Sam kissed her again, passionately but just a taste. He held her jaw delicately in his fingers, his mouth but a breath from hers.

“I hope you know I want you to stay on. You and the baby and Haya,” he whispered. “I know how hard it is as a man to work a place but to come home and see a pair of women do so well and to raise youngin’.”

He stroked her face. Raked his fingers back through her hair. He looked on her adoringly.

“You and the boy already have my name. I’ll marry you proper if you want. We can go somewhere and come back, if you want. But I would be proud if you would be my wife. I would love and care for the boy as though he were my own,” he said.

Shauna felt like the months of ungodly hard times, though graced by sweet moments with her friend and her son, had finally seen a reward. The cowboy was the reward. His wanting to marry her and to ease her burden was her reward. The heat and the arousal his being so near her was her reward. One that she hoped would continue to give.

“Yes,” she said. “I will be your wife. But if things fail, and I will tell you plain, you’re leaving. I am not.”

His grin was wicked. “Agreed.”

Sam stepped back and stripped down. He stepped over to a shallow sandy shoal where the rushing water spilled at the bank in a calm pool. He stood with his backside to her and bathed. He looked over his shoulder in invitation.

Shauna stepped over to him somewhat intimidated. Shauna was the only person who had seen her in her altogether. It was dark when she lay with the man who claimed to be Sam Bishop. It was dark now but the moon gave them so much light that they could see plainly.

He reached out for her. “Come to me,” he whispered.

Shauna removed her boots and stepped onto the cool, soft earth with her bare feet. She unfastened her dress and let it fall to the ground so that she was in her bloomers. She walked with a wading step even on the ground, towards him. Shy but willing.

He took hold of her elbow easily.

“You are just about the prettiest woman I think I ever saw,” he said, kissing her head. “How do you get your hair so shiny?”

If her insides could giggle that was what she did. She shivered with a sort of joy at his compliment. She did find her own hair pleasing. It felt with just the right amount of body and went up into a plaited bun nicely. Her father always said she was too plump and that confused Shauna because when she regarded herself in the mirror to check her appearance, she thought she looked just fine. In secret she thought she was an attract woman. It was a conflict for her to disagree with her father.

“You are a hearty woman, Mrs. Bishop,” he said, his voice getting more and more sensual.

He had been the very first person to call her Mrs. Bishop. She had been a married woman, to someone, and it was the first time someone called her missus. His wide warm hand traveled the curves of her body slowly, slyly slipping her undergarments from her. Sam scooped water and dribbled it on her skin. It was a cold but warmed quickly. It was a welcoming feeling.

He grazed her with his soft warm mouth, his arms holding her more urgently, pressing her to him. He was aroused for her. His hardness nudged against her naked skin. Sam encouraged her back, to lay on the powdery sand of the shoal. Shauna spread her legs around his lean hips to receive him.

He rolled to the side, bringing her with him. He stroked her so gently. He drew his hands down the length of her, pulling the back of her knee up around his hip. He cupped her buttocks, his palm squarely on them. He sneaked his fingers in the crevice of her cheeks, allowing them to explore, until they found the wetness of her center.

Sam plunged his fingers into her. He pressed his thumb at the top of her sex, and wagging it back and forth branching out pleasure throughout her body. Her breathing became labored in a good way. This had not happened with the other Sam Bishop. Her nipples were hard in the night air.

Sam trailed his lips down a line from the center of her breasts, across her belly. He swirled his tongue in her navel. She arched up against him powerfully. A cry escaped her lips and it tumbled down the rushing creek.

Shauna was unspeakably worked up for him. Needed him in a way she never thought possible. He gave her wetness. Heat. And an unearthly desire. Sam reached between them and levered his erection into her. She seized up, tightening up with a jolt of pleasure. He felt so wonderful. He felt right inside of her in the way a week of sleeping with the other man had never been. Laying with Sam was not the mechanical act her prior experience had been.

Chapter Five

It seemed like nature and eternity worked together and gave Shauna instinct. She knew exactly what to do back. Her hands roamed his wondrous form. There wasn’t a speck of fat on him. His was a beautiful sculpture of chiseled muscles. He was spectacular. The elements of western living had not worn him down yet.

Her breasts pressed against his rock hard chest as he held her. She cupped his buttocks and he hers, as they pushed in towards one another. He drew her knee up as high up the side of them as he could, making her very tight against him. She quivered with the new sensation. He made her insides flutter. Shauna panicked some not quite sure what was happening to her.

She pressed her palms against him, she twisted.

“Wow now,” he slowed his pace. He spoke to her gently but pumped into her in a teasing rhythm. “Shhhh, let it come baby.”

“Whh?” she said confused.

He put his lips to her ear and whispered through her hair. “Let it come. I’ll show you. Hold on. It will be okay,” he said.

He pressed between her legs in an endless circular motion as he drove into her. He gripped her thighs, pulling her to him. She took him so deeply. He pulled out and he glided in. Each time he filled her so deeply. Completely. Each time he pushed her further up some invisible climb, to an invisible edge.

Shauna knew it was some place she wanted to go.