“Dante, what are you doing-” I paused when he strode into the room, staring down at Diego with a devious smirk.

“That was quite something, Belle. I didn’t think you had it in you. To kill your own papi in cold blood. You are a true Barbieri. Ruthless,” he laughed as his eyes flicked up to mine.

My mouth opened and closed as my eyes darted between him and my dead papi on the bed. Merda.

“How much did you hear?” I questioned as he walked towards me.

“Enough,” he smiled. “And I think I can help you.”

“How?” I narrowed my gaze at him suspiciously. Dante never did anything out of the kindness of his heart. I wasn’t even sure he had a heart.

“The Buccini brat. I can help you get rid of her.”

I folded my arms across my chest as I studied him carefully, trying to judge his agenda.

“I’ve been in talks with Galiz. He wants the girl. I can arrange it and Alessio never has to know that we were involved,” he smirked.

“And what’s in it for you?” I lifted my chin a little higher.

“Oh, many things. But mostly, I hate the fucking bitch. There is no way I will allow her to marry into this family if that is the plan. I want to watch her suffer and Galiz will make sure that happens,” he snarled with maliciousness. “And this,” he turned to look over at Diego’s body, “can stay our little secret. So… are you in?”

I stretched my hand out in front of me, knowing I was making a deal with the devil. But what did I have to lose now anyway? I was already going to hell. I may as well dance in the flames.


I couldn’t keep still. I felt sick to my stomach. Zia had given me a large glass of wine and told me to have a bath or paint to pass the time, but how could I? How could I think about doing any of those things when Alessio could be getting tortured right this moment or worse… all because of me. I stood by his bedroom window looking down at the long driveway for any sign of his car. Silence. Every so often there would be movement from his men on the gates, but it was never to let someone in. My gaze cast down to Fabi walking out of the front door below and perching against the stone wall as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I watched as he lit one between his lips and then moved his head to the direction of the gates. He was worried too. And if Fabi was worried, then that wasn’t a good sign.

Racing down the stairs and out of the front door, he glanced over at me when he heard my footsteps approaching. Just by the look on my face he could tell how stressed I was, so he held out the pack of cigarettes and offered me one to calm my nerves. I leaned my ass against the wall next to him as he held up his lighter and I closed my eyes inhaling deeply. Alessio would lose his shit if he saw me smoking again. But he wasn’t here. My chest tightened in pain.

“He’ll be back,” Fabi spoke confidently, but the concern in his brown eyes gave him away. “Diego won’t kill his only heir, no matter how badly Alessio has fucked up.”

“You don’t seem so sure,” I mumbled, kicking a small stone away with my foot.

“It’s called optimism,” he shot me a cheeky grin, but I couldn’t bring myself to smile back. “I have seen Alessio get himself out of the most impossible situations time and time again. He’ll be fine.”

“This is all my fault,” I fought back the tears as I lifted my head and stared straight ahead.

“I won’t argue with you there,” Fabi chuckled, shaking his head. “I knew you would bring the drama. But Alessio is a grown ass man who makes his own decisions. And he is the most decent and smartest man I know. So if he thinks you are worth it, then who am I to judge?”

“You don’t approve of me,” I turned my head to stare at his side profile as he took a slow drag, his eyebrows pinching at the question.

“It’s not that. You’re a Buccini. I have been raised to not trust you. And after the stuff that went down at La Casetta, I wasn’t sure I should.”

“I wasn’t a spy. You don’t have to believe me, but I was there for myself. I didn’t even know Alessio was who he was the entire time.”

“I believe you. Now. Though I think you and him are playing a dangerous game as you can see. But…” he sighed, running his tattooed hand through his messy brown hair. “I trust Alessio’s judgement. I will always stand by him.”

“You two are cousins, right?” I asked carefully, realising how much Fabi really cared about Alessio at this moment.

“Si, my mamma was Diego’s wife’s sister. I barely speak to my parents anymore though. They wanted nothing to do with the Barbieris after my aunt went missing. But I decided this was the life I wanted. Alessio mentored me. He got me in the inner circle. Diego has always been wary of me, knowing I am only related through Cassy. If he had it his way, he would have kept me as a low-ranking soldier but Alessio wouldn’t hear of it.”

“So really Isabelle is your cousin through blood? I guess you’re not actually related to Alessio if they have different mammas?”

“That’s true. Though I have never been close to Isabelle. She was never really around much. Until she was older. And by then, she had decided she hated me,” he chuckled. “Not that I gave a shit.”

“Why does she hate you?”

“She was always jealous of me spending so much time with Alessio. She has this weird protective thing about him. Like he belongs to her or something. She never wanted to hang out with us both. She would always make up some lame excuse to get Alessio to ditch me and just hang out with her. She’s a bit…” he rotated his finger at the side of his head and for the first time since Alessio left, I cracked a smile.