“Of course,” I nodded, watching as she clicked open the door and locked it behind her, leaving me alone in the examination room.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. Come on, I scolded myself, she’s just doing her job. She just needs to check you out for anything obvious, and then you can get dressed and be on your way. But the thought of being naked in front of this woman was causing a pressure to build in between my legs, one that was familiar but long-missed. It had been a while since I’d found myself actually attracted to someone like this, and it was just bad timing that my body had decided to react to one of the few people who had to see me naked in a non-sexual context.

I pulled the form over to me and began to quickly scribble in my answers, filling out details on my sexual history and my reasons for my visit. It was good to have something to take my mind off the situation, something to focus my brain on.

Once I was done, I took a long breath in and stood up, leaning down to unzip my boots as I did so. I was glad I’d worn easy clothes today- skinny jeans with a blouse and a big scarf (three items makes an outfit) as I kicked off my shoes and socks and unwound the scarf from my neck. I slid myself out of my jeans and pulled off my shirt, reaching behind me to unhook my bra. Then I slid my panties over my feet and went to sit on the examination table, my arms crossed over my body self-consciously. It wasn’t that I was ashamed to let her see me naked- far from it, I was very proud of my body- but it had been a long time since someone I’d actually found myself attracted to had seen me without clothes, and I was understandably nervous.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror next to her desk, and promptly uncrossed my arms and legs. I looked like I didn’t want anyone to see me, and I didn’t like the idea that the nurse might think I was ashamed of my body. I’d spent way too long being insecure about the way I looked to freak out about it now. I took a deep breath, and let my breathing steady, telling myself that it would be over in a matter of minutes.

There was a knock on the door, and Rachel poked her head around it. “Ready?” She asked.

Chapter Two

The nurse stepped around the door and moved towards me, reaching towards her table for a tape measure. “Is it okay if we do a quick height and weight measurement while you’re here? It saves Doctor Black having to do one next time he’s in.”

“Of course,” I nodded, acutely aware of my nudity next to her naked form.

“If you could just stand up and raise your arms, that would be great,” she continued, stepping towards me and unfurling the tape measure. I did as I was told, lifting my arms to shoulder height, and Rachel wrapped the measure around my hips first. The coolness of the plastic felt good against my overheated skin. She took a note, then pulled the tape measure taut around my waist, lowering her head so she could get a good reading off it. I might have been imagining it, but it seemed like she lingered a little longer than she had to at my waist, her hands skimming across my expanses of flesh. I shivered slightly, making Rachel giggle.

“Sorry, I won’t keep you here for long,” she apologized, furrowing her brow sympathetically. Then she reached up to wrap the measure around my breasts, the plastic digging in deliciously against my nipples. I curled my toes to keep from making a sound as the stiff measure cut into my skin slightly, sending tingles across my breasts and down my body. Her fingers brushed against my breast as she moved away to take another note, and I realized that my nipples were now rock-hard, and it had nothing to do with the temperature of the room.

After she got me to step on the scales, Rachel snapped on a pair of latex gloves and took me by the elbow, leading me back to the examination table.

“If you’d just like to lie down here and pop your legs up in the stirrups,” she announced cheerfully, helping me maneuver my body so that my legs were above my head and spread wide apart. Rachel adjusted the stirrups, pushing my knees even further away from each other, and I felt a jolt of shock as the cold air hit my exposed pussy. It wasn’t like this was the first medical exam I’d had to have down there, but it was by far the most interesting.

I tried to remember what my last medical exam had been like with Dr. Black, but it had been so long ago I could barely remember. I seemed to recall being in a thin paper robe as opposed to stark naked, but perhaps protocol had changed or something? I just had to trust that Rachel was doing her job right. If Dr. Black had allowed her to cover for him, then she must be doing something right.

I allowed my head to fall back, taking deep breaths to relax myself as Rachel stepped around me, positioning herself between my legs. Even before she’d laid a hand on me, I could feel my pussy tingling- I was almost embarrassed at how turned-on I was at the thought of her latex-clad hands touching me. I prayed to God that she wouldn’t be able to tell how aroused I was- after all, she was going to be right down in there. I felt so vulnerable, so exposed, but I found myself kind of liking it, too.

“Okay, Andy, I’m just going to start the examination now,” Rachel said in her soothing tone, and I felt my body tense slightly as I prepared myself for her touch. I felt her hands brush up the inside of my thigh, parting my legs a little further and giving her easier access to my pussy. The latex was cold and smooth against my skin, making me jump, but she placed another hand on my knee to steady me and keep me still as her hand slid across me, finding my outer lips. Using her fingers, she parted me so that I was completely exposed, her digits pinning my labia out of the way as she inspected my vagina closely. Plucking a sterile paper packet from a table adjacent to us, she ripped it open and pulled out a cotton swab, placing it against my skin. The softness of the cotton was a shock after the smooth impersonality of the latex, and I flinched with arousal as she ran it around the outside of my pussy, pulling it away and sealing it in a small bottle that she placed next to her carefully. I looked at her for a moment, assuming the examination was over, but she was far from finished.

