“Incredible, right?” Lorenzo smiled from next to me as he looked down on his new pride and joy. He could take all the glory for the design, the layout and finding the hottest staff to work in this place, but we both knew he couldn’t have done it to this standard without my silent investment. This was his first venture into the sex industry, but it was not mine. I already owned four of the most prestigious sex clubs in Southern Italy, my kingdom. But sex clubs weren’t my only investments. They were legit businesses of my family’s as well as restaurants, hotels and even a clothing label we owned as racketeers to mask our illegal operations. Over the years, the Barbieri name had grown invincible. No other family could come close to matching our power or influence in the South. We now had every smaller mafia family working under us, creating Famiglia Meridionale (Southern family). But my father and Don, Diego Barbieri, was an ambitious man and so was I. There would always be a want for more.

Ignoring Lorenzo’s question, I frowned when I saw a middle-aged man reach out from his table and grab one of the server’s wrists aggressively, yanking her down onto his lap. Shock took over her features, but she hid it well with a fake smile. She tried to stand up from him, but he held her firmly down by her hips.

“I presume every client has signed their contracts indicating the very specific rules and conduct they must abide by to be a member here?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the man.

“Yes. The members go through an intense inspection and application process before they are granted membership, like you asked,” Lorenzo answered.

“Then why the fuck is he manhandling a server with a white band?” I growled, causing Lorenzo’s eyes to flicker down to where I was staring daggers.

The man eventually released the blonde waitress and she stalked back to the bar as quickly as she could.

“No harm done. He must have been excited. Hard not to be excited when you’re surrounded by beautiful women wearing barely anything. That can test any man’s self-control,” Lorenzo chuckled which caused my anger to prickle.

“Not mine,” I snapped. “Revoke his privileges and get rid of him,” I kept my voice low and dominant to show Lorenzo I was not fucking around. The fool still had the guts to turn and stare at me wide-eyed.

“But- it was harmless-”

“Doesn’t fucking matter. He broke the rules. He signed a contract. Get him the fuck out. Now.”

Lorenzo turned and nodded to one of his men who left the room silently. Less than a minute later, I watched as two bouncers grabbed the man by the arms and dragged him from the bar into a back room. I clicked my neck as I turned to face Lorenzo.

“For your sake, I hope that was a one-off. If I’m informed you’re ignoring behaviour like that towards the staff again, I will hold you responsible, not the fucking clients. I have eyes and ears everywhere. You set the standard, understand?”

His nostrils flared, irritation raging in his eyes but he knew his place. Beneath me. He may be the underboss of the Leone Clan but I was about to become Don of the fucking South. A King in the making.

“Non accadrà più,” he promised it wouldn’t happen again. A stunning brunette swayed over to us with a tray of drinks and I swapped my empty glass for a new one. I hated being a silent partner, but it was my papi’s wish that we invested in some of our Northern alliance’s businesses to keep a foot in their dealings and ensure their loyalty remains in check. But it could not be known that we were investors. Diego Barbieri and Salvatore Buccini had signed a peace treaty eleven years ago, claiming we would both keep to our territories. We had the South and they had the North. But Salvatore was dead now, his nephew Giovanni had taken over. So, in my father’s eyes, the deal was void. He wanted all of Italy ruled by the Barbieri name and joining forces with the second largest family in the North, the Leones, was the first step in that direction.

“How is Isabelle?” I asked, changing the subject. My sorella, Isabelle, had been given to Lorenzo in a marriage alliance two years ago to seal their loyalty to us. She hadn’t been happy about the arrangement but she knew her place. She was always destined to be married off to support the family’s power.

“Very good and well cared for, of course. She would like you to call her,” he smiled, light in his eyes when he thought of her. She had that effect on men. She was a medusa. Able to twist men in all different directions to get what she wanted. The only man it had never worked on was her father. I had been swerving her calls on a daily fucking basis. All she ever caused me was a headache.

After I had glanced over the spreadsheets and revenue of the launch, I sat back in a chair and sighed. “I will take a tour before I leave. Spreadsheets can only tell me so much. I want to see with my own eyes that everything is how it should be.”

“Of course,” Lorenzo nodded. “I think you will be very satisfied with the quality of workers we have. They have all been trained to deal with any client’s demands and their safety is our top priority.”

I scoffed into my glass. Sure. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

He twisted a little in his chair, feeling slightly on edge no doubt. “You may want to test their skills yourself,” he smirked. “Check they are up to your standard.”

“I never mix business and pleasure.”

His smile dropped and he straightened his tie. I chuckled internally. I loved making grown men squirm. Of course I had dabbled in my sex clubs. I had never fucked a worker though. That’s a line I wouldn’t cross. I didn’t have any problem getting laid without having to pay for it, but the odd blowjob here and there as a skills test was necessary. Problem was, most of the workers saw me as a challenge that they would never win.

“Let me call for one of our girls to escort you around,” Lorenzo offered as I stood up, unhooking my cufflinks and rolling my sleeves.

“No. I’ll find my own,” I interrupted. He would only give me his most experienced, shiny diamond of a woman who I wouldn’t be able to find any fault with. Once again, unease crossed his features, but he hid it behind a smile.

“Enjoy,” he nodded as I stormed out of the room with dominant strides, my right-hand man and cousin, Fabricio, following behind.

We made our way into the main bar and I took a seat at a corner table so I was hidden in the shadows and surveyed the scene.

“You weren’t serious, Boss?” Fabricio asked as soon as we sat down and two glasses of whiskey were placed before us by a waitress. Ok, service was good so far. “About not sampling the goods?”

“That’s what he wants me to do. Get my dick so deep in pussy that I forget what I am really here for. To keep an eye on his ass.”

“I can go ahead though, right?” Fabi smirked, his hazel eyes drinking in the striking blonde giving a lap dance to a suit. Fabricio would fuck anything with legs. I normally kept him away from any of my businesses that dealt with insanely beautiful women because he was a liability and had a short temper when he didn’t get what he wanted.

“Knock yourself out,” I muttered, throwing the whiskey back in one action and relishing the burn it caused at the back of my throat. As I placed my glass back down, my eyes were drawn to a woman who had just stumbled out from behind one of the viewing room curtains, looking a little dazed and flustered. She quickly pulled herself together and strutted over to the bar, placing down her tray of canopies. My dick instantly hardened at the sight of her. Never-ending legs in killer heels, toned arms, shapely hips and mouth-watering tits that spilled out of her lace bra. When she turned her back to me to speak to the barman, my gaze fell to her rounded, juicy ass in her black underwear. A low groan choked in my throat. It was a very rare occurrence for a woman to have this kind of effect on me. Being around so many beautiful women all the time made me accustomed to it and it took a lot for me to get turned on at just the sight of one. But this worker was something else.