“You want me to come down for breakfast?” she curled her eyebrow up in amusement and I smirked.

“Do you have something against eating breakfast?”

“No. Just against eating breakfast with my kidnapper!”

I sighed, running my hand over my short hair. “I thought we already established I wasn’t the one who kidnapped you last night? Either you can make your time here pleasant or you can be stubborn and starve. It’s your choice. But refuse me now and the offer will never present itself again.”

Her hard glare burned into mine with so much hostility as she fought a battle inside her head. I could see her inner turmoil written all over her face and I waited. She huffed loudly and turned to the wardrobe, pulling out a pair of my grey, baggy gym shorts and put them on under the shirt. She stormed towards me and I moved aside for her to leave the room. I walked ahead to direct us down to the back veranda where I always ate breakfast. I could feel her eyes drilling into the back of my head, but I refused to look around.

“Why don’t you wear shoes around your house?” she asked as we reached the ground floor. I chuckled at her weirdly wonderful brain. Out of everything in the world she could possibly want to know right now, that was the question she settled on?

“Why would I? It’s my house. I prefer to be barefoot,” I stated, still not looking back at her to see her reaction.

“I’m just surprised. Aren’t most mafia leaders supposed to walk around in three-piece suits, polished shoes and vicious scowls?”

“Is that what your fratello does? Or Enzo Aiani?” I teased, keeping my voice playful and hiding the jealousy that name caused inside me.

“It’s what they all do! Except you it seems. I don’t think I have ever seen you in a full suit. Not even at the club.”

I paused, my heart fluttering and dick jolting at her mention of the club. I turned unexpectedly, causing her to nearly slam straight into my chest and she gasped.

“What exactly are you trying to ask, Princess?”

Those big, brown eyes blinked up at me in confusion and she opened her mouth but couldn’t seem to find the words. I smiled. It seems I may intrigue her just as much as she does me. Interesting.

I turned and made my way through the living area and out to the stunning veranda overlooking my acres of land and vineyard. It was my favourite part of the house, always so peaceful and serene. It was the slice of calm before the chaos of my days. I took a seat in my chair at the head of the huge eight-person table, even though it was normally just Zia and I who ate at it. Sometimes Fabi joined us.

I picked up the freshly squeezed orange juice, put on my sunglasses and watched her over the rim of the glass. Her eyes were wide and her lips parted as she took in the stunning scenery. Walking past the table, she stopped at the edge of the decking and gripped onto the post to take in the sunrise over the horizon of my land.

I placed my glass down on the table and studied her from behind. She was a vision, standing there in my clothes, free-flowing hair down her back and the warming glow of the sunrise in the background. I still wasn’t convinced my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me. That this woman was really here. Standing right in front of me. She’d taunted me most of my life and now she was here to do it in person. Fucking brilliant.

Zia emerged carrying plates of pastries and fruit, her body halting when she noticed Elenora gazing out across the vineyard. Her hazel eyes ran up and down her body before she found my gaze and a mischievous smile adorned her face. I looked to the heavens and shook my head. I had never brought a woman back to this house for this reason. Hotels, my other residences, yeah but never here. This was my private home. So, I knew what she must be thinking. How this meant something. She would be thoroughly disappointed when she finds out the truth.

“Grazie, Zia,” I said as she placed the plates down, ignoring the twinkling, suggestive looks she was giving me. Elenora spun around on hearing me address someone else and looked utterly embarrassed because of her outfit as she looked between me and Flo with wide eyes.

“Sit down. Eat,” I commanded her and she timidly walked towards the table, pulling out a chair halfway down. I leaned back, watching her every move, finding it amusing that she was trying to put obvious distance between us.

“Alessio. Are you going to introduce me to your very beautiful lady friend?” Zia asked with a flutter of her lashes as she took her seat next to me. “Please love, come sit closer. You won’t be able to reach all the food sitting down there.”

Elenora gave her a nervous smile and stood up reluctantly, refusing to look at me as she took the seat to my left and opposite Zia.

“Zia, this is Elenora. Elenora this is my Zia Flo,” I grumbled with my mouth stuffed with pastry. Flo hit my hand because I spoke with my mouth full and I chuckled. Elle looked between us with interest.

“It is lovely to meet you, Elenora. Alessio has never brought a girl home before for me to meet,” Flo beamed and I rolled my eyes.

“Oh?” Elenora faked her surprise. “Well, I am glad to hear he doesn’t make a habit out of kidnapping, drugging and holding young women captive in his home on a regular basis.”

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, preparing for the rage that only a true Italian woman could muster to be directed at me. Just as I thought, Zia’s eyebrows pulled down into the bridge of her nose and she turned to face me with her fork raised in my face.


I raised my hands in the air as Elenora tried to hide her laughter by shoving a pastry in her mouth.

“Zia! ZIA! Calm down. It isn’t exactly what she says. I will explain later.”

“Oh? How is it different?” Elenora tilted her head towards me with a smirk.

“Lorenzo planned to kidnap Olivia without my knowing. YOU got yourself kidnapped instead. If I would have left you with him, you would be tortured and God knows what else so you should be fucking thanking me for bringing you here. For giving you a safe place to sleep, food on the table, clothes on your back. You have no idea what fucking chaos you have caused. You think I want you here? You think I would have done this by choice? Think again. You’re not that special, Princess,” I replied with calm but aggressive dominance. Elenora’s eyes held mine as her nostrils flared with a mix of fury and hate. This was good. I needed her to hate me. Really hate me.