“No I meant – you know, feelings. Do you want to be exclusive with him?” Janet asked and then continued, “Oh imagine that! College student with total badass doctor boyfriend – hubbahubba.”

Blair shook her head at Janet, “No. He’s not really into that sort of a thing,” she said quietly.

And then Janet was quiet for a second. “Wait – so – he said that to you?”

“Well, we don’t really talk about this much. But he might have mentioned it once.” Blair said, looking down at her nails.

“Oh bee,” Janet said sounding suddenly sympathetic, “What if he ends up breaking your heart and just using you?”

Blair shook her head and dismissed the idea immediately. “He won’t do that. He’s a good guy – not an immature high school kid.”

“What makes you so sure? You two haven’t even had the conversation yet,” Janet pressed.

“We don’t need to, alright?” Blair snapped back, sounding more catty than she had intended to. “I never ask you all these questions about you hookups so can you get off my back?”

“Geez,” Janet said, slumping her shoulders and backing away from her a little, “I’m just looking out for you.”

“Well I don’t need you to,” Blair said, unable to control the annoyance that had seeped into her system. “I’ll catch you later, Janet. I’m going to go now.”

And with that, the brunette was out the door in a matter of a few moments, the door slamming firmly shut behind her.

Blair felt a little guilty over her entire exchange with Janet; this wasn’t the norm for them as they usually got along well and scarcely ever fought. But she quickly shook off that burdening sense of guilt and decided she had no time to sit over and mull over her exchange of words with Janet.

In fact today, she felt excited as her brain was brewing up a storm of ideas. It was a Wednesday so she knew Daniel was working today and they did not have any plans to meet up for the afternoon but Blair had plans of her own.

She inspected herself a few times in the mirror, giving a little twirl to examine her dress. Blair planned to surprise Daniel at his clinic today. For the entire afternoon, she had been giving him the impression that she was busy going out with her mother but little did he know, she was scheming up to show up at his clinic unannounced and surprise him.

The giddiness had still not worn off as she pulled up in the clinic driveway with a box of Donuts firmly clasped in her hands. Upon entering though, she found Kate standing behind the receptionists counter yet again.

“Is Dr. Williams in?” Blair asked but as she said those words, she realized how strange it felt to refer to him as anything other than Daniel.

Kate, the nurse, shot her a long look. And then flashed her a smirk, as though she was in on a secret that Blair wasn’t clued in on. “You want to see the doctor?” she asked him and it that moment Blair realized that the woman had a really distinct New York accent.

“Yes,” Blair shuffled her feet uncomfortably; showing up unannounced at his workplace was turning out to be more challenging than she expected. “Is he in?”

“Oh, he’ll be here in a moment,” Kate told her, the smirk still spread out against her lipstick smeared lips. “Why don’t you take a seat there?”

Blair nodded, feeling relieved that their little exchange was now over. But then to her horror, she realized that Kate had suddenly abandoned her post from behind the reception counter and was now trailing behind Blair.

“Right here,” Kate said cheerily pointing towards one of the chairs in the waiting lounge – they were yellow, plastic and smelled of various cleaning agents.

Blair nodded; still a little confused as to why Kate had followed her out but she took a seat none-the-less.

“Slow day today, huh?” Blair said finally at an attempt to make awkward conversation when she realized Kate had no intention of leaving her side and had in fact taken a seat right next to Blair.

“You know, you win some, you lose some,” Kate said shrugging nonchalantly and then turned over to face Blair, her shoulders pointing over towards her direction, “How come you’re here today? I didn’t see any appointments scheduled under your name,” Kate probed.

Blair felt a dash of irritation at all her probing but decided to remain polite, “You know,” she said, weighing the box of doughnuts in her hands, “just wanted to, er, thank him. He’s been a brilliant doctor so far,” Blair said, lying through her teeth.

“Oh right,” Kate said and then she was silent for a moment. Blair thought this meant the end of her drilling questions but luck was not on her side today. “I think you said you were eighteen, weren’t you? I think you’re a little young for this stuff.”

Blair stared back at Kate in disbelief that was slowly turning into anger. “Excuse me?” she managed to spurt out with her eyes wide open.

“Oh, Blair. Don’t be silly. Of course I know,” Kate grinned and then stretched out her hand to her, “there’s been many before so it doesn’t surprise me when an attractive girl like you just walks in. Of course he was going to swoop you up.”

Blair had half a mind to tell her off and tell her she does not know a thing about her and Daniel, her defensive side kicking in. But then she realized the level of confidence Kate uttered the words in and began to think perhaps her words held a little weight; Kate did know Daniel a lot longer than Blair.

“You say that like you know by experience,” Blair replied, her tone snarky and very much annoyed.