“We need to get rid of these,” he looked to her grinning as he slid down her jeans one leg at a time. “They’re getting in the way.”

Blair closed her eyes. She felt like she was in pure bliss as his hands worked their magic down at the base of her core; letting out delighted sounds of pure happiness. “

“I can’t wait any longer,” he emerged from underneath, “I need you.”

Blair could only respond in a series of groans but she found herself nodding furiously. And then in the flash of a moment, he was undressed and back onto her. There was a sharp intake of breath from her as she felt him break into her but his reassuring gestures made sure to make her feel good.

And then once the pain subsided, Blair felt her eyes roll back into head. She was in ecstasy.

Chapter 10

It had been a week since that eventful day at the doctor’s office and Blair couldn’t lie; it had been a few more time they had met up after, all reaching the same results. Blair was ecstatic – she felt like she had taken a hit of a drug and the high was too good to ever quit. Where she had always been disappointed by teenage boys and their manly bravados to please only themselves, Daniel made sure to fill out all those loopholes. He was strong and he took care of her so well afterwards – she could help but be hooked to him.

And it seemed that he was in a similar situation – he had called her up several time since and once even showed up in the middle of the night outside her house. Blair was terrified her mother would wake up and find out but he had definitely made it worth her while.

Right now, Blair in situated in Janet’s living room; the two of them had not gotten the chance to hang out a lot but had taken the time out today to especially meet up. In lieu of how busy the both of them had been, she had not filled her best friend in on the events that had transpired in the days before.

“I swear to god,” Janet rambled on before her, “I cannot for the life of me figure out what to wear to Randy Olsen’s yearly pool bash. I want Kevin to notice me but I don’t want it to be so over the top, you know? Bee! Are you evening listening to me?” Janet said frustrated at the lack of attention her best friend was endowing upon her.

“I am, I am. Kevin’s pool party,” Blair said sheepishly, looking over from the screen of her cellphone.

“Uh, no you weren’t,” Janet said annoyed, “who are you texting anyway?” she said, suddenly poking up to view the screen from behind Blair’s shoulder.

“Hey, go away,” Blair said, suddenly covering up the screen with her fingers, “I’m not texting anybody,” she defended herself meekly.

“Right,” Janet said rolling her eyes, “is it James? I heard you two went on a date. You need to dish,” she continued, suddenly perked up at the idea.

“Ugh no,” Blair dismissed, shaking her head furiously, “Not him. And just so you know, that wasn’t even a real date to be fair.”

“Then who is it?” Janet pressed but then when Blair did not reply and just looked back at her, with one lip tightly tucked under her teeth, Janet’s mind clicked two and two together and her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

“Is it? Are you texting Dr. Hottie?” Janet asked suddenly.

Blair sighed, “Hey – it’s not a big deal okay!” she defended herself.

“Like hell it isn’t!” Janet scoffed, “Wait, are you having an affair with your doctor?” Janet seemed to both delighted and amused at the idea.

“Hey, geez, we’re only casual,” Blair admitted but then a blush crept up on her cheeks as she realized just how opposite of casual they really were.

Janet laughed, “Oh dear, this is too good,” she told Blair, “but – he’s so much older – how does it even work when you’re not- wait – did you sleep with him?” Janet pressed suddenly, leaning forward so fast she nearly knocked herself out of her chair.

Blair remained quiet for a moment, unsure what to say but then she knew that there was no she could get away with lying to Janet and so she just nodded briefly.

“Noooo way,” Janet exclaimed in a dramatic tone, “you mean all this time this week that you have been blowing me off saying you were busy – you were actually bumping uglies with Dr. Hottie in the sack?”

Blair had to chuckle at her best friends words, “Pretty much.”

“Whoa,” Janet replied, “And here I thought I was having fun this summer.”

“It’s not that big of a deal – we just like each other’s company that’s all,” Blair said, making another feeble attempt to defend herself.

“Yeah right, it’s not a big deal you horny little bunny,” Janet was laughing again, “Wait, so are you two a thing now?” she inquired.

“Not exactly,” Blair said sighing, “I don’t really know what we are. We just—sort of are.” Even Blair had to shudder at how pathetic that sounded but that was the truth. In all their meetings since then, they had not once had the conversation regarding the nature of their relationship – if you could even call it that. And quite frankly, Blair thought it would be too awkward to bring it up.

“Wait really?” Janet said, leaning forward even more, “Do you like him though?”

“I mean – that should be obvious at this point shouldn’t it?” Blair replied, raising an eyebrow at her friend.