
“Ah, so that’s a yes? You’ll go out with me?” His eyes, she realized, were almost two different colors. She smiled.

“I think that would be quite enjoyable,” she said. She batted her eyes at him in a way that she knew both looked completely natural and also drove men out of their minds with desire. “What time will you be picking me up?”

“Ah,” Raul looked like he hadn’t quite thought that far, bless his heart. “I’ll pick you up at 7:30,” he said. “Do you like Italian?”

“I find linguine to be one of the most sensual foods to eat.”

He leaned in, his nose just inches from her own. “I asked if you liked it,” he whispered. The sultry intensity in his gaze took her breath away.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I like it.”

* * * *

Several hours later, April was back in her apartment getting ready for her date with Raul. They had exchanged numbers and he had texted her to let her know he was still on schedule and would be picking her up at 7:30 for an eight o’clock reservation at Armada, the best Italian restaurant in town. April was excited; Armada was exclusive, for A-listers only. She was also confused; it seemed highly unlikely that a nurse, even a highly skilled one working in a private practice, could afford somewhere like Armada when it wasn’t happy hour. She wondered if there was more to Raul than what met the eye. Then, she smiled, because what did meet the eye was pretty damn fine as well.

She showered and shaved her legs and touched up her bikini area. She preferred a completely clean pussy and maintained it as meticulously as she did any other part of her body. The sensations were so much stronger and she knew that the men she was with appreciated it when they went down on her. She believed her shaved pussy was one of the reasons she’d never needed to ask a guy to eat her out; they did it voluntarily and, as far as she knew, enthusiastically.

She towel-dried her hair and rubbed lotion, lightly scented with lavender, all over her body. Walking into her closet, she selected a red lace G-string and matching lace bra. She paused before putting on her dress to look at her body in the full length mirror. She did, she agreed, have curves in all the right places. Her breasts were full, “more than a handful,” and her yoga classes had worked wonders to strengthen her abs. She didn’t have a six pack by any means, but anyone looking at her body would know that she was athletic, fit, and firm. She smiled and reached for her dress; it was a black jersey dress with a low neckline that it showed off the tops of her breasts, framing her pale peach skin with the black.

Finally, she selected a pair of black heels with straps that laced up to the tops of her ankles. They were a little daring, maybe even a little slutty, and they were her favorites.

At seven thirty, Raul rang her doorbell. He was prompt, to be sure. She answered the door and he whistled lowly.

“Have I mentioned how happy I am that I ran into you today? And how happy I am that I’d already kind of decided to jack your number from the system even if I hadn’t? Because if I haven’t mentioned that, please know that I am delightfully, exquisitely, undeniably, ecstatic.

He leaned in and kissed her. His lips on hers were not only surprising for their presence, but for their firm, warm insistence. She kissed him back, and he put his arms around her shoulders. She drew her hands into his hair, just above his neck, and he kissed her back into her apartment from the doorway. His tongue found its way into her mouth and prodded at her own. While his tongue explored her mouth, his hands explored everywhere else, her breasts, her waist, her hips, as though he had been mapping how he wanted to touch her all day long. He may have been doing exactly that, April thought as she kept her fingers firmly entrenched in his hair. She loved a man’s hair, especially when it was thick, soft, and slightly curly, just like Raul’s. She felt herself getting wet for the second? Third? She’d lost count…probably third time that day.

“You’re an incredible kisser,” she told him, and he responded by kissing her deeper, with more energy, tilting her head back, putting her off balance, but holding onto her so strongly she felt stable and supported.

“I’m hungry,” he said.

“Well,” she pulled away, smiling, “we should go to dinner, then.”

A look of mock disappointment crossed his face. “I guess,” he said slowly. “I guess I did say I wanted to take you out, not keep you in.”

“How about this,” she suggested, grinning flirtatiously at him. “We’ll go out, and then, if you behave, we’ll stay in.

Chapter Five

Armada was packed when they arrived, which was not a surprise. The restaurant was only open for dinner, and only from five o’clock until eleven o’clock, six days a week, because the food was just that good. The ambiance spoke of luxury, with dark, rich Italian tapestries on the walls, ornate fabric on the booths, and servers that were so well trained they could give you the entire menu if you asked for it, in English or in Italian.

Raul had handed the car off to valet, and a young man opened April’s door for her. She could tell by the way he looked her up and down, then back up again, that she had picked the right outfit. She smiled at him and winked; he blushed.

The host seated them at a private table in the upstairs portion of the restaurant, a small table for two in the corner. It afforded an amazing view of the restaurant, overlooking the downstairs seating as well as the bar.

April continued to be impressed, but she began to watch Raul carefully. There was something mysterious about him, something compelling. Beyond his gorgeous looks and his sensual energy, there was no chance in the world someone in his occupation could ever afford this table. The top level of Armada as reserved for people who had initials attached to their occupations. CFO, COO, CEO. Really, not even MD, though that was far more likely than RN.

Raul looked at the menu, and April looked at Raul. What’s your secret? She thought to herself.

“What do you like here?” she asked, pretending to examine the menu. She had studied it extensively that afternoon, figuring out exactly what she wanted, so she didn’t have to think about it at the restaurant; she’d wanted to spend that time concentrating on her companion.

“I like almost everything,” he said. “But my favorite appetizer is the spicy thruster.” He looked at her as he said this, his eyes slightly narrowed, his lips wet as he fixed his gaze on her.

She looked at him and took a deep breath. However, he did it, he managed to nearly undo her with just his eyes.

“The spicy thruster, huh?” she asked, not breaking eye contact. She dropped her shoe off of her right foot and bent her knee, lifting her toes to touch his inner thigh. His upper body stiffened for a moment, then relaxed and he moved his leg to press into her foot.