“Zone Two is for fetishes, kinks and orgies. Zone Three is hardcore BDSM and our most extreme practices. Pretty much anything goes as long as it’s consenting.”

I gulped as my eyes cast around the room. I was thankful that he had only taken me to Zone One. I was not ready for that side of things yet! There were men and women sitting in small booths having not so private dances with the sexy workers and some couples walking around naked, entering and leaving separate rooms on either side of the zone.

“Follow me,” Rico muttered above the provocative music as he pushed a curtain away for us to enter a different section. “If at any time you feel uncomfortable and want to leave, just tell me. But if you decide to do anything with anyone… The safe word is La Casetta. You say that and everything stops. That is for both staff and clients.”

I nodded and was about to respond with how well it seemed they took care of their staff here when my mouth hung open at the scene before me. There was a stripper pole in the middle of a dimly lit room and a beautiful, exotic woman dancing naked around it. Sitting on sofas around the platform were men and women pleasuring themselves. My cheeks grew redder as I watched one man lean over and start to touch the woman he was with as well as himself. Everything in me screamed that I should look away. Give these people privacy. But I couldn’t. There was something so hypnotising about watching people so freely pleasuring themselves over the beautiful woman in front of them with no care about who was watching. I was shocked when my own arousal started to grow. Just standing there felt so naughty.

“Amazing, isn’t it?” Rico stood behind me, pressing himself against my back so I could feel his erection in his tight shorts. “How safe everyone feels to just let go. To give themselves over to their desires knowing there is no judgement here,” he whispered against my ear, his warm breath sending shivers and goosebumps over my skin. Oh fuck, now I really was getting turned on. “Let’s keep exploring. Find out what you like…”

I swallowed down my desire as he pulled back the curtain for me to exit the room, back into the main bar area. He was right. This was liberating and amazing. I felt so safe here to explore and especially with Rico. He stepped forwards and opened a door which led into a private viewing room. There were three or four men inside, all relaxing back on leather armchairs and watching the scene before them through a blacked-out glass panel. Some were just watching, their eyes glued on the couple who were actually having passionate sex on a bed and others were touching themselves.

“This is a viewing room. A couple can enter the room to do what they like inside, but they can choose whether they are open for viewers or if they want to keep their experience private. Obviously, this couple are happy to put on a show…”

I couldn’t take my eyes off them. The woman was screaming with pleasure as the man fucked her up against the headboard of the bed. My own body tingled with excitement and my clit started throbbing with a need to be touched as I continued to watch them get lost in their own pleasure. Would I like that? To be watched? The thought didn’t terrify me like I thought it would. It excited me.

Rico ran his hand up my thigh and I let out an involuntary moan as my body burned with need. “Do you want to see more or… would you like to play?”

I bit into my lip as his hand reached my hip, my hands shaking the metal tray of canopies as he chuckled.

“Can two workers play together?” I whispered, feeling my heart rate increasing.

He sighed, “Not unless a client asks for it. I can put us down on the schedule and see if there is a client who wants to watch? Only if you’re comfortable with that.”

I nodded slowly, not able to form my words as the couple both came together at the same time, causing my breathing to increase as I watched them panting heavily and collapse onto the bed.

“I have a client in five minutes. Want to watch?” Rico whispered. “Or you can make it look like you are doing your job and take some drink orders.”

I scoffed loudly and turned around to look at him.

“I’ll do both,” I winked. It obviously wasn’t the response he expected because he burst out laughing, nodding his head.

“Go enjoy yourself, Flora,” he winked as he stepped away from me and made his way out into the main area again. I quickly followed him out, but he had already disappeared. I walked over to the bar, enjoying the appreciative looks I was granted from men and women sitting at tables, having drinks.

“New girl?” The bartender nodded to me.

“Si,” I smiled, pushing down my nerves and trying to seem confident and admired like Rico said.

“Table three. A very important client. Check if he needs a refill,” he ordered and I nodded. Okay, that was easy enough. I could do that. I turned in my heels as I scanned the room and frowned.

“Which is table three?” I hissed and the guy rolled his eyes, lifting his hand to point to the dark corner of the room where two figures were sitting. I pushed my shoulders back and plastered a confident smile on my face as I gave my best runway walk over to their table. I was a feisty Flora tonight and I was here for it.

As I reached the table that was hidden away by two velvet curtains either side, I froze when I locked eyes with piercing blue gems behind a gold, geometric panther mask. Something in those eyes had me transfixed immediately and I felt a rush of desire flood through me like a wild current. I didn’t have to see his whole face to know he was achingly beautiful. What I could see had my mouth watering. A chiselled, lightly stubbled jaw with strong lips and broad shoulders that stretched out his crisp white shirt. His sleeves were rolled up his forearms, showcasing tanned skin and protruding veins that snaked beneath the shirt. His dark-brown hair was very short, shaven even, as it hid behind his mask. Even though he was sitting down, I could tell he was a beast. Double the size of the man who was sitting next to him, that I was only just now noticing. Shit, how long had I been standing here gawking at him?

“Ciao, can I get you a refill?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady but failing miserably.

The man tilted his head to the side and studied me, his sparkling blue eyes hungrily roaming every inch of my body. Everywhere he looked, tingles broke out on my skin and to my horror, I felt my nipples hardening in the lace bra. I prayed he wouldn’t notice my body’s reaction to him, but from the slow smirk that lifted the corners of his lips, he definitely did.

“No,” he said firmly, “I would like a tour instead.” His voice was deep, velvety and oh so sexy. There was something about this man that was so magnetic. I felt instantly drawn to him, but I couldn’t explain why. As my brain registered his command, my mouth dropped open and then closed. A tour? I had barely had one myself. How was I expected to give this client a tour of a place I knew nothing about? I was so screwed.

“I will just get one of the other girls to help you as it’s my first shift tonight and I am sure there is someone here better suited to-”

“No,” he repeated, his tone firm and dominant. I paused, my eyebrows pulling in behind my lace mask. “I want you.”

Oh fuck.

Alessio Barbieri

I drained the last of my drink, my eyes darting around the main bar of Zone One below. I wouldn’t admit it to him, but Lorenzo had done well to make this former warehouse look like a respectable and sophisticated palace of pure sex to attract only the wealthiest of the North, who had six-figures to spare on fuckery.