“Everything looks okay here, Andy, but I think I’d like to do an internal examination if that’s okay by you?” There was that soothing voice again. How could I say no to her? I nodded, then, realizing she wasn’t exactly looking at my face, managed to croak out my assent.

“Excellent,” she said, and I thought I heard a hint of a smile in her tone. Was she actually enjoying this? The thought sent another series of tingles down through my pussy, my slick flesh reacting to the feeling of her gliding latex gloves. I felt my pussy tense up in anticipation of her fingers as she reached behind her for some lubricant to make the process easier. Squirting a generous dollop on to her hand, she rubbed her fingers together until they were slick and then pressed them back up against my now-throbbing sex. She traced the outline of my pussy for a moment, finding my slit, and then gently inserted two fingers into me.

My hands clenched down on the sides of the examination table, trying to hide how much I was getting turned on by her invasive examination. I wasn’t sure if this was standard procedure or not, but I didn’t care-it just felt so good to have someone taking care of me like this. Frank had never much been one for foreplay, never mind driving me right to the brink of passion as Rachel was doing, and I’d forgotten how much I’d missed it.

She slowly moved her fingers inside me, making circles, pressing her digits up against the tight walls of my pussy. She must have been able to feel every single inch in there, as my pussy clenched unstoppably against her. It was an involuntary reaction, I told myself, she must see this kind of thing all the time when she does examinations normally. It would probably take a lot to shock her.

The possibility of an orgasm crept into my mind for a moment, and I wondered how she would react if I just let myself go to the feeling and came, shuddering around her hand right then. But I pushed the thought from my head, writing it off as far too humiliating, and allowed her to continue to probe me, gently working her fingers in and out of me. It had stopped feeling like a medical examination some time ago, and when I lifted my head to look at her, her expression seemed tense and serious, far from the soft, soothing woman who’d taken me out of the waiting room less than half an hour ago. I wondered if she was feeling the same way I was- needy, desperate, full of desire and longing.

As it was, I never got to find out, as she quickly withdrew her hands from my body and seemed to compose herself again. I felt myself teetering, my body grasping for some kind of release.

“Well, everything looks fine down there, Andy. I’ll leave you to get dressed.” She muttered, hurrying out of the room as if she needed to remove herself from the situation. The tension between us was shattered, but my body was still crying out for relief.

Waiting till I heard the door click shut behind her, I hurriedly brought my hand down to my now-aching pussy, caressing my clit in circles and letting out a long gasp as I felt the orgasm begin to rise within me. After all that tension, after all that waiting and wondering, I couldn’t believe that the first woman I got past first base with was a nurse who had shoved her latex-clad fingers up my pussy. Just thinking about it in those terms was enough, and it wasn’t long until I felt my entire body seize up, my legs still lifted high in the stirrups, as an orgasm tore through me and left me panting on the examination table.

By the time I was dressed and ready to go, I couldn’t help wondering if Rachel had noticed the flush on my cheeks or the telltale catch in the back of my throat that gave away the fact that I’d been unbelievably turned on by her actions. Part of me, mortified at the very thought, prayed she didn’t, but another side of me hoped she did- and hoped she knew how much I liked it.

Chapter Three

As I walked back into my apartment, I let out a breath that I felt as if I’d been holding for hours. I couldn’t believe what had happened that day. I’d started out that day a casually bi-curious, recently dumped woman who’d never so much as touched a girl’s boobs before (well, other than my own), and yet here I was still glowing from an orgasm that had been basically encouraged by my health practitioner.

I knew I should feel taken advantage of- I should feel horrified and worried and should maybe be considering reporting her if I thought she had acted inappropriately- but the only thing on my mind was when and how I could get her to do it again. After all, I could just go back in there complaining of various ailments that required her to give me a gyno examination, couldn’t I? Though did I really want her to know me as that girl who was always having problems down below? Maybe I could just call her up and ask her out?

I shook that thought from my head- yeah, trying to date my gyno nurse was probably not such a good idea. The thought of her turning me down, then having to get examinations from her in the future while she had to dwell on the fact that I was attracted to her was mortifying. Maybe it was just one of those experiences that I could chalk up to experience and brush off entirely.

I went about the rest of my week with a smile on my face, my little secret playing at the back of my mind the whole time. I didn’t tell anyone about my orgasm in the doctor’s office, but I didn’t need to- when I went to lunch with my friend Thea later that week, she couldn’t help but notice my all-new glow.