“You are a weirdo. I’m going to bed,” Sani jumped down from the stool with a frown but not before giving me an evil pout. I grabbed his face in my hands and smothered him with kisses as he tried to fight me off. Raya climbed off her stool, always copying her fratello.

“Me too,” she stuck her tongue at me but it was all for attention as I gave her the same treatment and she fell about in a fit of giggles. They both ran off, Marco their personal bodyguard strolling out leisurely behind them.

“Oh, Marco,” mamma called, causing the beefy, middle-aged man who had always been a part of this family since I could remember to turn around and face her, “I will pop up a little later to kiss them goodnight. I’ll bring you up a piece of penis cake if you’d like?” She smiled, batting her eyelashes.

A blotchy red rash crawled up his neck from the collar of his shirt as his brown eyes darted away from my mamma in embarrassment. “That is very kind of you, Signora but I have already eaten.”

He turned abruptly and marched from the room. I slowly moved my gaze from his back to my mamma’s face as she picked up her champagne and took a deliberately lazy sip. My smile grew as she avoided my eyes.

“What the hell was that?”

“What?” she replied with an innocent shrug of her shoulders.

“You were flirting with Marco!” I yelled in disbelief, laughing loudly. Did she like him? Like actually like him? Wow, this was huge. Mamma hadn’t even looked at another man since papi died. I had always hoped that she might eventually open herself up to someone again but Marco? I mean I loved him and he was so good with my siblings but I just… I never saw this coming.

“No, I wasn’t! I was being polite,” she argued, turning her back to me as she walked around the island to put a bunch of plastic dick straws into a container.

“When are you ever polite?” I smirked, folding my arms across my chest. Her mouth opened to argue back but then Olivia and Gio walked into the room, hand in hand and her eyes narrowed on me, silently begging me not to say a word. I pretended to zip my lips shut and she straightened her back, plastering on another beaming smile.

“Liv! You look bellissima! Gio, get out of here!” she shooed him away with her hand as he pulled Liv into his body, wrapping his arms around her possessively.

“I thought I would stay. I could be your stripper,” he joked.

“Oh dio, no thank you!” I groaned, as I scoffed another penis in my mouth. These were very moorish!

“You said no strippers,” mamma raised one eyebrow. “Also, Elle and I would rather not have to watch that. Save it for your wedding night. Now leave the poor girl alone and get out of here. Maximus is waiting for you outside.”

“Fine,” Gio grabbed a handful of Olivia’s ass and shoved his tongue down her throat. It was their thing. They had to eat each other’s faces before either of them ever left a room. I would have thrown a grissino at them if I wasn’t trying so hard to fight the clenching of my stomach at the need to experience that kind of raw passion with someone. When they finally broke apart, Gio slapped her ass and strode out of the room. “Behave ladies!”

Olivia took a seat on the stool next to me and I handed her a champagne glass. She looked gorgeous in her light blue sundress and brown hair braided back into two plaits. She was such a naturally beautiful girl, inside and out. I was so happy Gio found her and she was about to become my sister-in-law. Overcome with sudden emotion, I threw my arms around her and hugged her tight, earning a surprised chuckle from her.

“Woah! How many glasses have you had already?” she teased.

“This is my fourth! And I am planning to have way more,” I released her and looked over at my mamma, “so… did you listen?”

Her brown eyes danced with mischief as she broke into a devilish grin. I knew it!

“Of course not,” she smirked. Olivia frowned deeply.

“Listen to what? What’s going on?” she asked, sudden panic in her tone.

“To Gio. It’s your bachelorette bella, of course I ordered strippers!” she announced with a wink. I screamed with joy, clapping my hands while Olivia’s face paled and she looked as though she might throw up.

“But how? And just for the four of us?” she mumbled, “Where is Cami anyway?”

“They are disguised as the catering staff. I have my ways to get around my son,” mamma smirked.

“Not just the four of us… Cami is collecting our other guests as we speak,” I grinned, sliding off the bar stool and grabbing Olivia’s hand to drag her towards the nightclub on the ground floor of our mansion. Giovanni may have insisted we had the party in the safety of our estate, but he didn’t say anything about not using his private club. Mamma and I had planned it all. It would stay small, with only Olivia’s close friends, but it would not be tame by any means.

Cami was married to Maximus, my cousin, and the underboss of the Buccini family. She was a sweet girl with a heart of gold but had grown up in a very different family to mine. One where her father had tried to auction her off like a prized horse to gain favours with my family. Luckily, it had all worked out in the end. And her fratello, Enzo, was now the Boss of the Aiani clan and one of our family’s allies. In fact, at any opportunity, she tried to set me up with him. He seemed like a good man, funny and softer than most mafioso, but I had a firm line I would never cross. Not since Alessio. No mafia men. Call me boring, but I wanted to meet a normal, sweet man who didn’t rely on violence and criminal activities to make a living. This life wasn’t for the faint-hearted.

Two of Gio’s soldiers opened the doors for us as I led Olivia and mamma into the deserted club room. We had decorated it with the most garish and over-the-top display of tacky streamers, banners, balloons and feather boas that we could find—all in the name of fun and to embarrass Liv of course. Cami, Gigi and Liv’s best friend from England, Millie, as well as a few of my cousins and aunts all turned when they heard us enter, shouting “Surprise!”

Liv’s feet became rooted to the spot when her wide eyes took in the five semi-naked men dancing on platforms and poles around the room as well as the massive sign I had made reading, ‘One Dick Woman.’ I grabbed the matching hot pink sash from the waiter who was standing next to us, wearing nothing but a very small apron around his waist, and placed it over her head, pulling her arm through it as she stood there like a zombie.

“Gio is going to kill you,” she muttered under her breath and I rolled my eyes in return. Yes, he would be pissed when he found out but so be it.

“It’s my birthday… this is for me, not you,” I winked and she finally met my gaze, her lips curling up into a mischievous grin.