I moved my gaze to Zia who was watching me with that pensive expression she always had when she was trying to figure me out. She placed her fork down and started to pour herself some orange juice before offering Elenora some like nothing had happened.
We all ate in silence, but the atmosphere had darkened considerably and I knew it was because of me. When I had finished eating, I stood up, storming inside for a pen and paper and pushed it towards Elenora on the table. She looked from the pad to me with confusion.
“Write a list of everything you need and I will send someone out for it today,” I explained.
“You could just give me a laptop and I could order it all myself?” she looked up at me through those long eyelashes and I scoffed.
“Nice try, Princess. When you’re done, give it to Zia. You can move freely around the house and gardens as long as you stay with Stefano and Zia. I have work to do,” I turned and nodded towards one of my men who was going to be tasked with watching her every move today. I leaned down and kissed the top of Flo’s head, muttering that I would see her later before striding back into the house and leaving them alone. So much for my peaceful and serene start to the day. One thing was for certain... Having that woman in my home was going to be harder than I thought.
I glared at the muscular back of Alessio as he marched out of my sight and I breathed a sigh of relief. I never felt like I could breathe around him. He seemed to suck all the air straight out of my lungs and all I could do was hope I didn’t pass out.
Stabbing my fork into some fruit, with all the pent-up frustration I felt in this current moment, caused his Zia to tilt her head at me with a small smile. She looked like a sweet, warm lady, but she had that raw Italian strength inside her that I saw just moments ago when she told off Alessio like he was a small child. Another thing I hadn’t expected. That he would have such an endearing relationship with someone. She placed her knife and fork down and sat back against the stripy duck egg cushions behind her.
“I am sorry this has happened to you, Elenora,” she spoke with genuine concern and hope blossomed that she may be just the person I could get on my side. Someone who could help me escape this place. “But if Alessio brought you here, it was for good reason. Like I said, he has never brought a woman here, in fact, he rarely brings his business into the house so the fact he has, means something.”
Maybe I was too optimistic after all.
I frowned, mimicking her actions as I placed my cutlery down to show her she had my full attention. “What does it mean exactly?”
“I do not know,” she chuckled, shaking her head as her greying hair brushed her shoulders. “I gave up trying to understand the inner workings of that man’s head a long time ago. But if he said you are safe here. He means it.”
I nodded once, believing her words. I had believed Alessio when he first told me too. I didn’t think he would do anything to hurt me, but I also knew I couldn’t trust him. This could all be an act to make me feel safe and comfortable. He could very easily switch when things don’t go his way. My gut clenched as I thought of Gio and my family. What was it that Alessio and Lorenzo were going to use me for? How far would my brother go to keep me safe or get me back? This had never happened before in our family. No one had ever been taken and it wasn’t something that we had discussed in great depth. I couldn’t have my brother suffer because of me. I had to at least try to escape.
“He is very lucky to have you as his aunt,” I smiled, trying to make polite conversation with the old woman. Maybe I could appeal to her maternal and caring nature and beg her to help me get out of here.
“Oh, I am not his aunt, my child,” she laughed. “He has always called me Zia Flo since he was a boy. It just stuck. I was his nanny. And now I am his housekeeper.”
“Oh,” I gasped, completely shocked by that revelation. They seemed close enough to be related. The thought of me kissing Lucinda, my family’s housekeeper, was hilarious. In fact, she would never even sit and eat a meal with us. There was a professional line that wouldn’t be crossed in our household. As a family we were very close, but those who worked for us understood boundaries.
“You seem surprised?” she asked with a smile.
“Sorry. It’s just you seem so close. Like you are related.”
“In many ways we are family. We are the only true family we have both ever known,” she gave me a sad smile and stood up, starting to clear the plates.
“I don’t mean to pry, but doesn’t Alessio have a family? A papi and a sister?” My curiosity has always been my biggest weakness. I just couldn’t let things go when I was dying to know the answers. Luckily, she didn’t seem insulted by my question. I started to help carry the plates through the kitchen as she opened the dishwasher and loaded it up.
“He does. But they are not much in the way of family,” she muttered, a slight edge to her tone. It was clear she didn’t think much of Don Barbieri and Isabelle. “And that sister of his… nothing but trouble. Please dear, you don’t need to help. Sit back and relax.”
“It’s okay. I like to keep busy. I think I might go insane if I have nothing to do around here all day,” I smiled as she closed the dishwasher door and washed her hands. “I met his sister actually. Briefly. She was the one who drugged me.”
Zia Flo rolled her hazel eyes and huffed, “That does not surprise me. Nasty piece of work, that one.”
I picked up the remainder of the freshly squeezed orange juice in my glass and finished it, sighing blissfully at the zesty, tropical tang. “This orange juice is divine.”
“Freshly picked and squeezed this morning,” she replied proudly and pointed out the window. “Grown just over there.”
“Wow,” I breathed. “I would love a tour. If you have time? I have never been to an orange orchard or vineyard before.”
“What? You are an Italian and you have never been to a vineyard to sample our glorious country’s finest wine?” She hit me with the side of her tea towel playfully and I chuckled, shaking my head.
“I have lived a sheltered life it seems.”
“I’ll say! Come. I shall take you now.”
“Oh, but I’m not really dressed for—” I started looking down at Alessio’s shirt and shorts that hung off my body. I had slept in the shirt last night, enjoying the fresh scent of washing powder and vanilla that I could have almost guessed was his, but when he had growled out the word ‘mine’ this morning, my heart had skipped a million beats.
“No one around here will care, amore mio. The workers will be far too busy to pay attention to you. Come, come,” she shooed me out the door and I realised I was still barefoot, but Zia was right. No one even batted an eyelid in my direction. Many of the workers, who were busy picking grapes, oranges and lemons, didn’t even look up. They were completely immersed in their roles.