’s time, but standing here I feel like I should give them some space. I’m just about to excuse myself when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

“Jason.” I turn to my friend and attorney. “Good to see you. I’d like to introduce my girlfriend Lisa and her friend Jen. Ladies, this is Jason, our attorney.”

I see Jason’s eyes go wide at mention of my girlfriend, but he recovers quickly enough. “Pleasure to meet you both.” He shakes their hands then turns back to me. “Did Charlie tell you about the two interested firms?”

“Yeah, he said you were going to get them the necessary paperwork.” Jen turns her attention back to Lisa and starts talking about a house. I feel Lisa’s gaze lingering on me a moment before she turns her focus to Jen.

“That’s right, first thing on Monday. Maybe soon you won’t be the only one bearing the burden, huh?” Jason nudges me. Damn Jason, he should know better than to say anything. I steal a glance at Lisa and see confusion in her eyes, but not hurt. So she heard something but isn’t sure what. Jen is still talking. Maybe the damage isn’t too bad. I definitely need to talk to her when this is over. I’m still wondering what I’ll have to do to fix this when I catch something in their conversation about remodeling.

“Hang on,” I tell Jason. “Remodeling? Who’s remodeling?”

“Ah, here we go again,” Jason groans. “Just because he manages a few buildings Chris likes to think of himself as an amateur contractor.”

“I’m remodeling,” Jen says. “Actually, Charlie said he knows a contractor who could help. Do you know who he’s talking about?”

“My friend Anthony did the work at my place. He’s the best I know.” I take another glance in Lisa’s direction, and she smiles, although it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Shit, she knows I did work at my place, but not how much work. Now on top of Jason’s comment, I’ve just given her more to be confused about.

“Can you introduce me?” asks Jen. “I need to find someone right away. I want to start work this summer.”

“Sure.” I shrug, still trying to get a read on Lisa. “Actually, he should be here today. He’s another of the friends and family investors in Engage.” I hope by mentioning that I’m diverting attention from what Jason said about me bearing the burden, although Lisa’s too smart not to realize Jason is putting me in a different category than the other investors. Fortunately, she still seems just confused, not upset.

I search the guests for Anthony, and when I find him, I shout his name and wave him over. I turn back to the ladies just in time to see Jen’s jaw drop and abruptly close when Lisa elbows her. I stifle a laugh. Anthony is going to have his hands full.

“Anthony.” I shake my friend’s hand. “Good to see you.” He shakes Jason’s hand and says hello to him then turns back to me. “I want to introduce you to my girlfriend Lisa and her friend Jen.”

Anthony shakes everyone’s hand, and I notice he lingers just a bit when he gets to Jen. Interesting. “Nice to meet you,” he says. “You’re both investors?”

“Actually, Lisa works for Engage, but Jen is an investor. She’s also got a remodeling project she wants to do this summer, and she needs a contractor. Maybe you could help her out?”

“What kind of project?” Anthony looks to Jen. “Kitchen? Bathroom?”

“The whole house.” Jen lights up. “I’m changing everything.”

“Uh, that’s pretty ambitious,” Anthony says, stroking his jaw. “It would be pretty loud and dirty. You have somewhere else to stay while the work is going on?”

“Oh, it’s not my house I’m remodeling. I’m doing a flip.” Jen bounces on her toes, a broad smile on her face.

Anthony clears his throat. “A flip?”