“Shh,” he said. “No noise. Use your energy to come for me.” He began to suck her harder, pressing his fingers into her. She felt the itch of her orgasm, heat building, and he paused for a moment with her right on her edge, then he gripped her clit tightly with his lips and she dove over into her climax. It washed through her, heat and wet and echo, and she bit her tongue to keep from crying out. He was right; the soundlessness gave her an even more intense orgasm.

He stood and, with April watching with glazed-over eyes, he reached into a cabinet and pulled out two pieces of rubber band. April recognized them as what nurses used to tie around a patient’s bicep when they were drawing blood. Dr. Goodfreid, however, began to tie her ankles to the stirrups. April’s excitement grew—she had an affinity for being bound lightly, which was exactly what Dr. Goodfreid was doing. How he guessed that, April didn’t know, but she smiled widely, wordlessly, giving her approval.

“Lay back,” he commanded as he began to undo his belt. “I very much enjoy having you all to myself,” he said, more to himself it seemed, than to her.

He stripped his coat, shirt, and pants, then he walked over and locked the door. He walked to April and stood at her breasts. He smiled, then continued walking. He reached into the cabinet again and grabbed a condom. Prepared, April thought. He unrolled it over his erection and smiled at her. He entered her, and, as April strained gently against the restraints, she felt his enormous cock fill her. She longed to moan, to show her pleasure, and she found that she could communicate her arousal and desire for him with her hips, grinding them against him slowly. He put his hands on her hips to assist her as well as to brace himself, and he groaned as she tightened the muscles in her vagina, gripping his cock tightly within her.

“Bad girl,” he whispered. He slapped her thigh lightly, leaving a small blush of pink on her light skin. April responded by tensing the muscles a few more times. “What are you doing,” he said. “Morse Code?”

“Once for yes, twice for no,” she replied, breaking her silence.

He looked at her, his head cocked, and she closed her mouth. He nodded and closed his eyes, focusing on thrusting against her, the fronts of his thighs slapping against the backs of hers. His breath and pace quickened, and, when he tightened his grip on her hips, she drew her muscles against him one more time, sustaining the hold.

“Oh God!” he groaned as he came. He thrust several more times, the force of him against her strong and fierce.

He pulled out slowly and dumped the condom in the trash.

“April, you are the best fuck. You don’t even know how good you are.” He kissed her, first on the mouth, then his lips trailed down to her neck, between her breasts, and he kissed her once more at the top of her pussy.

April did, in fact, know how good she was, but she didn’t say anything. She smiled, still blissed out by her orgasm and the fucking she’d just been given.

Chapter Four

April drove home from her appointment with Dr. Goodfreid as if she was floating on a cloud. She had the entire weekend off, and though she had been extremely tired from her late shift the night before, now she was full of energy and ready to take on the rest of the day. Maybe she’d go shopping, she thought, or maybe even pack a lunch and take a day trip. Go for a hike. She gripped the wheel gently, and, after just a few blocks, pulled over to a bistro at which she was a regular customer. They had a killer happy hour and April frequented the place for their cheap wine and free Wi-Fi. Today, she was starving after her exam.

She walked in and greeted Carlos, the manager, then sat at one of her favorite tables and ordered a glass of wine. She looked at her watch—a little after ten o’clock. No matter; it was five o’clock somewhere, and she’d already accomplished everything she’d planned for the day.

She was poking around on the internet on her phone, sipping her wine, when she saw someone out of the corner of her eye standing close to her table, facing her. She looked up; she couldn’t hide the look of surprise on her face at the sight of Raul standing beside her.

“Hi gorgeous,” he said.

“Hi there!” she exclaimed, then apologized. “Sorry, I’m just surprised to see you here, after…” she trailed off and felt herself blush.

Raul grinned, and his smile lit up his face, making him even sexier than he had been a moment earlier. “I’m running an errand for Dr. Goodfreid. Can I sit?” he asked.

“Sure,” she kicked the chair across from her an inch with her toes. “Please do.”

He sat and looked at her eye to eye.

“I’m really glad I ran into you; I was trying to figure out if I was to get your number from your file, exactly how creepy you would find that…”

April was still blushing. She ducked her head and took a breath, trying to calm herself down.

“Not super creepy. Just a little. It would more depend on what you were planning to do with my number once you go it.”

“I wanted to ask you out for dinner tonight,” he said evenly. His eyes never left hers; they gazed deeply into her and she could swear he was trying to not just undress her, but fondle her, lick her, arouse her, with his eyes.

“You don’t know anything about me.” Of course April was going to say yet, but Raul didn’t need to know that. She liked to have fun with the men who were attracted to her. “I could be married.”

“I have a feeling you’re not married,” he said. “And, you’re not wearing a ring.”

“I could be a lesbian,” she countered.

“I’m fairly certain you’re not a lesbian,” he said, the corners of his mouth turning up in the beginnings of a smile.

“I could be annoying. Ridiculous. Terrible in bed.” She threw out each with an increase in the volume of her voice, keeping it just quiet enough so the tables around her didn’t stare, though, when she looked at the table behind her, April knew they were curious about what was going on.

“Are you going to be this difficult at dinner tonight?” he asked.