He was her doctor. Blair stopped herself from fantasizing about how nice it would be if they were to pursue something. Strange, yes but she got along with him so well. Better than she had with any other man in her life. And there was no hiding the fact that she was so attracted to him – even though they had quite an age difference, it only served to make him even more desirable to her. And now that she had a taste, she was not sure if she could go on without wanting more of it.

Blair groaned loudly and buried her head back in her pillow – indeed, this was going to be a long night.

Chapter 7

“Mom, you really didn’t have to do this,” Blair said sheepishly as the doorman opened the door for them.

“Oh stop it,” Melissa dismissed her daughter with a casual wave of the hand, “it’s my treat – your deserve it.”

Melissa Carter had treated her daughter out to dinner at one of the city’s best restaurant’s and while Blair had resisted it at first – not feeling in the mood to go out – eventually, her mother had won, as she often does. Blair had caved to her wishes and now the both of them were all gussied up and outside the doors of this place.

Melissa Carter puckered up her lips and walked up over the man at the entrance, “Reservations for the Carters,” she told him.

The man told them to wait for a few minutes and that their table would be ready in a moment. Blair groaned – it wasn’t as though she did not appreciate her mother’s sweet gesture towards her – she was touched that Melissa was so enthused about her acceptance, it was just that Blair was in no mood to go out and have any sort of social interactions at the moment.

Truth was, even though she should have been too overjoyed to even care about anything else, she was still hung up on something that happened a whole 48 hours ago.

That’s right. It had been forty eight hours since she had sent him that text. Yes, Blair had been pathetically keeping track of the time.

Blair had already exhausted the lists of possibilities in her head by going over them incessantly but the conclusion she came up with now was perhaps even far worse than what she could have conjured up before. Could it be possible that Blair was making the whole kiss thing into a bigger deal than it was?

Who was Blair to know? Perhaps he went around kissing patients on the daily! He certainly had the face for it and Blair barely knew the guy – who knew what he got into in his free time?

But even as she thought these things, she knew in her heart that she was being just plain ludicrous. He was a busy adult and did not need to go around texting her every second to validate his – feelings for her – did he even have any? Abruptly, Blair stopped her own train of thoughts before she could dig up herself an even bigger hole.

But then she was catapulted back to right back where she started, as she realized with look of horror strewn upon her face, the identity of the person who had just emptied up their table and was walking over.

Blair gulped loudly. Daniel was present at the same restaurant as them and apparently he was not alone. Because right by his side was a woman - traditionally pretty, probably in her early thirties but most importantly, she had her arms draped around Daniel.

Shit! Was he married?

Blair was had not even realized she was straight up gawking the two of them until her mother’s voice pulled her out of her reverie, “Blair, it’s rude to stare, my dear. Who are you even looking at?”

Blair snapped her head back to her mother and cleared her throat embarrassed, “I, um – no one. Can we – go inside? Quickly.” Blair’s word were coming out in a series of awkward phrases, she mentally cursed him for having that sort of effect on her.

Blair wanted to disappear off the surface of the planet, decimate into a puddle of nothing or simply just cease to exist. Because the last thing she wanted right now was to see him in this situation.

But her luck was rotten, as always, as realization struck her mother. “Oh, isn’t that your doctor? I recognize him from when I went to book your appointment. Oh, what a wonderful coincidence! Shall we go say?” Melissa asked her daughter in her usual tone brimming with glee.

“No – mom, I really don’t think that’s a good-“ but Melissa was off towards their direction before Blair could even get in another word edgewise.

After a moment of Blair just standing away from her, keeping her head down so she could avoid any eye contact with them and so basically pretend like she did not even know they were there, Blair eventually had to go join in as her mother called her over.

“We’re actually here to celebrate. Blair just got another acceptance – one of the top schools in the country!” her mother gushed, only just needing an excuse to boast about her daughters accomplishments.

“Oh! Is that right?” Daniel said, turning to Blair, who merely just shrugged nonchalantly. “Well, congratulations,” he added, when Blair showed no signs of articulating a reply.

“That really is an accomplishment,” the woman beside him spoke, addressing Blair for the first time.

Her mother nudged her discreetly in the ribs and Blair belted out a dry ‘thank you’ complete with a farcical flash of her teeth to the both of them. But then before they bid their goodbyes, Blair suddenly turned around and called out.

“Dr. Williams,” she said, emphasizing the word doctor, “may I speak to you for a moment? About the – reports.”

“Is everything okay?” Melissa asked her daughter, her eyes darting between the two of them.

“Yes, mother. Please – you go on and sit. I’ll be just a minute,” she said, keeping her voice composed.

Daniel shot her a searching look but none the less agreed to accompany her. Blair took him a corner and when she was sure she was out of earshot, she turned to him.