“You never told me you had a wife! What kind of person are you?” she whisper-yelled at him, her nostrils flaring and her eyes narrowed at him accusingly.

To her utter shock and then aggravation, Daniel just laughed at her fiery projectile of accusatory remarks, “Relax, Blair. She is not my wife.”

Blair backed up a little, feeling both relieved and stupid. “Oh, right..,” she mumbled, “who is she then?” she inquired, looking up to meet his eyes.

Daniel chuckled yet again and Blair was beginning to find it very annoying how he found amusement in her miseries, “She’s only my date,” he said, briefly and to the point.

“Oh – your date, huh?’ Blair was struggling to keep her voice composed at this point.

“Yes,” he chuckled yet again but then his expression turned serious, “why do you seem so upset with me?” he inquired, giving her a swift once-over with his eyes.

She shook her head, “I’m not upset – I,” she bit down her lip and contemplated whether she should spill out the inner workings of her brain to him or not. In the end, she caved. “You never really replied to my text, I was just wonderin’.”

“Oh Blair,” Daniel said, suddenly sounding like as though he had been disappointed by those words, “You cannot possibly – I thought you knew better?” he said slowly and Blair felt his words like the weight of a rock; slowly crushing her.

When Blair did not reply, he spoke again, “How’s the tattoo?” flashing her another one of his signature grins.

Blair just gulped but it did not help to swallow down the burning sensation she felt at the base of her throat, “It’s fine. Hey, you know what? It’s fine, this. I need to go,” she said hurriedly and turned to her heel to scurry back to the table her mother was seated.

“Blair wait,” he called out after her and when she turned back, “That lipstick looks nice on you,” and then he winked, before walking away ahead of her.

And just like that, for the second time that night, Blair was left staring back at him with her mouth agape.

Chapter 8

Blair had never been the kind of girl who sits and mulls over about a boy - but right now, she was the exact antithesis of all she had stood for before. She desperately wanted to somehow shake it off her but the constant nagging feeling would not budge.

Telling Melissa about her anguish did not help. Listening to music did not help. Confiding in a journal did not help. Nothing worked and Blair was now past the point of redemption – so much so, that she felt like she should pull her hair out just to provide her with some momentary of her misery.

Blair’s eyes darted over to her cellphone and her hand reached over to grab it. Toying with the small metal square in her hands, her mind began to deliberate. It possibly wouldn’t be such a bad idea if she were to check up on him, just casually see what he is up to.

She decided against sending another text message, in fear of it going un-replied again and her fingers darted straight to the call option.




“God, pick up you sweet bastard,” she cursed under her breath but was surprised when a voice from the other end answered those words.

“Well, that’s one way to say hello,” he was chuckling yet again. Blair felt her cheeks turn red.

“Oh shit – sorry I didn’t mean to-,” her explanation was cut off halfway abruptly.

“What do you want, Blair?” he inquired her, curtly.

Blair sighed, “I don’t really know,” she said honestly before adding, “What are you doing?”


“Do you want to maybe, hang out tonight?” she said in a tone where if she was in the 90’s right now, she would be twirling the end of the telephone line between her fingers.

There was a pause. “Oh Blair. I’m busy tonight,” he said, sounding apologetic.

“Got another date?” Blair did not mean to sound so bitter about it but she had the feeling she definitely came across that way.

“Yes,” he was laughing again, “and no. I actually have a charity fundraiser event to attend at the old cavalry ground this evening.”