I rolled my eyes. “No. Not now, gorgeous boy.”

I had to keep him sweet. He was my most loyal bodyguard. I’m pretty sure he is in love with me, which only works in my favour. He stood up, looking a little baffled and left the room. I sank back against the pillows staring at Alessio’s text. He was mad. Oh shit, he was jealous! A beaming smile appeared on my face as I squealed with joy. Finally.

After the plane landed, I was furious to hear from my driver that I was staying at my childhood home and not at Alessio’s place. Papi would have told him I was coming. He would have read the multiple texts I sent him. So why wasn’t I staying at his house? He knew I hated it at home.

“No. Take me to Alessio’s house,” I ordered my driver, who glanced at me through the mirror with a frown.

“But Signora, your papi said—”

“I will see my papi later. I need to see my brother first.”

He nodded once and changed direction, heading towards Catania. When we arrived, it was only 9 a.m. and I knew Alessio would either be in the gym, his office or eating breakfast with the old grouch, Flo.

Striding through the front door like I was finally home, I decided to head for the veranda first. The table was set up for breakfast, but there was no one around it yet. Just then, Flo stomped outside carrying a jug of fresh coffee. She froze when she saw me, her eyes wide.

I smirked, lowering my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose to look her up and down with disgust. This woman got on my last nerve. Always pandering over Alessio like he was her child. It was pathetic.

“Flo. Dammit. You’re still alive then,” I greeted with a fake smile.

“If it isn’t the spawn of Satan herself. What are you doing here, Isabelle?”

“Is that any of your business?” I walked over to the table and popped a grape in my mouth. She placed down the coffee with a glare. Honestly, who did this woman think she was? The help glaring at me.

“We were not expecting you,” she sneered, rubbing her hands in her apron. I rolled my eyes and pulled out a chair to take a seat near the head of the table where Alessio always sat.

“Well, it will be a nice surprise then. Won’t it? Get me an iced latte. I can’t stand this crap.”

“I see the North hasn’t managed to teach you any manners either,” she muttered under her breath as she turned away from me.

I took off my sunglasses and dropped my head back, relishing in the morning sunshine. With my eyes closed, my ears picked up every beautiful sound around me and nothing was more beautiful than the sound of him whistling and his heavy footsteps approaching. I opened my eyes and smiled as his strong frame came into view. He halted in his steps when he saw me, shock on his face.

“Isabelle? What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you. I told you I was on the plane,” I smiled, fluttering my eyelashes as a sexy glare narrowed his eyes. He was jealous.

“I thought you were going to papi’s.”

“I wanted to have breakfast with you first and—” I paused mid-sentence when I noticed a swish of black hair approach behind him. She stopped at his side. Staring at me with a mix of surprise and hatred. Elenora Buccini. The hostage. Except she didn’t look anything like a hostage. She was wearing a sexy dress with a low V that showed off her curves, her hair falling around her shoulders and her face painted with makeup. She was still a plain-ass hoe but a nicely dressed one. Since when did captives have access to makeup and designer clothes?

“What’s she doing here?” I hissed, sitting up straighter in my chair. Alessio glanced down at his side while the Buccini whore never took her eyes off me.

“You seem to have a short-term memory problem,” she snapped, strolling past him and sitting down at the table opposite me. “Your husband kidnapped me, remember?”

Alessio slowly approached, his eyes shifting between us both as he sat down at the head of the table.

“I mean, what is she doing here? At breakfast? Dressed like that?” I growled, ignoring her and glaring at Alessio as he started loading his plate with food.

“She has to eat. And wear clothes,” he snapped, not looking me in the eye. He is too fucking soft. My blood boiled at the smirk on her face. I wanted to slap it off. The entitled bitch. I knew she would be a problem. I knew she would take advantage of Alessio’s inability to hurt women. What else was she taking advantage of?

“Where is she sleeping? Don’t tell me you actually let her sleep in a bedroom?” I raged.

She scoffed loudly, slamming her hand over her mouth and my eyes narrowed on her. Who the fuck did she think she was? Laughing at me? She was the fucking hostage here.

“As opposed to what?” he replied with a mouthful of food.

“The cellars! Where she fucking belongs. The skank,” I roared, throwing down my knife. Elenora stopped eating and her nostrils flared. She looked like she wanted to say something, stab me with her fork no doubt, but she refrained and clenched her fist around her cutlery instead.

“Enough!” Alessio roared, slamming his own cutlery down on the table and causing the whole thing to shake. He looked up at me with those bright blue eyes filled with anger. “You wanted to have breakfast with me. Fucking have breakfast. I don’t want to hear another fucking word.”