Daniel stood watching her retreating figure, “See you for your next appointment,” but it was of no use because she had already walked away.

Chapter 9

Four days passed and Thursday rolled on, which was the day of their next scheduled appointment. Blair took pride in the fact that she had managed to wash him out of his system with great success.

Ever since their last encounter, Blair had made no further attempts to contact him or text him incessantly; she had resisted every urge and it made her feel very powerful. She felt confident that even though she was going to go see him today, it did not matter because he would not have that effect on her again – Blair was adamant that Daniel was no longer going to be involved in her life in such a way and would instead just be a distant blur in the past.

Because, truly, even though being with him was exciting and thrilling, they had no future. Even if she was to overlook the massive differences they had, it would not have ever worked as he had made it perfectly clear that he was not interested in pursuing any sort of a relationship with her.

Blair was back to being her old self pretty much as she parked her car and walked on over to the doors of the clinic. Once inside, the receptionist politely told her to wait her turn and she found herself inside the walls of the same room where she had met him for the first time, though this time she did not have to wear her dressing gown.

It was a few moments till he finally walked in.

“Oh, Blair!” he said happily as he noticed her sitting there, “nice to see you again this afternoon.”

She nodded, “So are my reports ready, doctor?” She knew that calling her that would mildly annoy him and she the satisfaction of watching the side of his jaw tighten as she heard her utter those words.

“Yes indeed they are,” he replied back, “Everything came back normal, I’m pleased to say. However, I’m going to prescribe you some dietary supplements that you should continue to take for a few months.”

“Great,” she said, popping the ‘T’ noise, “I take this is our last meeting?” she asked him, with a casual shrug of the shoulders.

Daniel watched her from a distance, “If you want,” he said but then almost immediately added, “so, do you want to?”

Blair stole a quick glance towards his direction to see he was looking over to her intently, his gaze fixed onto her face as he waited for her reply. It only lasted a moment though as she quickly turned to look ahead once again.

“I mean,” she started off coyly, “I do not really see a reason why to continue to keep seeing you. You are my doctor.”

“You know I told you not call me that,” he admonished curtly but she just shot him back an expression of innocent puzzlement.

“But surely, that is what you are, are you not?” she asked through hooded eyelashes.

Daniel was started to look more annoyed by the second as he got up from his seat and started pacing around the room, “Why does it seem to me that you are holding a grudge against me for something that I don’t even know I did?” he asked her.

Blair gave a coy smile, “Doctor, please. There is no place for grudges in a professional relationship such as ours,” she said.

“Right,” replied Daniel, shooting her a long look, “strictly professional, you say?” he was walking over to her now ad she felt herself leaning in automatically towards his direction.

“Yup,” she said, sounding out the ‘p’.

He took one finger and traced it down the length of her arm, all the while maintaining eye contact. “You seemed to not remember that the last few times we met?” he was hovering dangerously close to her face now and her breathing was coming more rough and ragged than before.

“Silly me,” she said dismissively in between breaths, “I probably forgot.” She stared back at him just as intensely, none of them wanting to be the first one to break.

He slid one thumb up to his face, extending it over to the base of her lower lip to separate it. “I’ve been thinking about you all this time,” he said, his voice low and sultry.

Blair felt her insides pool into her as he sounded out those words and she felt a nagging ache in her that longed for her to drop all her pretenses and let him devour her right there. But she was going to be smarter than that and hold her ground. Uncomfortably, she clenched both her legs closer together.

“Why is that?” she breathed out slowly.

“Hm,” he told her, his thumb now sliding downwards to the curve of her neck, “how did you put it? You’re driving me nuts.”

And then the dam broke loose – his hands went up the side of her face and he crashed his lips to her. After a moment of just kissing, she eagerly responded back but she realized she would not have been able to pull back even if she wanted to with the iron grip that he had on her. His hands were everywhere, groping and touching every part of her he could get in his reach.

Blair’s mind had now gone hazy and she could barely string out one coherent word, let alone string out a sentence long enough to tell him to stop. So she did not process when he roughly pulled her down from the edge of her seat and then instructed her to go on over to the table and lie there –she only nodded happily and agreed.

She felt like she was in bliss as his hands worked at the front of her shirt and unbuttoned it. He then leaned over and pressed his entire form up against her and she could feel just how much he was enjoying this as well.

“Daniel,” she breathed out heavily, “what are we-,” she quickly stopped her words as she felt him tugging on the base of her jeans.