“Go where?”

“I can’t tell you. This is the last time you will ever see me, my sweet girl.” I remember sitting up in bed and frowning in confusion through the darkness. “I am so sorry. I can’t be in a loveless marriage with a monster. We loved each other once, but he ruined it all. He has put me through hell and back. Forced me into round after round of IVF. Was out screwing his whores while I miscarried at home alone. All he cares about is an heir of his own. And now that he has one, he doesn’t care what happens to me, Belle. I wish I could take you with me, but he will never stop looking for us if I do. We would never be safe. I can’t live in this life anymore. That boy. He is not your brother, Belle. Papi is lying. I know it. He loves that boy more than he loves us. His own family. I wish I could bring you with me. Save you from your fate, but I can’t.”

I reached for her hand, gripping it in mine as she tried to stand up to go. My bottom lip trembled and I begged, pleading with her not to leave me here. To take me with her, but she refused, prying me off her and holding me to the bed.

“No. You must stay here. You must be strong and you must be brave like I had to be. I am sorry I cannot save you from this, but you must remember that no matter what they say or what they do, you have power. They will use you, Belle, so use them back. When you grow up, there will be expectations put on you that you must accept or you will only make it worse for yourself. They can have your body, but never let them have your mind.” She grabbed my head in her hands and kissed my forehead before taking off her gold heart necklace she always wore and shoving it in my hands. “I love you.”

And she was gone. Two months later, I was shipped off to a boarding school. Papi never visited. He never even checked up on how I was doing. I would be sent home for holidays and he would look up from his stack of papers on his desk and blink at me in surprise that I was home. The look would quickly turn to irritation and he would count the days until I had to go back. I tried everything to gain his attention. I was a good girl at school. I studied hard. I was polite to my teachers. Wrote to him every week, but he never replied. And then I would come home and see him with Alessio. His little shadow. The annoying boy with floppy brown hair and bright blue eyes that looked nothing like a Barbieri, trailing behind him like an eager puppy. I would see my papi laugh with him. Ruffle his hair in admiration. Taught him things. Things he never taught me. And the hate grew inside me silently and viciously. I stopped caring about school. I stopped trying to impress him. Instead, I did the opposite. I got suspended for my recklessness. For smoking. For trying drugs. For going to underage parties. Anything to get his attention, but it never worked. He would just find a different school to take me. He never even got mad. He didn’t care enough to get angry.

“Come here, tesoro mio,” Lorenzo grabbed my arm, yanking me across the leather seats towards him and pulling me from my depressing memories. I let him, even though the voice inside my brain screamed at him to fuck off. “I’m sorry. I am just going to miss you, wife. With my papi gone and everyone watching me, I could really do with you being here.”

He slammed his lips against mine, sticking his sharp tongue in my mouth as I closed my eyes and forced myself to act as if I enjoyed it. He only wanted me here for one thing. Sex. Our relationship was surface level at best. I understood my role. I was given to him in a business deal. For once in my life, I had actually felt valued and needed by my papi when he explained what I had to do. Unite the North and the South. Marry Lorenzo and make him happy by being an obedient wife. Of course, the idea made me sick to my stomach. But I could see how hard Alessio had worked for this. And I wanted to help. So, I agreed.

When he broke the kiss, I gave him a warm smile and his eyes blazed with desire. Grabbing my jaw in his hand aggressively, he looked down at my lips. “Dio, I am going to miss those lips. Especially wrapped around my dick.”

I fluttered my eyelashes and reached for his belt. “It won’t be forever. Just until papi has gone and the North is safe for me. You want me to be safe, don’t you?”

I dropped my head down to his cock as he lifted his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. If sucking his dick gets me back to the South without any drama, then so be it.

They can have your body. But they can never have your mind.

When we arrived at the airport, one of my family’s planes was already waiting for me. Lorenzo didn’t bother to get out of the car. Massimo grabbed my luggage from the trunk as I climbed up the stairs to my private plane. My body instantly relaxed just knowing I would be back in the South very soon. My home. My Alessio.

I took a seat and pulled out my phone, sending Alessio another text to let him know I was on the plane. It was very early in the morning, but he would see it when he woke up and it would make him smile. I hoped. He had been so tense recently. So distant.

