Blair let of a huff of air she had been holding in, “Why do you keep walking away from me?” she asked.

“I thought our conversation was already over?”

“No,” Blair groaned, “you don’t let us have a decent conversation long enough to it to be even considered over!”

“Blair – why are you being this way? I thought we made things perfectly clear,” he said, looking over to her, “then why are you chasing me around?”

Blair felt like she was hit by a ton of bricks all at once, “I – where’s your date?” she asked, avoiding his question.

“She’s around.”

“Why are you so curt whenever I ask you about these things,” Blair replied, running a frustrated hand through her hair, “I mean, a few proper answers won’t kill you, you know.”

“They won’t,” Daniel replied, he was looking amused again, “you’re right. Come with me and I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”

He held out his hand for her and Blair took it oh-so eagerly. Together, they walked on over to the edge of the lawn where there were not a lot of people around.

“Now,” Daniel said, letting go of her hand and facing her directly, “what do you want to know, beautiful?”

“Okay, that. You can’t call me that if you’re going to go all stoic cold on me for days after,” Blair said frustrated, “And I don’t know - how come you’re here with a different girl than the one from yesterday?” she asked.

“I only say it because it’s true,” he chuckled and then continued, “Because I asked two different ladies to two different events,” he shrugged nonchalantly.

“Right,” Blair said, “so that woman from yesterday wasn’t your girlfriend?”


“Is the woman from today your girlfriend, then?”

Another shake of the head to indicate a no. Blair shot him a look that told him she was growing frustrated by the shortness of his replies.

“I thought you said you will tell me everything I need to know!” she exclaimed, her tone seeping with annoyance at his vagueness.

“I did,” he sighed, “I don’t really date seriously, so there’s your answer.”

Of course, Blair thought to herself, of course she had to cross paths with the noncommittal casual type.

Blair was quiet for a moment. “Why not?” she blurted out.

“You’re asking me more questions than my therapist ever has,” he replied, chuckling, “it’s a free world. Now, can you tell me why exactly did you showcase this little theatrical performance with that poor boy James and followed me all the way over here?” He asked her.

“It’s okay. He’s an asshole, so it doesn’t really matter,” Blair casually shook off his accusations, “and I don’t know - I just – it’s annoying you just kissed me and then disappeared forever,” she admitted finally.

“Ah, right,” Daniel replied, “as far as my memory serves me right, you were the one who did that.”

Blair rolled her eyes, “Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it,” and it was met by a chuckle from Daniel.

“You’re extra fiery today,” he told her.

“It’s because of you though,” she said quietly, “you’re driving me nuts here.”

“I’m probably not really the man of your dreams type hero, you know,” Daniel told her in a low voice, “you should probably stay away from me.”

Blair stood there for a moment, staring back at him and drank in his words. “You’re right. Maybe I will.”

But where Daniel expected her to walk away from him, instead she leaned on over and planted a firm kiss on her lips, not having a care in the world of who might see the two of them. Daniel’s resolve broke immediately and his hands snaked to her waist but just as he was about to deepen the kiss, Blair broke it off.

“I think I’m going to look for James now. We’ll be leaving,” she told him before walking off.