“No,” she whispered and I smirked. I already knew that would be the answer.

“Don’t shoot me again,” I whispered against her lips as our eyes darted between each other and the tension grew. She was breathing hard with the growing anticipation and knowing what was about to happen unless she stopped me. But she didn’t. I dived for her lips with frantic need. This kiss wasn’t slow and careful like yesterdays. I didn’t have it in me right now. This was dark and possessive. Passionate. I ran my hands down her back and squeezed her fine ass under my shirt, pressing her into me as she moaned. Her arms wrapped around my neck and her fingers ran over my hair and down the back of my shaved head, gripping me to her. It was raw and intense and fuck, I wanted her so badly.

Lifting her by her ass, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I threw us down on the mattress, my tongue claiming every inch of her mouth as I groaned with arousal. I loved kissing her. I couldn’t get enough of it. I pressed my erection against her wet pussy, bucking my hips to apply pressure to her clit and she gasped into the kiss, her eyes rolling back in her head. If I didn’t stop soon, this would go too far and I couldn’t allow that. Not now. She was too far gone with desire and arousal to notice me running my hand up her arm and pinning it down above her head. I pulled the handcuffs out of my back pocket with the other hand. In one quick motion, I clamped the cuffs around her wrist and the other one to the metal bed frame bars.

She broke our kiss to look up at her tied hand before glaring at me with so much fury, I had to try not to laugh.

“What the fuck is this, Alessio?”

I pushed off of her, rearranging my solid dick in my trousers as I looked down at her tied to the bed in my shirt. Cazzo, if ever I had to use every ounce of willpower I had, it was right now.

“Just think of it as payback,” I smirked as she tried to pull her hand free unsuccessfully. “I won’t be long. A few hours and then we can finish what we started,” I winked, walking around the bed towards the door.

“Alessio! In your fucking dreams! I will never let you touch me again if you leave me here like this! Alessio! Fucking dickhead!” She roared as I slammed the door shut and locked it with the key. Fabi was leaning against the bannister, shaking his head as she continued to curse at me with every vulgar Italian swear word she could think of through the door. I held the bedroom key out to Fabi.

“Stay here and watch the door. Don’t let anyone in until I get back. She can’t escape, but if by some miracle she manages to cause shit in there, here’s the key. I’ll be back soon.”

“You don’t want me to come with you for back up?” he called as I walked away from him and down the stairs.

“No. Watch her. I can deal with Dante and Diego myself,” I growled and he raised his eyebrows.

“Good luck, my friend,” he whistled as he slouched down on the floor and pulled out his phone.

Yeah. I was going to need all the luck in the world.


I couldn’t believe him! The fucking asshole tricked me. Seducing me, just to tie me to the bed, so I couldn’t escape while he wasn’t in the house. And I fell for it! I let my desire and traitorous vagina take over control from logic. He was just so fucking sexy. Everything about him. And I hated it. I was a weak fucking woman when it came to those blue eyes, powerful hands and strong lips. And let’s not get started on what he’s packing between his legs.

I sat up against the black, iron frame of the bed and tugged at the handcuff again. It was no use. These weren’t flimsy handcuffs or the leather straps that I had used on him in the club. These were the real deal. And even though I had one free hand, it was pointless to try. I couldn’t do anything but sit here and wait for him to come back.

“Urgh!” I huffed back against the pillows and stared at the white ceiling. He said a few hours. Was that like two hours or five? What if I needed the toilet? Maybe Zia would come up to look for me after a while. I was planning to spend my morning with her in the gardens.

I yawned loudly and turned on my side, trying to get into some kind of comfortable position with my hand raised against the bars. Maybe I should have a nap. I hadn’t exactly slept well, the last two nights. The first night I was terrified of every little noise in the house. The strange surroundings felt so alien to me. But last night, I would love to say that was the reason I didn’t have a good night’s sleep. In reality, it was because I was so fucking horny. Our kiss replayed again and again every time I closed my eyes. But I was also worried. Worried about his leg. Wondering if he was going to be okay. I hated myself for it. This was not a man I should care about. And definitely not one I should fantasise about. But I couldn’t help it.

As my eyelids started to become droopy, I fell asleep wondering what had made him so mad this morning. Whatever news Fabi told him was obviously bad and I had an awful feeling it had something to do with Giovanni.

Deep Italian voices jolted me from my sleep. Sweat beaded on my forehead from the dream I could no longer recall. I fell back down on the pillow when I remembered I was stuck to this bed frame. I frowned, craning my neck to listen to the voices outside my door, hoping to God it was Alessio returning. But I didn’t recognise his deep, husky tone.

I pulled myself up against the frame as I tried to listen harder to what they were saying. My heart started rocketing in my chest as a terrible feeling pulled at my gut.

“Nasty cut there, Este,” one deep voice growled out with a sadistic edge.

“Yeah. The fucking Buccini bitch attacked me with a shoe,” he gritted. My eyes widened as I realised who one of the men was. The huge soldier who had pulled me down from the wall yesterday.

“Well then, it’s your lucky day. Boss has ordered us to teach the slut a lesson in respect. Her brother double crossed us this morning and now it’s time to show him what his actions have caused,” the other man sneered in rapid Italian. Fuck. No. I started hyperventilating as I tried to force my hand out the metal hoop but it was too tight. Quickly scanning the room and thinking fast, I looked for anything I could use as a weapon. They were still talking outside, but I had zoned out, the sound of my pulse in my ears was overpowering everything else.

I tried to reach for the lamp next to my bed just as the door unlocked and the two men strolled in. I froze. My eyes widened with fear as I took in the man I had never met before. He was covered with tattoos on his chest and arms that disappeared into his grey T-shirt. His brown hair was shaved at the side but longer on top, flopping over one side. His dark blue eyes, a sharp jaw and a vindictive smile sent an unpleasant shiver down my back. Everything about this man screamed pure evil. As I looked into his eyes, I saw nothing but emptiness. He was a pit of soulless destruction and fucking terrifying. I glanced over at Este, who was smirking at me with his arms crossed over his chest, his huge biceps straining against his shirt. The deep cut on his forehead was now healed but would clearly leave a scar.

“Where’s Alessio?” I asked in panic, looking between the two as the scarier one walked around the bed towards me.

“Why? Are you disappointed you won’t be getting your fill of Barbieri dick, Elenora?” he replied, licking his lips as he raked his eyes over my body. I immediately shuffled up the bed away from him, but my arm pulled against the restraint. His eyes flicked up to the handcuffs and he smiled with so much inhumanity, I gulped down a whimper.

“Well don’t worry, bella. I’m a Barbieri too. And it looks like my cousin set you up perfectly for me. How did he know I liked my little sluts tied up?”

I screamed as he dived forward, grabbing my ankles and pulling me towards him. I kicked with all my might and managed to catch him hard in the stomach. He laughed loudly, his eyes glimmering with excitement. He was sick. He wanted me to fight him. He grabbed my jaw in his hand and forced me to stare up at his twisted face.

“Even if you are a Buccini, you are fucking hot. I can see why Alessio wanted to keep you for himself,” he shoved my face away and nodded to Este. I scrambled away from him as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to film.