“Yeah. I don’t like her either,” I agreed, putting the cigarette out on the wall. “Why does Alessio put up with her behaviour?”

He huffed, folding his arms across his chest. “Because he’s a better man than most. Belle didn’t have the best upbringing and I think Alessio feels guilty about that. Like it was somehow his fault, because her mamma left. He takes it upon himself to look out for her.”

I frowned deeply, “Isn’t she like thirty something and married? Why does she still need him?”

“Do you still need your brother?” His brown eyes twinkled at me with cheeky intent and I rolled my eyes. “I guess that depends on Alessio, no?”

Suddenly, a roaring engine could be heard down the bottom of the winding driveway and I jumped to my feet. The gates opened and his black Jag sped towards us as my heart hammered in my chest. Tears sprung to my eyes in relief.

“See, told you he’d be back,” Fabi winked, still perching against the wall, looking as cool as a cucumber when only ten minutes ago he was just as stressed as me. “I don’t know why you were so worried,” he teased.

The car screeched to an abrupt stop and Alessio climbed out the driver’s door as I sprinted towards him barefoot. I jumped up into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist tightly as I buried my face in his neck. He squeezed my body, hiding his face in my hair as he inhaled deeply.

“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” I pulled my head back and traced my eyes over every inch of his face and chest, scanning for any injuries, but I couldn’t see anything.

“No. I’m fine, Princess. Everything is fine,” he smiled, staring into my eyes with contentment, which caused my confusion to grow. “Fabi, chuck me that burner phone.”

I lowered myself from Alessio’s waist and stood back as Fabi threw a phone from his back pocket. Alessio pressed a few buttons and then lifted the phone to his ear, holding my gaze with a look that I couldn’t quite place. He seemed… happy or was he excited? But still a little nervous? It was weird and his behaviour was completely baffling me.

“Buccini,” Alessio spoke into the phone when it connected and my eyes widened. He was ringing Gio? Why? “You wanted proof it was me. Here’s your proof. We have things to discuss. Come to Sicily tomorrow. 10 a.m. No weapons. No armed men. I will send you the location in the morning.”

There was a pause as Giovanni spoke and my heart pounded in my chest as I held Alessio’s gaze. What was going on? Why did he want to meet him?

“We will talk business first, but si. She will be there. You can see for yourself that she is perfectly fine,” Alessio’s eyes roamed over my body seductively and I hit his arm. “Don’t be late.”

He hung up and threw the phone at Fabi again, who caught it effortlessly. “I’ll meet you in my office in an hour to fill you in.”

Fabi shook his head with a smirk, “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more unpredictable. Glad you’re alive, Boss.”

Alessio chuckled as Fabi walked back inside the house and then pulled me into his arms.

“What is going on? What happened with your papi? Why are you meeting Gio tomorrow? What’s going to happen?!” I bellowed, grabbing the shirt on his chest as his blue eyes sparkled with amusement.

“One question at a time, Princess. And me first. Have you been smoking?” he raised one eyebrow up at me. I pressed my lips together and shook my head as his eyes narrowed. “Now you’re going to lie to me? Well, that just won’t do.”

He suddenly threw me over his shoulder and slapped my ass so hard, I screamed as I grabbed his belt.

“Alessio! I was stressed! I didn’t know if you were alive or not!” I laughed as he stormed through the house and up the stairs.

“And the first thing you did was to take up smoking again? If you can’t live without me Princess, there are quicker ways to go,” he smirked and I gasped when I felt his fingers brush against my clit through my underwear. “Let’s fuck that stress right out of you, shall we?”

By the time we had reached his bedroom, he had moved my lace panties to the side and had been fucking me with his fingers while I moaned and grabbed at the back of his top, hanging upside down over his shoulders. He threw me down on the bed and I stared up at his intense face as I tried to gather my thoughts. I needed answers. But I also needed his cock. He seemed to understand as he started to undo his shirt, his turquoise pools set on me.

“So, your papi isn’t angry with you?” I husked, my eyes casting over his ripped chest and perfectly sculpted washboard abs. He reached for his belt, undoing it slowly and pulling it out of the loops of his trousers.

“He was. To begin with, but I managed to make him see things from my point of view,” he replied calmly as I watched with fascination while he curled the belt into loops in a way I had never seen anyone do before.

“Dress off and hands out, Princess,” he commanded. I immediately lifted my dress off my body and then placed my wrists through the loops that he had made, excitement and anticipation bubbling in my chest and spreading straight to my pussy. He grabbed the end of the belt in his teeth as he held it in place with his hands and tugged. The leather pinched my wrists and I bit my lip when he let go.

“And how did you make Diego see things differently?” I panted as he leaned forward, forcing me to lie back on the bed. His nose brushed down my neck delicately after forcing my bound wrists above my head, holding them there with one of his masculine hands.

“I told him the truth, though I may have twisted it a little,” he groaned, before his lips covered one of my nipples and he sucked hard, biting it and circling it with his tongue. My back arched off the bed, needing more of him.

“And he accepted it?” I husked, biting into my lower lip as he gave the other nipple the same treatment.

“There are conditions but yes…” he breathed, reaching his fingers between my thighs and rubbing my clit in slow, pleasurable circles as he went back to my nipples.

“What conditions…” I moaned, my eyes rolling as his grip on my wrists pressed them down into the mattress and the pace of his fingers on my clit and his tongue on my nipple worked faster. My entire body squirmed against him, knowing I was completely under his power, his control. At his mercy.