
“Boss. The early pick up you sent me on this morning…” Dante’s deep voice boomed into the room and I glanced up with a frown at Fabi. He was pacing the floor.

“Si.” I had sent Dante to oversee a huge shipment of drugs and weaponry from Sergio at the port in the early hours of the morning.

“Never fucking happened,” he growled.

My fists clenched on my desk as my eyes connected with Fabi’s and he shook his head, anger evident on his face. “What the fuck do you mean it never happened?”

“Exactly that. Sergio never showed.”

My nostrils flared as I hit my desk aggressively and cursed. That fucking traitor. Clearly, I didn’t teach him enough of a lesson last time to not go behind my back again.

“Where the fuck is he? More importantly, where the fuck is my shipment?” I roared.

“That’s the part you aren’t going to like, Alessio,” Dante chuckled. He actually had the audacity to laugh in this situation, the twisted motherfucker. “I went to his house to fuck him up but the place was empty. No furniture. No family. Nothing. I rang Sol. He said the shipment left with Sergio the night before. Sergio told him they had a new supplier. Buccini.”

I froze. Nothing but boiling lava running through my veins. The fucker double-crossed me. I jumped out of my seat, running my hand over my hair as Fabi remained a statue in the corner of the room, watching me carefully. He knew I was livid. He knew I was dangerous right now. Buccini dared to fuck with my business? Especially when I had his sister?

“So, are the rumours true?” Dante sneered into the phone and I paused, my heart speeding up. I didn’t like the tone of his voice. “You have his sorella?” I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to hold onto my control that was about to fucking snap. “Time to fuck her up, right? Send the asshole a message, no?”

I growled loudly in frustration as I clenched my fists together at my side. “Don’t bother yourself with shit that doesn’t concern you, Dante.”

“It seems you didn’t think it concerned any of us. Your papi was surprised to hear it from me this morning,” he chuckled and I snapped my head up to Fabi, whose eyes had widened.

“You did what?” I gritted through my teeth. If this man wasn’t family, he would have been six feet under a long fucking time ago. We had never liked each other from the moment we met.

“I only did what you should have done the moment you brought that whore into the South,” he snapped, his own anger at me coming through now.

“You fucking asshole.”

“Yeah, yeah. See you at Don Diego’s in one hour. You have some explaining to do.”

The line went dead and I shoved the phone off my desk in one violent action, causing everything to crash to the floor.

“I hate to admit it but he is right, you know,” Fabi said carefully. “You should have informed the Boss immediately.”

“I was going to! But I had to have all the facts first!” I roared. “I needed to know if Rico was in on it. If it was all a set-up by Giovanni. And then I was fucking shot so…”

He folded his arms over his chest and tilted his head. “What are you going to do? About the girl?”

“I’ll deal with it,” I hissed, pushing past him and out of my office. I stormed into her room and saw she had just entered, standing with a glare on her face at all the new clothes in her wardrobe.

“What the fuck is this? I don’t want to wear your designs. You haven’t read the list properly, have you—” she stopped when she saw the fierceness of my face. “What’s wrong?”

“I need you to just do what I say for one fucking day,” I growled, storming towards her. She took two steps back, fear in her eyes and I paused, realising I was losing my control. I pinched the bridge of my nose to calm the fuck down. When I felt more in control, I found her staring at me with confusion and worry.

“Please. Elle. Just put some fucking clothes on. I can’t have you walking around the house like this when I am not here,” I replied far more calmly than I felt.

She frowned. “You really expect me to wear your clothing label? A Buccini in Barbieri clothes? No. I won’t do it.”

“You are wearing my fucking shirt right now! What is the difference?” I shouted and she folded her arms across her chest in defiance. She was testing my already wavering patience. “Fine. If you won’t get dressed, you’ll have to stay in this room all day.”

I stormed out of her room and into mine to grab what I needed to keep her from attempting to escape while I was gone. I couldn’t have that on my mind while I was dealing with the shitshow awaiting me. When I marched back to her room to find she was still standing in the same position, I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the bed.

“What are you doing? Let go of me!” she roared, trying to pull her wrist from my hand. I paused, pulling her delicious body into mine and wrapping my arms around her back. Her body stopped fighting as she looked up at my face and I instantly calmed down, just having her in my arms.

“I have to go out for a few hours. Do you promise you won’t try to escape?” I pressed my forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. Her breathing hitched as the palms of her hands rested on my chest, feeling my rapid heartbeat.