She was so possessed by the heat he was giving her, that she was half in and out of a fever. She let her knees fall open. He was above her now. His massive shoulders filling the sky, his gorgeous handsome face beaming down at her. She could not speak or think straight. Just reach for him, stroke him. Touch him. Encourage him to keep doing what he was doing.

Sam leaned down and tweezed her nipple with his teeth. Shauna was still nursing the baby. She worried that something embarrassing might happen. But he assured her. She watched him still the tip of his tongue to the tip of her hard nipple and lick a tiny circle atop it.

The pleasure of watching him do things to her warmed her and gave her a delicious delight. She found herself arching and straining against him. Her hips rocked up against him very like his against hers. The more she moved like that the more her pleasure grew. It was never like this before.

She swiveled her hips like she was chasing something. Something that was building within her.

“That’s a girl,” he said.

Sam could handle her voluptuousness so fine. Shauna felt like a goddess as she lay beneath him. She squirmed and wriggled until she burst in rippling spasms on his hardness. Such sweetness Shauna never thought possible. Sam was merciless as he stroked her core.

“Sam?” she gasped, not knowing quite exactly what was happening.

“Oh yes,” he responded as though what was happening was as sweet for him as it was for her.

Shauna watched as his eyes fluttered, his head tilted upward. The more she rocked against him. The more they both liked it. If she fanned her legs just so, that made the pleasure more intense. She thought she would come undone but she moved as much as she could to keep the sugared clutching going. She didn’t quite understand them but she knew that she wanted to them to continued.

Each spasmodic grip of her core against his hardness was a new bliss. A wondrous sensation that rippled through her entire insides and pushed out her head down to her toes.

Shauna cried out with groans that came from deep within her. They were plaintiff, powerful cries that slowly got quieter.

Chapter Six

Shauna and Sam spent hours by the shore. They strolled back to the house well after midnight. She realized that they could not sleep together in the bed in the room she shared with Haya and little Sam. She was exhausted but she didn’t want to part from him. She spread some winter linens on the floor of the empty bedroom.

“My goodness,” he said with a wink. “I think after I get our place in order I think my first chore might be to make us a proper bed.”

He pulled her into the crook of his arm and kissed her forehead.

“I can go sleep in the haystack if you like. If you want to go crawl into your bed with Haya and the baby I would more than understand. I would miss you something fierce but I would understand,” he said softly.

“I don’t think I would sleep without you,” she said.

He smiled sweetly. “I think you would manage. You look awful sleepy. We have critters to feed in not too long a time.”

“You’ll probably be more comfortably in the barn,” she conceded.

“Oh no ma’am,” he said decisively. “I will be most comfortable with you. But I am only thinking of you. You have our babe to tend to tomorrow. I want you to be prime.”

Our babe. Shauna was startled. It was a lovely sentiment but a bit too much too soon. She decided to kiss him goodnight and to crawl under covers in what had been her own bed until now. Sam went off to the barn to sleep the rest of the night.

He and Haya let Shauna sleep in. She did her best to rise on time but they encouraged her to rest. Haya got breakfast for Sam and herself and the baby. Shauna felt like a dance hall girl sitting at the breakfast table so late in the morning.

She was at the table sipping coffee when Sam burst in with smiles and such a pleasant disposition. She blushed from head to toe. She could feel her face color above her coffee cup.

“Morning,” he said in a teasing, playful tone. “Or should I say almost noon to you.”

He kissed the top of her head.

“I heard you were up so I thought I would have a cup of coffee with you. Do you mind if I join you?” he asked.

“I would love it,” she said with an involuntary smile.

She smiled from ear to ear. She was a little too bashful to look at him. She was up and pouring a cup of coffee. She handed it to him and scuttled to a chair beside him.

“Now tell me something,” he continued in his mischievous tone. “How can a woman so brave as to take on a farm in a land strange to her be too timid to look her loving husband in the eye?”

Sam made her blush all over again.