The receptionist looked up, and cast a smile my way; I grinned back and looked away, not wanting to be caught making the staff uncomfortable. Even though I figured she wouldn’t think I was doing much more than staring off into space, I didn’t want to freak her out with my patent slavering over her slim form.

I was snapped out of my reverie by the door clicking open, and my name being called.

“Andy Johnson?”

“Right here,” I stood up, nodding politely at the woman who’d just said my name. She cast a wide grin at me, and gestured for me to follow her.

“Right this way. If you just want to follow me through to the examination room, we can begin,” she explained. I did as I was told, making my way through the narrow corridors until she led me into a small consulting room, with a curtain that covered an examination table. Sitting myself down opposite her, she arranged her skirt carefully across her knees and sat down.

“I’m Rachel, I’m a nurse here, and I’ll be consulting with you today, as Doctor Black is away this week,” she smiled, her tone warm and comforting. Now that we were sitting down, I could get a better look at her; she was small, much smaller than me, with her short brown hair pulled away from her face in a severe ponytail. Her skin was smooth, a perfect shade of olive, the kind that I wanted to run my fingers over and caress. Her clothes were billowy and left plenty to the imagination, but from what I could see of her she was slim and well-muscled. I swallowed, suddenly aware how alone we were in that room together.

“So, what can I help you with today, Andy?” she continued, glancing up at me with a smile. She had the kind of gentle demeanor that I couldn’t argue with, the kind that made me want to curl up with my head on her lap and tell her everything that had happened over the last few weeks. I refrained from doing so, obviously, and prepared my usual tale-of-woe voice that I had on lock for whenever I needed to share the story of what Frank had done.

“I was dating this guy for a while, and it turns out that he’s been cheating on me. I just wanted to come in and make sure that I hadn’t caught anything off him or his new lady friend.”

She wrinkled her brow sympathetically, then nodded at me. “I understand entirely.” She produced a pen and clicked out the nib, hovering it over a sheet of paper. “And have you had any symptoms recently that might suggest you have an STI?”

“Nothing unusual, no. I had some sort of early-UTI symptoms this week, but I took some cranberry pills and that seemed to put paid to it for the time being,” I explained. “I just want to be on the safe side, so I don’t give anything unexpected to the next person I’m with.”

“Of course.” She nodded. “And do you have any sexual partners at the moment?”

I shook my head. “I wish.” The words were out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop them, and I tried my best to reel them back in. “I mean- sorry, I meant-“

“I’ll take that as a “no””, she answered pleasantly, making a note on the paper. I could have sworn that I saw a small smile playing at the corner of her mouth. Was she laughing at me?

“Right,” I nodded.

“And when was your last sexual encounter?”

“Six weeks ago, before the break-up.”

“Did you use protection?” She asked, her tone professional but tinged with curiosity.

I nodded. “Always.”

“That’s very sensible of you, Andy. It’s unlikely you’ve caught anything, but of course we’ll run the tests anyway. Do you have any reason to think you might have caught something from your ex-partner?” She inquired, her tone light.

“He wasn’t very keen on using protection with me, and I figured if he could get away without it he totally would.”

“Of course,” she nodded. She scribbled another note down on her piece of paper, and I felt a hint of blush creeping up my neck. Why was she making me so nervous? She wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary, anything that I didn’t expect her to do. But something about her no-nonsense attitude as we talked about my sex life (or lack thereof) was making me nervous. I scrunched my hands into a ball in my lap, trying to keep my focus on the task at hand and not let myself get distracted by the curve of her breast under her smart work shirt.

“Are you on any birth control right now?” she continued, apparently oblivious to my squirming discomfort.

“No, I just use barrier methods when I do have sex.”

“Condoms? Dental dams?”

“Um, both,” I replied. It was true. I was always super-careful with my sexual health, and even if I’d been with someone a long time I didn’t let them get near me without at least something between them and my genitals.

“Good,” she murmured, scribbling something else down. Satisfied, she sat up and looked at me again. “Now, for the full STI check, we’ll need to do a physical examination, if you’re comfortable with that?”

I nodded. “Sure, I’ve had them from Doctor Black before.” I remembered the last time he’d had to get down between my legs to figure out why an infection was taking so long to clear up; the thought made me blush even harder.

“So you know what to expect,” she nodded. “That’s great. I can give you some privacy, and I’ll just leave this form here for you to fill out if that’s okay.” She patted a sheet of paper on the table, laying a pen down next to it for me to use.

“Right,” I agreed, staring down at the paper, reluctant to look at her again lest I give away the lewd thoughts that were already taking over my brain.

“Great,” she grinned, standing up and stepping towards the door. “I’ll leave the room, and I’ll be back in a few minutes to continue the examination. Is that okay?”