I spent so much of my childhood resenting him. He was the reason my family fell apart. He was the reason mamma left me and papi ignored me. I kept my distance from him as much as possible until my mamma’s words ate away at me. When I was sixteen and home for Christmas, an opportunity presented itself. Alessio had been beaten up beyond recognition in an underground fighting ring where papi allowed men to place their bets on the fighters. The thirteen-year-old boy was dragged through the door, barely conscious, and I was commanded to clean him up. I took a sample of his blood and sent it off for a DNA match with my own. That’s when I knew. It only made me angrier. Mamma was right. He wasn’t my half-brother. I confronted Alessio and he admitted it. He told me to never let Diego know that I knew the truth because he didn’t know what he would do. At the time, I thought it was just because he wanted all my papi’s attention and love for himself. But looking back now, he was protecting me. I am sure my papi would have had me killed if he thought I could expose his little secret.

I stayed away from home after that, never returning for breaks. The next time I saw Alessio, I had just turned eighteen and had moved back home after finishing school. The moment I saw him, I almost didn’t recognise him. At fifteen, he was so tall and stacked. He still had the same floppy, brown hair and eyes but he was gorgeous.

That summer, something had changed. I was a woman. I was beautiful. I knew it and so did every man around me. Including my zio, Elio. One night when my papi was out, he sexually assaulted me. I fought him with everything I had, but he was too strong. I threatened to tell my papi after, but he just laughed saying it would be his word against a rebellious, dramatic girl who had spent years making things up to get her papi’s attention. Who would he believe? He told me it would happen again. And again. Because it could.

I had run outside, tears streaming down my face and straight into the chest of Alessio. I expected him to be cold, to walk away from me after the way I had treated him over the years, but he didn’t. He was worried. He hugged me and held me until I calmed down and was able to talk. I told him what had happened. I told him what Elio had said. I didn’t think he’d believe me, let alone care. But I was wrong. He told me he would never let Elio touch me again. That he would deal with it. I didn’t believe him. How could a teenage boy do anything against a grown mafia man who had so much influence?

Alessio broke into Elio’s quarters that night, tied a belt around his neck while he slept and held a knife to his dick. He choked him until he woke, gasping for air in a blind panic and looking down at his dick against the knife. Alessio threatened him that if he ever came near me again, he would cut it off while he slept. Elio never touched me after that.

And I felt love for the first time.

We became closer. Spent more time together. And I fell for him completely. I knew he was young, but I couldn’t help how I felt. He was everything. He cared for me and gave me time and attention like no one else had. And I knew he loved me too, but he was hesitant at first. Worried about being caught. Worried about what people would say or think if they found out. But he came around. And that was the best year and a half of my life. But then my papi found our condoms.

Things changed after that. I knew Alessio was scared of Diego. Of everything he had worked his entire life for, from being snatched away. Papi had made him witness what happened to the boy I blamed and he knew he would suffer the same fate if papi ever found out it was him. But I wouldn’t give up on us so easily. I couldn’t give up the only good thing in my life. The only man who had ever shown me love and respect. I just had to make him see how perfect we were for each other. That we could keep our relationship a secret. It was no one’s business but ours.

Just thinking about him makes me feel all hot and bothered. Excitement bubbled in my chest at the thought of seeing him in a few hours. I glanced up at Massimo, my main bodyguard who worked for Alessio and was my fuck buddy for when I missed my real man. A part of me hated that Alessio didn’t have a jealous bone in his body but this was him all over. Taking care of my needs, even when he couldn’t.

Massimo locked eyes with me and a slow smirk tugged at his lips as he read my mind. I stood up and strutted into the bedroom at the back of the plane as Massimo followed behind me. I slowly climbed back on the bed as he shut the door and licked his lips.

“Just your tongue,” I commanded, pulling my dress up to my hips and lying back on the pillows. Obediently, he crawled up the bed and started working my pussy. I closed my eyes and imagined it was Alessio. It was never easy to do when no one could compare to my love, but it would have to do for now.

I bit into my lip, trying to let go and get lost in the pleasure, but something felt wrong. I needed to feel closer to Alessio to get off. I reached for my phone and smiled as I started recording a video of Massimo between my legs, then moved the camera to my face. I put on a performance, moaning and gasping into the video before I hit send with the message, Thinking of you. X

Maybe it would even make him jealous…

My phone vibrated with a reply.

What the fuck Isabelle? Are you insane? Don’t fucking send me this shit or I’ll block your number.

“Enough,” I snapped at Massimo, who lifted his head with a confused frown. “I’m not in the mood anymore.”

“You want something else?” he smirked.