“This is why you were so adamant on sharing your birthday with my hen-do! So you could do this!” She laughed as I pulled her towards the group of ladies at the circular table set up on the dance floor. There was a Greek god dancing in the centre, surrounded by champagne, chocolate fountains and fruit, wearing only a pair of extremely tight silver pants that left nothing to the imagination. I glanced up at him from under my eyelashes as I popped a grape into my mouth. His green eyes held mine as he sent me a smouldering wink. Yes, it would definitely be worth it.

“Shall we sit down ladies?” Mamma gestured to the chairs once we had all exchanged kisses and hugs, many wishing me a happy birthday. The champagne was flowing easily and in no time at all, we had all forgotten about the burly suited men standing around the room keeping an eye on us and were only focused on the naked ones. Gigi was up on the table with the male dancer and smearing chocolate all over his muscular chest. Olivia and I were in fits of giggles as Gigi ran her tongue over the trail, mopping up her mess. The sexy smile on the man’s face showed he was probably enjoying it just as much as her.

“Elle!” My zia shouted at me across the table. “Are you dating anyone yet?”

Ah, the famous question. I leaned forward, trying to ignore the muscular thighs that were bigger than my head only inches from my face, “What do you think? Gio has to approve of everyone I ever date and… there is no man good enough apparently.”

“He is only looking out for you, Elle,” Liv came to her fiancé’s defence.

“I am a twenty-five-year-old woman! I can look out for myself!” I slurred, feeling the bubbles spreading a warm glow through my body. That wasn’t technically true. My love life has always been a disaster. I always fell for guys that didn’t want me, especially once they realised just how much scary baggage I came with and they didn’t even know the half of it. I had two secret boyfriends at university. Secret because my family didn’t know about them. Finn, who I had sworn to secrecy, only let me carry on as long as he was always close by. He hated keeping it from his Boss, but his loyalty had always been to me. He made it his mission to be overly protective instead by scaring the first one away. The second… Well, that was a shit show. Turns out—the asshole liked the fact I asked him to keep our relationship a secret because he was already seeing multiple other girls at the same time. Suited him perfectly. When Finn found out, he nearly killed him. The boy was lucky to still be alive. And then there was Luca. The first man Gio approved for me to date because he was Liv’s friend. I really liked him and saw potential. He was everything I was looking for; sweet, kind, charming and normal! But he couldn’t handle the constant bodyguards. He thought he could, but when it came down to it, the pressure of Giovanni silently yet menacingly breathing down his neck became too much for him. That one hurt more than the others and I hadn’t even slept with him. Yeah, dating me wasn’t easy.

“You should really give Enzo a chance! Gio likes him and he thinks you’re gorgeous, Elle,” Cami started up again. I smiled politely at her but shook my head.

“No mafia men! That is my rule!” I had been controlled my entire life. Mafia men were all the same. The last thing I wanted was to leave this cage for another.

“But why? They are so hot! Even the soldiers. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about your bodyguard naked, Elle?” My cousin, Rosa teased, her eyes flicking over to Finn who was hovering protectively a few metres away.

“I’m not his type,” I smirked, sending Finn a wink over my shoulder. One corner of his lips pulled up into a sly smile before his eyes darted towards the naked ass of the waiter who had just walked past him. Yes. Definitely not his type.

The music changed tempo to something much raunchier and stimulating as we all squealed with excitement when the Greek god leaped off the table. One of the other waiters grabbed a chair and placed it on the dance floor.

“Ladies, my name is Rico and I hear there is a lovely lady getting married very soon,” he spoke very good English with a French accent. Oh no, my weakness. Olivia instantly started shaking her head as we all tried to push her towards him.

“No, NO!” She shouted in defiance. Turning to me, she whispered in my ear, “You know Gio will kill him if he touches me, Elle! Save me!”

I tutted with annoyance but she was right. There was no way this man would live another day if he thrust that glorious bulge anywhere near her face. Well, I was not going to waste the opportunity.

“The bride is a little shy… but it is my birthday today,” I explained with a flirtatious smile. His green eyes lit up and he gestured to the chair.

“Then I think the birthday girl should get to open her present,” he winked, causing all the women to scream as I strutted towards him and took a seat confidently. Bring it on!

The music grew louder as he climbed over my lap, grinding on me and lifting my hands to run them over his impressive eight-pack. I didn’t need any more encouragement. I let my hands explore every inch of his fine physique as he took my lap dance virginity. Suddenly, he grabbed my thighs and hoisted me up into his arms as I screamed with glee. Then, he placed me on the floor and started grinding his hips into my centre. Holy shit! He was hard! I giggled my way through the entire experience, a mixture of intense pleasure and embarrassment coursing through me. I was chucked and flipped each and every way possible and put into a number of compromising positions I hadn’t even known existed. Fuck, the man had moves. I mean, I knew he was paid to do this and he was clearly a professional. But it had me wondering just how good he would actually be in bed as he placed my finger in his mouth and sucked it before biting the tip. Yep, I’d happily put money on him being mind-blowing!

When the song finished, he lifted me back onto my feet and bent down, kissing the top of my hand with a cheeky grin that had my already scrambled insides melting. I fanned my face trying to cool the hot flush on my cheeks as I turned back to the ladies who had clearly been enjoying that performance. Although, I doubted they had as much fun as I did.

“You lucky bitch,” Gigi glared at me with pure jealousy as I laughed loudly. We continued to play more drinking games and enjoyed watching the dancing men, some of the ladies growing so confident that they joined them on the podiums. Once the party was over and most of our guests had left, I stayed behind to grab any mementos from the party before the cleaners came to tidy up. My eyes flickered over to Rico as he lifted his large sports bag over his shoulder and turned around. He was now fully dressed in dark jeans, a blue T-shirt and trainers. It was strange to see him looking so normal after he had just been dancing around with only baby oil and a thong on. He was still sexy though. He caught me staring and I quickly looked away, pulling the banner off the stage a little too carelessly in my unsteady state and stumbled backwards.

Strong arms caught my elbows and kept me upright as I gasped, turning to see Rico staring down at me with a smile.

“Careful,” he grinned.

“Grazie,” I moved out of his embrace and turned to face him, feeling a little awkward. I clocked Finn watching us over Rico’s shoulder and gave him a quick nod to show I was okay. “Thanks for… coming. You were… are, um, very talented.”

Cristo Elenora, what are you saying, woman? My cheeks flamed with embarrassment as I stumbled over my words making a complete fool of myself.

He chuckled deeply and shot me that winner’s smile. “Merci. I had fun. And this gig paid far better than normal, so really, I should be thanking you.”

I giggled awkwardly, my eyes flicking over to the glasses and bottle of wine.

“Do you want a drink?” I found myself blurting. I didn’t want my night to end just yet. All the other women had probably gone back to their men to have hot, steamy sex and all I would be going back to was my vibrator.

He looked over his shoulder at Finn and the two soldiers standing by the door with slight uneasiness.

“Am I allowed?”

“Of course. If you want to,” I moved quickly over to the bottle and poured out two glasses. Finn wouldn’t get involved unless he thought I was in danger and the other soldiers, although Gio’s loyal men, would just blend into the wallpaper unless they were needed. I had grown up with this level of protection all my life, so, sometimes I forgot how strange it was for others.

“Merci. I have been dying for a drink all night,” he took the glass from my hand and took a mouthful. We both perched on the bar stools at the edge of the dancefloor. “Nice place you have here. I have never been to a club inside someone’s house before. Do you own it?”